Agrenev-Slavianskii, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich
Agrenev-Slavianskii, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich
(pseudonym of D. A. Agrenev). Born Dec. 7 (19), 1834; died July 10 (23), 1908. Russian singer, choir conductor, and collector of folk songs.
From 1869 on he gave concerts with his own choir in Russia and abroad, popularizing Russian and Slavic folk songs. These concerts were widely popular. His wife, Ol’ga Khristoforovna Agreneva-Slavianskaia (1847–1920), collaborated with him. She published two collections of instrumentations of the songs from his choir’s repertoire and compiled the collection A Description of Russian Peasant Weddings With Text and Songs (in three parts, 1887–89).
lurkevich, M. V. D. A. Slavianskii ν ego chetvert’vekovoi khudozhestvennoi i politicheskoi deiatel’nosti po dokumental’nym dannym. . .. Moscow, 1889.Lokshin, D. Zamechatel’nye russkie khory i ikh dirizhery. Moscow, 1963. Pages 64–75.