释义 |
DictionarySeeeuthanasiagood death
good death Medspeak A term that reflects individual preferences for how a person wants to die. For many people, factors that constitute a good death include dying at home, with family and friends and without stressful physical symptoms (nausea and vomiting, pain, dyspnoea, respiratory tract secretions, pain, and agitation). Vox populi A death with honour.good death Vox populi Any death that others view as a comforting and 'smooth' transition from a living to nonliving state. See End of life decisions. good death (gud deth) Colloquial usage for treatment of a patient in accord with the patient's stated (usually written) wishes and in maintenance of appropriate palliation of pain. good deathDeath in which the rights of the person have been respected and during which the dying person was made as comfortable as possible and was in the company of persons he knew and loved. See: living willSee also: death |