Geographic Position

geographic position

[¦jē·ə¦graf·ik pə′zish·ən] (geography) The position of a point on the surface of the earth expressed in terms of geographical coordinates either geodetic or astronomical.

Geographic Position


the situation of any point or area on the earth’s surface in relation to the territories or objects outside it. The term “geographic position” in mathematical geography refers to the latitude and longitude of given points or of a region; in physical geography it means their situation in relation to physical-geographic features (such as continents, mountains, oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes). In economic and political geography the term denotes the situation of a country, region, or populated area in relation to other economic-geographic features (including routes of communication, markets, and economic centers) and physical-geographic features, as well as the situation of a country in relation to other countries or groups of countries. Geographic position is one of the conditions determining the development of countries, regions, cities, and other populated areas. The practical importance of geographical position varies with different socioeconomic formations.