

单词 give



G0135500 (gĭv)v. gave (gāv), giv·en (gĭv′ən), giv·ing, gives v.tr.1. To make a present of: We gave her flowers for her birthday.2. To place in the hands of; pass: Give me the scissors.3. a. To deliver in exchange or recompense; pay: gave five dollars for the book.b. To let go for a price; sell: gave the used car away for two thousand dollars.4. a. To administer: give him some cough medicine.b. To convey by a physical action: gave me a punch in the nose.c. To inflict as punishment: was given life imprisonment for the crime.5. a. To bestow, especially officially; confer: The Bill of Rights gives us freedom of speech.b. To accord or tender to another: Give him your confidence.c. To put temporarily at the disposal of: gave them the cottage for a week.d. To entrust to another, usually for a specified reason: gave me the keys for safekeeping.e. To communicate, convey, or offer for conveyance: Give him my best wishes. Give us the latest news.6. a. To endure the loss of; sacrifice: gave her son to the war; gave her life for her country.b. To devote or apply completely: gives herself to her work.c. To furnish or contribute: gave their time to help others.d. To offer in good faith; pledge: Give me your word.7. a. To allot as a portion or share.b. To bestow (a name, for example).c. To attribute (blame, for example) to someone; assign.d. To award as due: gave us first prize.8. To emit or utter: gave a groan; gave a muted response.9. To submit for consideration, acceptance, or use: give an opinion; give an excuse.10. a. To proffer to another: gave the toddler my hand.b. To consent to engage (oneself) in sexual intercourse with another person.11. a. To perform for an audience: give a recital.b. To present to view: gave the sign to begin.12. a. To offer as entertainment: give a dinner party.b. To propose as a toast.13. a. To be a source of; afford: His remark gave offense. Music gives her pleasure.b. To cause to catch or be subject to (a disease or bodily condition): The draft gave me a cold.c. To guide or direct, as by persuasion or behavior. Used with an infinitive phrase: You gave me to imagine you approved of my report.14. a. To yield or produce: Cows give milk.b. To bring forth or bear: trees that give fruit.c. To produce as a result of calculation: 5 × 12 gives 60.15. a. To manifest or show: gives promise of brilliance; gave evidence of tampering.b. To carry out (a physical movement): give a wink; give a start.16. To permit one to have or take: gave us an hour to finish.17. To take an interest to the extent of: "My dear, I don't give a damn" (Margaret Mitchell).v.intr.1. To make gifts or donations: gives generously to charity.2. a. To yield to physical force: The sail gave during the storm.b. To collapse from force or pressure: The roof gave under the weight of the snow.c. To yield to change: Both sides will have to give on some issues.3. To afford access or a view; open: The doors give onto a terrace.4. Slang To be in progress; happen: What gives?n.1. Capacity or inclination to yield under pressure.2. The quality or condition of resilience; springiness: "Fruits that have some give ... will have more juice than hard ones" (Elizabeth Schneider).Phrasal Verbs: give away1. To offer or provide at no cost to the recipient: The radio station gave away six tickets to the rock concert. I bought my toddler a small bed and gave her crib away.2. To reveal or make known: I avoid movie reviews that gives away plot twists. I stopped reading the book when my friend gave the ending away.3. To betray. give back To return: gave me back my book. give in1. To hand in; submit: She gave in her report.2. To cease opposition; yield. give of To devote or contribute: She really gave of her time to help. They give of themselves to improve the quality of education. give off To send forth; emit: chemical changes that give off energy. give out1. To allow to be known; declare publicly: gave out the bad news.2. To send forth; emit: gave out a steady buzzing.3. To distribute: gave out the surplus food.4. To stop functioning; fail.5. To become used up or exhausted; run out: Their determination finally gave out. give over1. To hand over; entrust.2. To devote to a particular purpose or use: gave the day over to merrymaking.3. To surrender (oneself) completely; abandon: finally gave myself over to grief.4. To cause an activity to stop: ordered the combatants to give over. give up1. To surrender: The suspects gave themselves up. To devote (oneself) completely: gave herself up to her work.2. To cease to do or perform: gave up their search. To desist from; stop: gave up smoking.3. To part with; relinquish: gave up the apartment; gave up all hope.4. To lose hope for: We had given the dog up as lost. To lose hope of seeing: We'd given you up an hour ago.5. To admit defeat.6. To abandon what one is doing or planning to do: gave up on writing the novel.Idioms: give a good account of (oneself) To behave or perform creditably. give birth to1. To bear as offspring.2. To be the origin of: a hobby that gave birth to a successful business. give ground To yield to a more powerful force; retreat. give it to Informal To punish or reprimand severely: My parents really gave it to me for coming in late. give or take Plus or minus a small specified amount: The chalet is close to the road, give or take a few hundred yards. give rise to To be the cause or origin of; bring about. give (someone) a piece of (one's) mind To tell someone frankly what one thinks about something, especially when angry. give (someone) a hard time1. To make life difficult for; harass.2. To make fun of; tease. give (someone) the eye1. To look at admiringly or invitingly.2. To look at with an expression of disapproval. give the lie to1. To show to be inaccurate or untrue.2. To accuse of lying. give up the ghost To cease living or functioning; die. give way1. To retreat or withdraw.2. To yield the right of way: gave way to an oncoming car.3. To relinquish ascendancy or position: as day gives way slowly to night.4. To collapse from or as if from physical pressure: The ladder gave way.5. To yield to urging or demand; give in.6. To abandon oneself: give way to hysteria.
[Middle English given, from Old English giefan and Old Norse gefa; see ghabh- in Indo-European roots.]


(ɡɪv) vb (mainly tr) , gives, giving, gave (ɡeɪv) or given (ˈɡɪvən) 1. (also intr) to present or deliver voluntarily (something that is one's own) to the permanent possession of another or others2. (often foll by for) to transfer (something that is one's own, esp money) to the possession of another as part of an exchange: to give fifty pounds for a painting. 3. to place in the temporary possession of another: I gave him my watch while I went swimming. 4. (when: intr, foll by of) to grant, provide, or bestow: give me some advice. 5. to administer: to give a reprimand. 6. to award or attribute: to give blame, praise, etc. 7. to be a source of: he gives no trouble. 8. to impart or communicate: to give news; give a person a cold. 9. to utter or emit: to give a shout. 10. to perform, make, or do: the car gave a jolt and stopped. 11. to sacrifice or devote: he gave his life for his country. 12. to surrender: to give place to others. 13. to concede or yield: I will give you this game. 14. (intr) informal to happen: what gives?. 15. (often foll by to) to cause; lead: she gave me to believe that she would come. 16. (foll by for) to value (something) at: I don't give anything for his promises. 17. (Theatre) to perform or present as an entertainment: to give a play. 18. to propose as a toast: I give you the Queen. 19. (intr) to yield or break under force or pressure: this surface will give if you sit on it; his courage will never give. 20. give as good as one gets to respond to verbal or bodily blows to at least an equal extent as those received21. (Military) give battle to commence fighting22. (Medicine) to bear (offspring)23. to produce, originate, or create (an idea, plan, etc)24. give a person five give a person some skin slang to greet or congratulate someone by slapping raised hands25. give ground to draw back or retreat26. give it up for someone slang to applaud someone27. give someone one slang Brit to have sex with someone28. give rise to to be the cause of29. give me informal I prefer: give me hot weather any day!. 30. give or take plus or minus: three thousand people came, give or take a few hundred. 31. give way See way2432. give a person what for informal to punish or reprimand a person severelyna tendency to yield under pressure; resilience: there's bound to be some give in a long plank; there is no give in his moral views. [Old English giefan; related to Old Norse gefa, Gothic giban, Old High German geban, Swedish giva] ˈgivable, ˈgiveable adj ˈgiver n



v. gave, giv•en, giv•ing,
n. v.t. 1. to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation: to give a birthday present to someone. 2. to hand to someone: Give me that plate, please. 3. to place in someone's care: I gave the folders to your assistant. 4. to grant (permission, opportunity, etc.) to someone: Give me a chance. 5. to impart or communicate: to give advice; to give a cold to someone. 6. to set forth or show; present; offer: to give no reason for one's actions. 7. to pay or transfer possession to another in exchange for something: They gave five dollars for the picture. 8. to furnish, provide, or proffer: to give evidence. 9. to provide as an entertainment or social function: to give a Halloween party. 10. to administer: to give medicine to a patient. 11. to put forth, emit, or utter; issue: to give a cry. 12. to assign or admit as a basis of calculation or reasoning (usu. used passively): These facts being given, the theory makes sense. 13. to produce, yield, or afford: to give good results. 14. to make, do, or perform: to give a lurch. 15. to perform or present publicly: to give a concert. 16. to cause; be responsible for (usu. fol. by an infinitive): They gave me to understand that you would be there. 17. to care about something to the value or extent of (something signifying “even a little bit”): I don't give a hoot about their opinion. Frankly, I don't give a damn! 18. to relinquish or sacrifice: to give one's life for a cause. 19. to convey or transmit: Give Grandma my love. 20. to assign or allot: They gave him the nickname “Scooter.” 21. to bestow (the object of one's choice), as if by providence: Give me the wide open spaces anytime. 22. to connect, as through a switchboard: Give me 235-7522. 23. to present to an audience: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the governor of Texas. 24. to attribute or ascribe: to give the devil his due. 25. to cause: Strawberries give me a rash. 26. to apply fully or freely; devote: to give one's attention to a problem. 27. to award by verdict or after consideration: A decision was given for the defendant. 28. to inflict as a punishment on another; impose a sentence of: The judge gave him ten years. 29. to pledge, offer as a pledge, or execute and deliver: She gave him her word. 30. to propose as the subject of a toast (fol. by an indirect object): Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our country. 31. to bear to a man; deliver (fol. by an indirect object): She gave him a beautiful baby boy. 32. to sire upon a woman; father (fol. by an indirect object): He gave her two children in four years. 33. to concede or grant, as a point in an argument. v.i. 34. to make a gift or gifts; contribute: to give to the United Way. 35. to yield somewhat, as to influence or force; compromise: Each side must give on some points. 36. to yield somewhat when subjected to weight, force, pressure, etc.: A horsehair mattress doesn't give much. 37. to collapse; break down; fall apart: The old chair gave when I sat on it. 38. to be warm and open in relationships with others: a withdrawn person who doesn't know how to give. 39. Informal. to divulge information: Okay now, give! What happened? 40. to afford a view or passage; face, open, or lead (usu. fol. by on, onto, etc.): This door gives onto the hallway. 41. give away, a. to give as a present; bestow. b. to present (the bride) to the bridegroom in a marriage ceremony. c. to disclose, betray, or expose. 42. give back, to return (something), as to the owner; restore. 43. give in, a. to acknowledge defeat; yield. b. to hand in; deliver: to give in one's timecard. 44. give of, to devote or contribute generously of: to give of oneself. 45. give off, to put forth; emit: The gardenia gives off a strong fragrance. 46. give out, a. to send out; emit. b. to make public; announce. c. to distribute; issue. d. to become exhausted or used up. 47. give over, a. to put into the care or custody of; transfer. b. to submit fully: She gave herself over to tears. c. to devote to a specified activity: The day was given over to relaxing. d. to cease; stop: to give over complaining. 48. give up, a. to abandon hope; despair. b. to desist from; renounce: to give up smoking. c. to surrender; relinquish. d. to devote (oneself) entirely to. n. 49. the quality or state of being resilient; springiness. Idioms: 1. give it to, Informal. to reprimand or punish. 2. give or take, plus or minus a specified amount; more or less. [before 900; Middle English given (with g- < Scandinavian; compare early Dan give), yiven, yeven, Old English gefan, giefan, c. Old Saxon, Old High German geban, Gothic giban] giv′er, n. syn: give, confer, grant, present mean that something concrete or abstract is bestowed on one person by another. give is the general word: to give someone a book. confer usu. means to give as an honor or as a favor; it implies courteous and gracious giving: to confer a medal. grant is usu. limited to the idea of acceding to a request or fulfilling an expressed wish; it often involves a formal act or legal procedure: to grant a prayer; to grant immunity. present, a more formal word than give, usu. implies a certain ceremony in the giving: to present an award.


1. form and word order

Give is a very common verb that has several meanings. Its past tense is gave. Its -ed participle is given.

Give usually takes an indirect object. For some meanings of give, the indirect object must go in front of the direct object. For other meanings, it can go either in front of the direct object or after it.

2. physical actions

Give is often used to describe physical actions. When you use give like this, put the indirect object in front of the direct object. For example, say 'He gave the ball a kick'. Don't say 'He gave a kick to the ball'.

He gave the door a push.Ana gave Bal's hand a squeeze.
3. expressions and gestures

Give is also used to describe expressions and gestures. When give is used like this, the indirect object goes in front of the direct object.

He gave her a kind smile.As he passed me, he gave me a wink.
4. effects

You can also use give to describe an effect produced by someone or something. Again, the indirect object goes in front of the direct object.

I thought I'd give you a surprise.That noise gives me a headache.
5. things

If you give someone something, you offer it to them and they take it. When you use give like this, the indirect object can go either in front of the direct object or after it. When you put the direct object first, you put to in front of the indirect object.

She gave Ravinder the keys.He gave the letter to the teacher.

However, when the direct object is a pronoun such as it or them and the indirect object is not a pronoun, you must put the direct object first. Say 'He gave it to his father'. Don't say 'He gave his father it'.

He poured some milk and gave it to Joseph.
6. information

You also say that you give someone information, advice, a warning, or an order. When give is used like this, the indirect object can go either in front of the direct object or after it.

Her secretary gave the caller the message.He gave a strict warning to them not to look at the sun.The captain gave an order to his team.


– give – invite">invite1. 'offer'

If you offer something to someone, you ask them if they would like to have it or use it.

He offered me a chocolate. I shook my head.
2. 'give'

If you put something in someone's hand expecting them to take it, and they do take it, don't say that you 'offer' it to them. You say that you give it to them.

She gave Minnie the keys.He gave me a red jewellery box.
3. 'offer to'

If you offer to do something, you say that you are willing to do it.

He offered to take her home in a taxi.I offered to answer any questions.
4. 'invite'

If someone asks you to do something that they think you will want to do, don't say that they 'offer' you to do it. You say that they invite you to do it.

I was invited to attend future meetings.She invited me to come for dinner.


Past participle: given
Gerund: giving
I give
you give
he/she/it gives
we give
you give
they give
I gave
you gave
he/she/it gave
we gave
you gave
they gave
Present Continuous
I am giving
you are giving
he/she/it is giving
we are giving
you are giving
they are giving
Present Perfect
I have given
you have given
he/she/it has given
we have given
you have given
they have given
Past Continuous
I was giving
you were giving
he/she/it was giving
we were giving
you were giving
they were giving
Past Perfect
I had given
you had given
he/she/it had given
we had given
you had given
they had given
I will give
you will give
he/she/it will give
we will give
you will give
they will give
Future Perfect
I will have given
you will have given
he/she/it will have given
we will have given
you will have given
they will have given
Future Continuous
I will be giving
you will be giving
he/she/it will be giving
we will be giving
you will be giving
they will be giving
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been giving
you have been giving
he/she/it has been giving
we have been giving
you have been giving
they have been giving
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been giving
you will have been giving
he/she/it will have been giving
we will have been giving
you will have been giving
they will have been giving
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been giving
you had been giving
he/she/it had been giving
we had been giving
you had been giving
they had been giving
I would give
you would give
he/she/it would give
we would give
you would give
they would give
Past Conditional
I would have given
you would have given
he/she/it would have given
we would have given
you would have given
they would have given
Noun1.give - the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original lengthspringiness, springelasticity, snap - the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed; "the waistband had lost its snap"
Verb1.give - cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense; "She gave him a black eye"; "The draft gave me a cold"infect - communicate a disease to; "Your children have infected you with this head cold"award, grant - give as judged due or on the basis of merit; "the referee awarded a free kick to the team"; "the jury awarded a million dollars to the plaintiff";"Funds are granted to qualified researchers"yield, afford, give - be the cause or source of; "He gave me a lot of trouble"; "Our meeting afforded much interesting information"drive home, deliver - carry out or perform; "deliver an attack", "deliver a blow"; "The boxer drove home a solid left"
2.give - be the cause or source of; "He gave me a lot of trouble"; "Our meeting afforded much interesting information"yield, affordopen up, open - make available; "This opens up new possibilities"give - cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense; "She gave him a black eye"; "The draft gave me a cold"furnish, provide, supply, render - give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"allow for, allow, provide, leave - make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain; "This leaves no room for improvement"; "The evidence allows only one conclusion"; "allow for mistakes"; "leave lots of time for the trip"; "This procedure provides for lots of leeway"
3.give - transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody; "I gave her my money"; "can you give me lessons?"; "She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care"cater, ply, provide, supply - give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance; "The hostess provided lunch for all the guests"cough up, pony up, spit up - give reluctantly; "He coughed up some money for his children's tuition"rent, lease, let - grant use or occupation of under a term of contract; "I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners"support - support materially or financially; "he does not support his natural children"; "The scholarship supported me when I was in college"transfer - cause to change ownership; "I transferred my stock holdings to my children"pay - give money, usually in exchange for goods or services; "I paid four dollars for this sandwich"; "Pay the waitress, please"accord, allot, grant - allow to have; "grant a privilege"grant, allow - let have; "grant permission"; "Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison"present, submit - hand over formallybestow - give as a giftheap - bestow in large quantities; "He heaped him with work"; "She heaped scorn upon him"deal out, dish out, dispense, distribute, dole out, mete out, parcel out, shell out, lot, administer, allot, deal - administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"; "the machine dispenses soft drinks"proffer, offer - present for acceptance or rejection; "She offered us all a cold drink"chip in, contribute, kick in, give - contribute to some cause; "I gave at the office"return, render - give back; "render money"deposit, bank - put into a bank account; "She deposits her paycheck every month"cede, concede, yield, grant - give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of anotherloan, lend - give temporarily; let have for a limited time; "I will lend you my car"; "loan me some money"furnish, provide, supply, render - give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"requite, repay - make repayment for or return somethingdispense with, part with, spare, give up - give up what is not strictly needed; "he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey"vest - place (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of persons; "She vested her vast fortune in her two sons"enfeoff - put in possession of land in exchange for a pledge of service, in feudal society; "He enfeoffed his son-in-law with a large estate in Scotland"give back, refund, repay, return - pay back; "Please refund me my money"take - take into one's possession; "We are taking an orphan from Romania"; "I'll take three salmon steaks"
4.give - convey or reveal information; "Give one's name"say, state, tell - express in words; "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "tell me what is bothering you"; "state your opinion"; "state your name"quote - name the price of; "quote prices for cars"cast - deposit; "cast a vote"; "cast a ballot"impart, pass on, give, leave - transmit (knowledge or skills); "give a secret to the Russians"; "leave your name and address here"; "impart a new skill to the students"
5.give - convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow; "Don't pay him any mind"; "give the orders"; "Give him my best regards"; "pay attention"paycommunicate, intercommunicate - transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"offer, extend - offer verbally; "extend my greetings"; "He offered his sympathy"
6.give - organize or be responsible for; "hold a reception"; "have, throw, or make a party"; "give a course"hold, have, throw, makedirect - be in charge of
7.give - convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture; "Throw a glance"; "She gave me a dirty look"throwcommunicate, intercommunicate - transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"
8.give - give as a present; make a gift of; "What will you give her for her birthday?"gift, presentdower, endow - furnish with an endowment; "When she got married, she got dowered"hand out, pass out, give out, distribute - give to several people; "The teacher handed out the exams"give away - make a gift of; "She gave away her antique furniture"raffle, raffle off - dispose of in a lottery; "We raffled off a trip to the Bahamas"bung, fee, tip - give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on; "Remember to tip the waiter"; "fee the steward"bequeath, will, leave - leave or give by will after one's death; "My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry"; "My grandfather left me his entire estate"cede, surrender, give up, deliver - relinquish possession or control over; "The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in"deed over, grant - transfer by deed; "grant land"treat - provide with a gift or entertainment; "Grandmother always treated us to the circus"; "I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed"donate - give to a charity or good cause; "I donated blood to the Red Cross for the victims of the earthquake"; "donate money to the orphanage"; "She donates to her favorite charity every month"tender - offer or present for acceptancerender, submit - make over as a return; "They had to render the estate"
9.give - cause to happen or be responsible for; "His two singles gave the team the victory"yieldcreate, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"generate, yield, render, give, return - give or supply; "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family"
10.give - dedicate; "give thought to"; "give priority to"; "pay attention to"devote, paycerebrate, cogitate, think - use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments; "I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere"sacrifice, give - endure the loss of; "He gave his life for his children"; "I gave two sons to the war"
11.give - give or supply; "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family"generate, yield, render, returnproduce, create, make - create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"yield, give - cause to happen or be responsible for; "His two singles gave the team the victory"establish, give - bring about; "The trompe l'oeil-illusion establishes depth"
12.give - transmit (knowledge or skills); "give a secret to the Russians"; "leave your name and address here"; "impart a new skill to the students"impart, pass on, leaveconvey - make known; pass on, of information; "She conveyed the message to me"tell - let something be known; "Tell them that you will be late"bequeath, will, leave - leave or give by will after one's death; "My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry"; "My grandfather left me his entire estate"give - convey or reveal information; "Give one's name"
13.give - bring about; "The trompe l'oeil-illusion establishes depth"establishcreate, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"introduce - bring in or establish in a new place or environment; "introduce a rule"; "introduce exotic fruits"generate, yield, render, give, return - give or supply; "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family"pacify - fight violence and try to establish peace in (a location); "The U.N. troops are working to pacify Bosnia"
14.give - leave with; give temporarily; "Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?"; "Can I give you the children for the weekend?"hand, pass on, turn over, pass, reach, give - place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"
15.give - emit or utter; "Give a gulp"; "give a yelp"let loose, let out, utter, emit - express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words); "She let out a big heavy sigh"; "He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand"
16.give - endure the loss of; "He gave his life for his children"; "I gave two sons to the war"sacrificedevote, pay, give - dedicate; "give thought to"; "give priority to"; "pay attention to"dedicate, devote, commit, consecrate, give - give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give one's talents to a good cause"; "consecrate your life to the church"relinquish, resign, give up, release, free - part with a possession or right; "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"; "resign a claim to the throne"
17.give - place into the hands or custody ofgive - place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"hand, pass on, turn over, pass, reachgive - leave with; give temporarily; "Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?"; "Can I give you the children for the weekend?"transfer - cause to change ownership; "I transferred my stock holdings to my children"sneak, slip - pass on stealthily; "He slipped me the key when nobody was looking"deal - give (a specific card) to a player; "He dealt me the Queen of Spades"fork out, fork over, fork up, hand over, turn in, deliver, render - to surrender someone or something to another; "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"; "render up the prisoners"; "render the town to the enemy"; "fork over the money"relinquish, resign, give up, release, free - part with a possession or right; "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"; "resign a claim to the throne"entrust, intrust, confide, commit, trust - confer a trust upon; "The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret"; "I commit my soul to God"entrust, leave - put into the care or protection of someone; "He left the decision to his deputy"; "leave your child the nurse's care"
18.give - give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give one's talents to a good cause"; "consecrate your life to the church"dedicate, devote, commit, consecratevow, consecrate - dedicate to a deity by a vowgive - offer in good faith; "He gave her his word"rededicate - dedicate anew; "They were asked to rededicate themselves to their country"apply, employ, use, utilise, utilize - put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose; "use your head!"; "we only use Spanish at home"; "I can't use this tool"; "Apply a magnetic field here"; "This thinking was applied to many projects"; "How do you utilize this tool?"; "I apply this rule to get good results"; "use the plastic bags to store the food"; "He doesn't know how to use a computer"sacrifice, give - endure the loss of; "He gave his life for his children"; "I gave two sons to the war"apply - apply oneself to; "Please apply yourself to your homework"
19.give - give (as medicine); "I gave him the drug"dispense, administer - give or apply (medications)give - inflict as a punishment; "She gave the boy a good spanking"; "The judge gave me 10 years"apply, give - give or convey physically; "She gave him First Aid"; "I gave him a punch in the nose"
20.give - give or convey physicallygive - give or convey physically; "She gave him First Aid"; "I gave him a punch in the nose"applydeal out, dish out, dispense, distribute, dole out, mete out, parcel out, shell out, lot, administer, allot, deal - administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"; "the machine dispenses soft drinks"give - give (as medicine); "I gave him the drug"tread - apply (the tread) to a tireadminister - perform (a church sacrament) ritually; "administer the last unction"
21.give - bestow; "give homage"; "render thanks"rendercommunicate, intercommunicate - transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"dedicate - inscribe or address by way of compliment; "She dedicated her book to her parents"give - accord by verdict; "give a decision for the plaintiff"
22.give - bestow, especially officially; "grant a degree"; "give a divorce"; "This bill grants us new rights"grant
23.give - move in order to make room for someone for something; "The park gave way to a supermarket"; "`Move over,' he told the crowd"ease up, give way, move over, yieldabandon, give up - stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims; "He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage"; "Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations"move - move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right"
24.give - give food to; "Feed the starving children in India"; "don't give the child this tough meat"feeddine - give dinner to; host for dinner; "I'm wining and dining my friends"scavenge - feed on carrion or refuse; "hyenas scavenge"fodder - give fodder (to domesticated animals)swill, slop - feed pigsregurgitate - feed through the beak by regurgitating previously swallowed food; "many birds feed their young by regurgitating what they have swallowed and carried to the nest"corn - feed (cattle) with cornmalnourish, undernourish - provide with insufficient quality or quantity of nourishment; "The stunted growth of these children shows that they are undernourished"overfeed - feed excessivelyspoonfeed - feed with a spoonforce-feed - feed someone who will not or cannot eatcater, ply, provide, supply - give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance; "The hostess provided lunch for all the guests"lunch - provide a midday meal for; "She lunched us well"breakfast - provide breakfast forbreastfeed, give suck, lactate, wet-nurse, suckle, nurse, suck - give suck to; "The wetnurse suckled the infant"; "You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places"bottlefeed - feed (infants) with a bottleinject - feed intravenouslyaliment, nutrify, nourish - give nourishment torange - let eat; "range the animals in the prairie"pasture, graze, crop - let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
25.give - contribute to some cause; "I gave at the office"chip in, contribute, kick ingive - transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody; "I gave her my money"; "can you give me lessons?"; "She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care"combine - add together from different sources; "combine resources"
26.give - break down, literally or metaphoricallygive - break down, literally or metaphorically; "The wall collapsed"; "The business collapsed"; "The dam broke"; "The roof collapsed"; "The wall gave in"; "The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice"cave in, collapse, fall in, give way, founder, breakchange - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"implode, go off - burst inward; "The bottle imploded"abandon, give up - stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims; "He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage"; "Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations"buckle, crumple - fold or collapse; "His knees buckled"flop - fall loosely; "He flopped into a chair"break - curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves; "The surf broke"slide down, slump, sink - fall or sink heavily; "He slumped onto the couch"; "My spirits sank"collapse, burst - cause to burst; "The ice broke the pipe"
27.give - estimate the duration or outcome of something; "He gave the patient three months to live"; "I gave him a very good chance at success"estimate, gauge, approximate, guess, judge - judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time); "I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds"
28.give - execute and deliver; "Give bond"execute - carry out the legalities of; "execute a will or a deed"
29.give - deliver in exchange or recompense; "I'll give you three books for four CDs"recompense, repair, compensate, indemnify - make amends for; pay compensation for; "One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich"; "She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident"
30.give - afford access togive - afford access to; "the door opens to the patio"; "The French doors give onto a terrace"afford, open
31.give - present to view; "He gave the sign to start"give - perform for an audience; "Pollini is giving another concert in New York"show - make visible or noticeable; "She showed her talent for cooking"; "Show me your etchings, please"
32.give - perform for an audience; "Pollini is giving another concert in New York"performing arts - arts or skills that require public performanceperform - give a performance (of something); "Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight"; "We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera"give - present to view; "He gave the sign to start"
33.give - be flexible under stress of physical force; "This material doesn't give"yieldstretch - become longer by being stretched and pulled; "The fabric stretches"buckle under, knuckle under, succumb, give in, yield - consent reluctantly
34.give - propose; "He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party"salute, toast, wassail, drink, pledge - propose a toast to; "Let us toast the birthday girl!"; "Let's drink to the New Year"
35.give - accord by verdict; "give a decision for the plaintiff"law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"give - inflict as a punishment; "She gave the boy a good spanking"; "The judge gave me 10 years"render, give - bestow; "give homage"; "render thanks"accord, allot, grant - allow to have; "grant a privilege"
36.give - manifest or show; "This student gives promise of real creativity"; "The office gave evidence of tampering"evince, express, show - give expression to; "She showed her disappointment"
37.give - offer in good faith; "He gave her his word"pledge - give as a guarantee; "I pledge my honor"dedicate, devote, commit, consecrate, give - give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give one's talents to a good cause"; "consecrate your life to the church"
38.give - submit for consideration, judgment, or use; "give one's opinion"; "give an excuse"submit, subject - refer for judgment or consideration; "The lawyers submitted the material to the court"
39.give - guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion; "You gave me to think that you agreed with me"lead - cause to undertake a certain action; "Her greed led her to forge the checks"
40.give - allow to have or take; "I give you two minutes to respond"countenance, permit, allow, let - consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam"
41.give - inflict as a punishment; "She gave the boy a good spanking"; "The judge gave me 10 years"inflict, impose, bring down, visit - impose something unpleasant; "The principal visited his rage on the students"give - accord by verdict; "give a decision for the plaintiff"give - give (as medicine); "I gave him the drug"
42.give - occur; "what gives?"jargon, lingo, patois, argot, vernacular, slang, cant - a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); "they don't speak our lingo"hap, happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, pass off, fall out, pass - come to pass; "What is happening?"; "The meeting took place off without an incidence"; "Nothing occurred that seemed important"
43.give - consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man; "She gave herself to many men"give - proffer (a body part); "She gave her hand to her little sister"consent, go for, accept - give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; "I cannot accept your invitation"; "I go for this resolution"
44.give - proffer (a body part); "She gave her hand to her little sister"give - consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man; "She gave herself to many men"proffer, offer - present for acceptance or rejection; "She offered us all a cold drink"


verb1. perform, do, carry out, execute She stretched her arms out and gave a great yawn.2. communicate, announce, publish, transmit, pronounce, utter, emit, issue, be a source of, impart He gave no details of his plans.3. produce, make, cause, occasion, engender Her visit gave great pleasure to the children.4. organize, hold, provide, host, throw, lay on That evening, I gave a dinner party for a few close friends.5. present, contribute, donate, provide, supply, award, grant, deliver, commit, administer, furnish, confer, bestow, entrust, consign, make over, hand over or out This recipe was given to me years ago. They still give to charity despite hard economic times.
present get, take, keep, receive, accept
6. pass, hand, reach, let have Could you give me that pencil, please?7. confer, allow, accord, award, grant, permit, bestow, vouchsafe a citizen's charter giving rights to gays8. collapse, fall, break, sink, bend My knees gave under me.9. concede, allow, grant You're a bright enough kid, I'll give you that.10. surrender, yield, devote, hand over, relinquish, part with, cede a memorial to a man who gave his life for his country11. demonstrate, show, offer, provide, evidence, display, indicate, manifest, set forth The handout gives all the times of the performances.
give in admit defeat, yield, concede, collapse, quit, submit, surrender, comply, succumb, cave in (informal), capitulate My parents gave in and let me go to the camp.give someone away betray, expose, inform on, shop (slang, chiefly Brit.), grass (Brit. slang), tell on, grass up (slang), put the finger on (informal) I was never tempted for a moment to give her away.give something away reveal, expose, leak, disclose, betray, uncover, let out, divulge, let slip, let the cat out of the bag (informal) They were giving away company secrets.give something off or out emit, produce, release, discharge, send out, throw out, vent, exude, exhale Natural gas gives off less carbon dioxide than coal.give something out1. distribute, issue, deliver, circulate, hand out, dispense, dole out, pass round There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.2. make known, announce, publish, broadcast, communicate, transmit, utter, notify, impart, disseminate, shout from the rooftops (informal) He wouldn't give out any information.give something up1. abandon, stop, quit, kick (informal), cease, cut out, renounce, leave off, say goodbye to, desist, kiss (something) goodbye, forswear I'm trying to give up smoking.2. quit, leave, resign, step down from (informal) She gave up her job to join her husband's campaign.3. hand over, yield, surrender, relinquish, waive The government refused to give up any territory.give up stop trying, surrender, despair, cave in (informal), capitulate, cede, throw in the towel, fall by the wayside, admit defeat, throw in the sponge, call it a day or night After a few attempts he gave up.Quotations
"It is more blessed to give than to receive" Bible: Acts


verb1. To make a gift of.Also used with away:bestow, hand out, present.2. To present as a gift to a charity or cause:bestow, contribute, donate, hand out.3. To relinquish to the possession or control of another:deliver, furnish, hand, hand over, provide, supply, transfer, turn over.4. To distribute (money) as payment:disburse, expend, lay out, outlay, pay (out), spend.Informal: fork out (or over) (or up), shell out.5. To provide as a remedy:administer, apply, dispense.6. To mete out by means of some action:administer, deal, deliver.7. To let have as a favor, prerogative, or privilege:accord, award, concede, grant, vouchsafe.8. To put in the charge of another for care, use, or performance.Also used with over:commend, commit, confide, consign, entrust, hand over, relegate, trust, turn over.Idiom: give in trust.9. To devote (oneself or one's efforts):address, apply, bend, buckle down, concentrate, dedicate, devote, direct, focus, turn.10. To set aside or distribute as a share:admeasure, allocate, allot, allow, apportion, assign, lot, measure out, mete (out).11. To produce on the stage:act (out), do, dramatize, enact, perform, present, put on, stage.12. To organize and carry out (an activity):have, hold, stage.13. To cause (a disease) to pass to another or others:carry, communicate, convey, pass, spread, transmit.14. To bring forth (a product):bear, produce, yield.15. To discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently:emit, give forth, give off, give out, issue, let off, let out, release, send forth, throw off, vent.16. To be unable to hold up:bend.17. To fall in:buckle, cave in, collapse, crumple, go.Idiom: give way.phrasal verb
give awayTo disclose in a breach of confidence:betray, blab, divulge, expose, let out, reveal, tell, uncover, unveil.Informal: spill.Archaic: discover.Idioms: let slip, let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans, tell all.phrasal verb
give back1. To put (someone) in the possession of a prior position or office:reinstate, replace, restore, return.2. To send, put, or carry back to a former location:restore, return, take back.phrasal verb
give forthTo discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently:emit, give, give off, give out, issue, let off, let out, release, send forth, throw off, vent.phrasal verb
give inTo cease opposition:concede, yield.phrasal verb
give offTo discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently:emit, give, give forth, give out, issue, let off, let out, release, send forth, throw off, vent.phrasal verb
give out1. To discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently:emit, give, give forth, give off, issue, let off, let out, release, send forth, throw off, vent.2. To cease functioning properly:break down, fail.Slang: conk out.3. To suddenly lose all health or strength:break (down), cave in, collapse, crack, drop, succumb.Informal: crack up.Slang: conk out.Idiom: give way.4. To lose so much strength and power as to become ineffective or motionless:burn out, run down.Slang: poop out.5. To make or become no longer active or productive:deplete, desiccate, dry up, play out, run out.6. To prove deficient or insufficient:fail, run out.Idioms: fall short, run dry, run short.phrasal verb
give over1. To yield (oneself) unrestrainedly, as to a particular impulse:abandon, give up, surrender.2. To cease consideration or treatment of:dismiss, drop, give up, skip.Idioms: have done with, wash one's hands of.phrasal verb
give up1. To yield (oneself) unrestrainedly, as to a particular impulse:abandon, give over, surrender.2. To cease trying to accomplish or continue:abandon, break off, desist, discontinue, leave off, quit, relinquish, remit, stop.Informal: swear off.Slang: lay off.Idioms: call it a day, call it quits, hang up one's fiddle, have done with, throw in the towel.3. To desist from, cease, or discontinue (a habit, for example):break, cut out, leave off, stop.Slang: kick.4. To cease consideration or treatment of:dismiss, drop, give over, skip.Idioms: have done with, wash one's hands of.5. To lose all hope:despair, despond.nounThe quality or state of being flexible:bounce, ductility, elasticity, flexibility, flexibleness, malleability, malleableness, plasticity, pliability, pliableness, pliancy, pliantness, resilience, resiliency, spring, springiness, suppleness.Obsolete: flexure.


(giv) past tense gave (geiv) : past participle ˈgiven verb1. to cause to have. My aunt gave me a book for Christmas; Can you give me an opinion on this?2. to produce (something). Cows give milk but horses do not; He gave a talk on his travels. 生產 生产3. to yield, bend, break etc. This lock looks solid, but it will give under pressure. 屈服,彎曲,斷裂 屈服,弯曲,断裂 4. to organize (some event etc). We're giving a party next week. 籌辦(活動等) 组织(活动等) noun the ability to yield or bend under pressure. This chair has a lot of give in it. 伸展性 可弯性ˈgiven adjective1. stated. to do a job at a given time. 特定的 一定的2. (with to) in the habit of (doing) something. He's given to making stupid remarks. 習慣的 习惯的3. taking (something) as a fact. Given that x equals three, x plus two equals five. 假定的 假定的,已知的 given name (American) a personal or christian name. 名字,教名 名字,教名 give and take willingness to allow someone something in return for being allowed something oneself. 有來有往 公平交换give away1. to give etc (something) to someone (eg because one no longer wants it). I'm going to give all my money away. (將不需要的東西)送人 送掉2. to cause or allow (information etc) to become known usually accidentally. He gave away our hiding-place (noun ˈgive-away: the lingering smell was a give-away). 洩露 泄露give back to return something. She gave me back the book that she borrowed last week. 歸還 归还give in1. to stop fighting and admit defeat; to yield. The soldiers were outnumbered and gave in to the enemy. 投降 投降2. to hand or bring (something) to someone (often a person in authority). Do we have to give in our books at the end of the lesson? 繳回 上交give off to produce. That fire is giving off a lot of smoke. 產生 产生give or take allowing for the addition or subtraction of. I weigh sixty-five kilos, give or take a little (= approximately sixty-five kilos). 大約 或多或少,允许有...的小误差 give out1. to give, usually to several people. The headmaster's wife gave out the school prizes. 分發 分发2. to come to an end. My patience gave out. 用盡 用尽3. to produce. The fire gave out a lot of heat. 產生 产生give rise to to cause. This gives rise to a large number of problems. 引起 引起give up1. to stop, abandon. I must give up smoking; They gave up the search. 停止 停止2. to stop using etc. You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you. 戒除,放棄 放弃3. to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else. 讓與 让与4. to devote (time etc) to doing something. He gave up all his time to gardening. 花(時間等)做某事 使埋头于5. (often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be. You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost). 以為 认为(某人,某事)已无指望 give way1. to stop in order to allow eg traffic to pass. Give way to traffic coming from the right. 讓路 让路2. to break, collapse etc under pressure. The bridge will give way any day now. 塌陷 塌陷3. to agree against one's will. I have no intention of giving way to demands like that. 讓步 让步


  • Could you give me a push? (US)
    Can you give me a push? (UK) → 您能帮我推一下吗?
  • Could you give me a ride to the repair shop? (US)
    Can you give me a lift to the garage? (UK) → 我能搭您的车去修车行吗?
  • Please give me my passport back → 请把护照还给我吧
  • Could you give me some change, please? (US)
    Can you give me some change, please? (UK) → 请找我一点零钱
  • She didn't yield (US)
    She didn't give way (UK) → 她没有让车
  • How much should I give? → 一次给多少?
  • Please give me an injection → 请给我打一针
  • Can you give me something for the pain? → 能给我开一点止疼药吗?
  • Is it usual to give a tip? → 通常需要给小费吗?
  • How much should I give as a tip? → 我应当给多少小费?



/lend an ear To pay close attention; listen attentively.


free/full rein to To release from restraints; allow to go unchecked: gave free rein to her emotions.
  • (Can I) give you a lift?
  • (not) care a hoot
  • (not) give a fig
  • (not) give a toss
  • (not) give two hoots
  • (one) doesn't give a hoot (about something)
  • (one) doesn't give a rip (about something)
  • (one) won't give up without a fight
  • (something) gives me life
  • a fool may give a wise man counsel
  • allow (one) free rein
  • allow (one) full rein
  • back of one's hand
  • back of one's hand, to give (someone) the
  • bear witness to (something)
  • bear/give witness
  • benefit of the doubt, to give/have the
  • bum's rush, to give/get the
  • chapter and verse, cite/give
  • cold shoulder, to give/show the
  • deep six
  • dirty look, give a
  • don’t give a hoot
  • don’t give a rip
  • don't give me any of your lip
  • Don't give me any of your lip!
  • don't give me that
  • don't give me that line
  • don't give me that story
  • don't give me that!
  • Don't give up the day job
  • don't give up the ship
  • don't give up your day job
  • don't give/care a rap for
  • enough rope, give someone
  • enough rope, to give (someone)
  • evil eye
  • fig, not care/give/worth a
  • flip (one) the bird
  • flip/give/shoot somebody the bird
  • Friendsgiving
  • get (the) what for
  • get a dirty look (from someone)
  • get a fix on
  • get a hammering
  • get a line on
  • get a pasting
  • get a roasting
  • get a thick ear
  • get credit for
  • get gray hair from
  • get the all-clear
  • get the ax
  • get the cold shoulder
  • get the low-down
  • get the nod
  • get the OK
  • get the push
  • get the run of (some place)
  • get the runaround
  • get the shivers
  • get the silent treatment
  • give
  • give (a) preference to (someone or something)
  • give (full) vent to (something)
  • give (one) (one's) dues
  • give (one) (one's) freedom
  • give (one) (one's) head
  • give (one) (one's) marching orders
  • give (one) (one's) walking papers
  • give (one) (the right of/to) first refusal
  • give (one) (the) what for
  • give (one) a (good) bawling out
  • give (one) a (good) talking to
  • give (one) a (good) working over
  • give (one) a bad time
  • give (one) a bang
  • give (one) a bell
  • give (one) a big hand
  • give (one) a blank check
  • give (one) a bloody nose
  • give (one) a break
  • give (one) a bumpy ride
  • give (one) a buzz
  • give (one) a call
  • give (one) a charge
  • give (one) a dirty look
  • give (one) a dose of (one's) own medicine
  • give (one) a fair crack of the whip
  • give (one) a fair shake
  • give (one) a fix
  • give (one) a fix of (something)
  • give (one) a free hand
  • give (one) a fresh start
  • give (one) a hammering
  • give (one) a hard time
  • give (one) a heads up
  • give (one) a kick
  • give (one) a leg up
  • give (one) a line
  • give (one) a melvin
  • give (one) a mouthful
  • give (one) a pain
  • give (one) a pasting
  • give (one) a ring
  • give (one) a roasting
  • give (one) a rocket
  • give (one) a rough ride
  • give (one) a rough time
  • give (one) a run for (one's) money
  • give (one) a shout
  • give (one) a taste of (one's) own medicine
  • give (one) a thick ear
  • give (one) a tinkle
  • give (one) a tongue-lashing
  • give (one) a turn
  • give (one) a wedgie
  • give (one) a/the feel of (something)
  • give (one) an earful
  • give (one) an easy ride
  • give (one) an even break
  • give (one) an inch and (one) will take a mile
  • give (one) beans
  • give (one) Bondi
  • give (one) both barrels
  • give (one) carte blanche
  • give (one) enough rope
  • give (one) enough rope to hang (one)self
  • give (one) food for thought
  • give (one) free rein
  • give (one) full rein
  • give (one) furiously to think
  • give (one) gray hair
  • give (one) grief
  • give (one) Hail Columbia
  • give (one) half a chance
  • give (one) head
  • give (one) heart failure
  • give (one) hell
  • give (one) ideas
  • give (one) itchy feet
  • give (one) Jesse
  • give (one) pause
  • give (one) pause for thought
  • give (one) running shoes
  • give (one) skin
  • give (one) some skin
  • give (one) some slack
  • give (one) some/any lip
  • give (one) something to think about
  • give (one) static
  • give (one) the air
  • give (one) the all-clear
  • give (one) the ax(e)
  • give (one) the bag
  • give (one) the benefit of (something)
  • give (one) the big e
  • give (one) the bird
  • give (one) the boot
  • give (one) the bum's rush
  • give (one) the cold shoulder
  • give (one) the creeps
  • give (one) the devil
  • give (one) the evil eye
  • give (one) the eye
  • give (one) the fig
  • give (one) the finger
  • give (one) the flick (pass)
  • give (one) the gears
  • give (one) the glad hand
  • give (one) the go-by
  • give (one) the green light
  • give (one) the hairy eyeball
  • give (one) the heave-ho
  • give (one) the heebie-jeebies
  • give (one) the inside track
  • give (one) the kiss of life
  • give (one) the low-down
  • give (one) the OK
  • give (one) the old heave-ho
  • give (one) the once-over
  • give (one) the pink slip
  • give (one) the pip
  • give (one) the push
  • give (one) the raspberry
  • give (one) the runaround
  • give (one) the sack
  • give (one) the screaming abdabs
  • give (one) the shaft
  • give (one) the shivers
  • give (one) the shove
  • give (one) the silent treatment
  • give (one) the slip
  • give (one) the willies
  • give (one) the works
  • give (one) tit for tat
  • give (one) to believe
  • give (one) to understand
  • give (one) trouble
  • give (one) up as a bad job
  • give (one) what's coming (to one)
  • give (one's) all
  • give (one's) eye teeth for (something)
  • give (one's) ground
  • give (one's) head for the washing
  • give (one's) life
  • give (one's) love to (someone)
  • give (one's) mind to (something)
  • give (one's) name to (something)
  • give (one's) right arm
  • give (one's) tuppence (worth)
  • give (one's) two cents
  • give (one's) two cents' worth
  • give (one's) two pennies (worth)
  • give (one's) two penn'orth
  • give (one's) twopence (worth)
  • give (oneself or someone) a pat on the back
  • give (oneself) airs
  • give (oneself) away
  • give (oneself) over to (someone or something)
  • give (someone or soething) up for dead
  • give (someone or something) a bad name
  • give (someone or something) a black eye
  • give (someone or something) a chance
  • give (someone or something) a hand
  • give (someone or something) a wide berth
  • give (someone or something) best
  • give (someone or something) the benefit of the doubt
  • give (someone or something) the nod
  • give (someone or something) the run of (some place)
  • give (someone or something) up for lost
  • give (someone) (a bit of) curry
  • give (someone) (a lot of) stick
  • give (someone) (one's) word
  • give (someone) a big head
  • give (someone) a blank look
  • give (someone) a blank stare
  • give (someone) a dig
  • give (someone) a dingle
  • give (someone) a fit
  • give (someone) a lift
  • give (someone) a minute
  • give (someone) a nudge
  • give (someone) a piece of (one's) mind
  • give (someone) a red face
  • give (someone) a ribbing
  • give (someone) a second
  • give (someone) a second chance
  • give (someone) an inch and they'll take a mile
  • give (someone) an inkling (of something)
  • give (someone) an out
  • give (someone) an/the itch for (something)
  • give (someone) an/the itch to (do something)
  • give (someone) another chance
  • give (someone) credit
  • give (someone) face
  • give (someone) fits
  • give (someone) no quarter
  • give (someone) the back of (one's) hand
  • give (someone) the brush-off
  • give (someone) the business
  • give (someone) the can
  • give (someone) the chair
  • give (someone) the elbow
  • give (someone) the first crack at (something)
  • give (someone) the fright of (someone's) life
  • give (someone) the gate
  • give (someone) the go-ahead
  • give (someone) the hook
  • give (someone) the horn
  • give (someone) the length of (one's) tongue
  • give (someone) the lowdown (on something)
  • give (someone) the rough side of (one's) tongue
  • give (someone) the royal treatment
  • give (someone) the shake
  • give (someone) the shakes
  • give (someone) the shirt off (one's) back
  • give (someone) the stink eye
  • give (someone) the third degree
  • give (someone) the time of day, not to/won't
  • give (someone) the word
  • give (someone) what for, to
  • give (someone/something) the once-over, to
  • give (something) (one's) all
  • give (something) (one's) best shot
  • give (something) a facelift
  • give (something) a go
  • give (something) a lick and a promise
  • give (something) a miss
  • give (something) a once-over
  • give (something) a rest
  • give (something) a try
  • give (something) back (to someone) with interest
  • give (something) for (something)
  • give (something) full play
  • give (something) the (old) college try
  • give (something) the thumbs down
  • give (something) the thumbs up
  • give (something) thought
  • give (something) to (one) on a (silver) platter
  • give (something) to (one) on a plate
  • give (something) to (someone)
  • give (something) under (the) threat of (something)
  • give (something) weight
  • give 110%
  • give a bad account of (oneself)
  • give a bad name to
  • give a bad name to (someone or something)
  • give a bad name to, to
  • give a bang
  • give a basket
  • give a bawling out
  • Give a beggar a horse, and he'll ride it to death.
  • give a black eye to (someone or something)
  • give a blank check
  • give a blank check to (one)
  • give a blank look
  • give a damn (about someone or something)
  • give a dig
  • give a dog a bad name
  • give a dog a bad name and hang him
  • give a good account of
  • give a good account of (oneself)
  • give a good account of oneself
  • give a good account of yourself
  • give a hand
  • give a hard time
  • give a lead
  • give a lift
  • give a line
  • give a little
  • give a man enough rope and he will hang himself
  • give a new lease of life
  • give a pain
  • give a piece of mind
  • give a red face
  • give a ring
  • give a sneck posset
  • give a try
  • give a wide berth
  • give a wide berth to, to
  • give an account
  • give an account of (someone or something)
  • give an account of (someone or something) to (someone)
  • give an account to (someone)
  • give an arm and a leg (for something)
  • give an arm and a leg for
  • give an arm and a leg for something
  • give an ear (to one)
  • give an inch
  • Give an inch and he'll take a mile
  • give an inch and they'll take a mile
  • give and take
  • give anything (for something)
  • give as good as one gets
  • give as good as you get
  • give away
  • give away the shop
  • give away the store
  • give back
  • give bad marks to
  • give bad marks to (someone or something)
  • give battle
  • give best shot
  • give birth
  • give birth to
  • give birth to (someone or something)
  • give cause for
  • give cause for (something)
  • give chapter and verse
  • give chase
  • give chase (to someone or something)
  • give color to (something)
  • give credence to
  • give credence to (someone or something)
  • give credit
  • give credit to (someone)
  • Give credit where credit is due
  • give currency
  • give currency (to something)
  • give ear to
  • give ear to (someone or something)
  • Give enough rope and he'll hang himself
  • give evidence of
  • give evidence of (something)
  • give eyeteeth
  • give for
  • give forth with
  • give forth with (something)
  • give free rein to
  • give free rein to (one)
  • give full rein to (one)
  • give ground
  • give Hail Columbia
  • give head
  • give heed to (something)
  • give hell to
  • give her the bells and let her fly
  • give him enough rope and he'll hang himself
  • give hostage to fortune
  • give in
  • give in to (someone)
  • give it (one's) best shot
  • give it a burl
  • give it a rest
  • Give it a rest!
  • give it a shot
  • give it a whirl
  • give it all you've got
  • Give it all you've got!
  • give it laldy
  • give it large
  • give it one's best shot
  • give it one's best shot, to
  • give it some stick
  • give it some welly
  • Give it the gun
  • Give it time
  • give it to
  • give it to (one)
  • give it to (one) straight
  • give it to me straight
  • give it to someone
  • give it up
  • Give it up!
  • give it your best shot
  • give it/her the gun
  • give leg bail
  • give lip service to (something)
  • give me
  • give me (someone or something) any day/time
  • give me a break
  • Give me a break!
  • Give me a call
  • Give me a chance!
  • Give me a rest!
  • Give me five!
  • Give me liberty, or give me death!
  • Give me skin!
  • Give me some skin!
  • give me some sugar
  • give me something/somebody
  • give me strength
  • give me strength!
  • give me/gimme (a) five
  • Give my best to
  • give my best to (someone)
  • give notice
  • give odds
  • give odds that
  • give odds that (something will happen)
  • give of
  • give of (oneself or something)
  • give of oneself
  • give off
  • give offense to
  • give on
  • give one
  • give one freedom
  • give one one’s pounds
  • give one's eyeteeth
  • give one's eyeteeth for, to
  • give one's right arm, to
  • give oneself over to
  • give oneself up
  • give or take
  • give out
  • give out with (something)
  • give out with something
  • give over
  • give pap with a hatchet
  • give pause
  • give pause for thought
  • give pause to (one)
  • give pause to someone
  • give pause to, to
  • give place to
  • give place to somebody/something
  • give preference to (someone or something)
  • give preference to somebody/something
  • give props to (one)
  • give rein to
  • give rein to (someone or something)
  • give right arm
  • give rise to
  • give rise to (something)
  • give rise to something
  • give shape to (something)
  • give shape to something
EncyclopediaSeeearMedicalSeehangLegalSeegivenFinancialSeeGive up


GIVEGiveaway (soccer; a turnover)
GIVEGenerations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (Act)
GIVEGeneric Initiative for Value and Efficiency (generic drugs; US FDA)
GIVEGlobal Initiative to Advance Entrepreneurship
GIVEGrid Ionospheric Vertical Error
GIVEGiving Impetus to Voluntary Effort (UK)


Related to give: give up
  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for give

verb perform


  • perform
  • do
  • carry out
  • execute

verb communicate


  • communicate
  • announce
  • publish
  • transmit
  • pronounce
  • utter
  • emit
  • issue
  • be a source of
  • impart

verb produce


  • produce
  • make
  • cause
  • occasion
  • engender

verb organize


  • organize
  • hold
  • provide
  • host
  • throw
  • lay on

verb present


  • present
  • contribute
  • donate
  • provide
  • supply
  • award
  • grant
  • deliver
  • commit
  • administer
  • furnish
  • confer
  • bestow
  • entrust
  • consign
  • make over
  • hand over or out


  • get
  • take
  • keep
  • receive
  • accept

verb pass


  • pass
  • hand
  • reach
  • let have

verb confer


  • confer
  • allow
  • accord
  • award
  • grant
  • permit
  • bestow
  • vouchsafe

verb collapse


  • collapse
  • fall
  • break
  • sink
  • bend

verb concede


  • concede
  • allow
  • grant

verb surrender


  • surrender
  • yield
  • devote
  • hand over
  • relinquish
  • part with
  • cede

verb demonstrate


  • demonstrate
  • show
  • offer
  • provide
  • evidence
  • display
  • indicate
  • manifest
  • set forth

phrase give in


  • admit defeat
  • yield
  • concede
  • collapse
  • quit
  • submit
  • surrender
  • comply
  • succumb
  • cave in
  • capitulate

phrase give someone away


  • betray
  • expose
  • inform on
  • shop
  • grass
  • tell on
  • grass up
  • put the finger on

phrase give something away


  • reveal
  • expose
  • leak
  • disclose
  • betray
  • uncover
  • let out
  • divulge
  • let slip
  • let the cat out of the bag

phrase give something off or out


  • emit
  • produce
  • release
  • discharge
  • send out
  • throw out
  • vent
  • exude
  • exhale

phrase give something out: distribute


  • distribute
  • issue
  • deliver
  • circulate
  • hand out
  • dispense
  • dole out
  • pass round

phrase give something out: make known


  • make known
  • announce
  • publish
  • broadcast
  • communicate
  • transmit
  • utter
  • notify
  • impart
  • disseminate
  • shout from the rooftops

phrase give something up: abandon


  • abandon
  • stop
  • quit
  • kick
  • cease
  • cut out
  • renounce
  • leave off
  • say goodbye to
  • desist
  • kiss (something) goodbye
  • forswear

phrase give something up: quit


  • quit
  • leave
  • resign
  • step down from

phrase give something up: hand over


  • hand over
  • yield
  • surrender
  • relinquish
  • waive

phrase give up


  • stop trying
  • surrender
  • despair
  • cave in
  • capitulate
  • cede
  • throw in the towel
  • fall by the wayside
  • admit defeat
  • throw in the sponge
  • call it a day or night

Synonyms for give

verb to make a gift of


  • bestow
  • hand out
  • present

verb to present as a gift to a charity or cause


  • bestow
  • contribute
  • donate
  • hand out

verb to relinquish to the possession or control of another


  • deliver
  • furnish
  • hand
  • hand over
  • provide
  • supply
  • transfer
  • turn over

verb to distribute (money) as payment


  • disburse
  • expend
  • lay out
  • outlay
  • pay
  • spend
  • fork out
  • shell out

verb to provide as a remedy


  • administer
  • apply
  • dispense

verb to mete out by means of some action


  • administer
  • deal
  • deliver

verb to let have as a favor, prerogative, or privilege


  • accord
  • award
  • concede
  • grant
  • vouchsafe

verb to put in the charge of another for care, use, or performance


  • commend
  • commit
  • confide
  • consign
  • entrust
  • hand over
  • relegate
  • trust
  • turn over

verb to devote (oneself or one's efforts)


  • address
  • apply
  • bend
  • buckle down
  • concentrate
  • dedicate
  • devote
  • direct
  • focus
  • turn

verb to set aside or distribute as a share


  • admeasure
  • allocate
  • allot
  • allow
  • apportion
  • assign
  • lot
  • measure out
  • mete

verb to produce on the stage


  • act
  • do
  • dramatize
  • enact
  • perform
  • present
  • put on
  • stage

verb to organize and carry out (an activity)


  • have
  • hold
  • stage

verb to cause (a disease) to pass to another or others


  • carry
  • communicate
  • convey
  • pass
  • spread
  • transmit

verb to bring forth (a product)


  • bear
  • produce
  • yield

verb to discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently


  • emit
  • give forth
  • give off
  • give out
  • issue
  • let off
  • let out
  • release
  • send forth
  • throw off
  • vent

verb to be unable to hold up


  • bend

verb to fall in


  • buckle
  • cave in
  • collapse
  • crumple
  • go

phrase give away: to disclose in a breach of confidence


  • betray
  • blab
  • divulge
  • expose
  • let out
  • reveal
  • tell
  • uncover
  • unveil
  • spill
  • discover

phrase give back: to put (someone) in the possession of a prior position or office


  • reinstate
  • replace
  • restore
  • return

phrase give back: to send, put, or carry back to a former location


  • restore
  • return
  • take back

phrase give forth: to discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently


  • emit
  • give
  • give off
  • give out
  • issue
  • let off
  • let out
  • release
  • send forth
  • throw off
  • vent

phrase give in: to cease opposition


  • concede
  • yield

phrase give off: to discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently


  • emit
  • give
  • give forth
  • give out
  • issue
  • let off
  • let out
  • release
  • send forth
  • throw off
  • vent

phrase give out: to discharge material, as vapor or fumes, usually suddenly and violently


  • emit
  • give
  • give forth
  • give off
  • issue
  • let off
  • let out
  • release
  • send forth
  • throw off
  • vent

phrase give out: to cease functioning properly


  • break down
  • fail
  • conk out

phrase give out: to suddenly lose all health or strength


  • break
  • cave in
  • collapse
  • crack
  • drop
  • succumb
  • crack up
  • conk out

phrase give out: to lose so much strength and power as to become ineffective or motionless


  • burn out
  • run down
  • poop out

phrase give out: to make or become no longer active or productive


  • deplete
  • desiccate
  • dry up
  • play out
  • run out

phrase give out: to prove deficient or insufficient


  • fail
  • run out

phrase give over: to yield (oneself) unrestrainedly, as to a particular impulse


  • abandon
  • give up
  • surrender

phrase give over: to cease consideration or treatment of


  • dismiss
  • drop
  • give up
  • skip

phrase give up: to yield (oneself) unrestrainedly, as to a particular impulse


  • abandon
  • give over
  • surrender

phrase give up: to cease trying to accomplish or continue


  • abandon
  • break off
  • desist
  • discontinue
  • leave off
  • quit
  • relinquish
  • remit
  • stop
  • swear off
  • lay off

phrase give up: to desist from, cease, or discontinue (a habit, for example)


  • break
  • cut out
  • leave off
  • stop
  • kick

phrase give up: to cease consideration or treatment of


  • dismiss
  • drop
  • give over
  • skip

phrase give up: to lose all hope


  • despair
  • despond

noun the quality or state of being flexible


  • bounce
  • ductility
  • elasticity
  • flexibility
  • flexibleness
  • malleability
  • malleableness
  • plasticity
  • pliability
  • pliableness
  • pliancy
  • pliantness
  • resilience
  • resiliency
  • spring
  • springiness
  • suppleness
  • flexure

Synonyms for give

noun the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length


  • springiness
  • spring

Related Words

  • elasticity
  • snap

verb cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense

Related Words

  • infect
  • award
  • grant
  • yield
  • afford
  • give
  • drive home
  • deliver

verb be the cause or source of


  • yield
  • afford

Related Words

  • open up
  • open
  • give
  • furnish
  • provide
  • supply
  • render
  • allow for
  • allow
  • leave

verb transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody

Related Words

  • cater
  • ply
  • provide
  • supply
  • cough up
  • pony up
  • spit up
  • rent
  • lease
  • let
  • support
  • transfer
  • pay
  • accord
  • allot
  • grant
  • allow
  • present
  • submit
  • bestow
  • heap
  • deal out
  • dish out
  • dispense
  • distribute
  • dole out
  • mete out
  • parcel out
  • shell out
  • lot
  • administer
  • deal
  • proffer
  • offer
  • chip in
  • contribute
  • kick in
  • give
  • return
  • render
  • deposit
  • bank
  • cede
  • concede
  • yield
  • loan
  • lend
  • furnish
  • requite
  • repay
  • dispense with
  • part with
  • spare
  • give up
  • vest
  • enfeoff
  • give back
  • refund


  • take

verb convey or reveal information

Related Words

  • say
  • state
  • tell
  • quote
  • cast
  • impart
  • pass on
  • give
  • leave

verb convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.


  • pay

Related Words

  • communicate
  • intercommunicate
  • offer
  • extend

verb organize or be responsible for


  • hold
  • have
  • throw
  • make

Related Words

  • direct

verb convey or communicate


  • throw

Related Words

  • communicate
  • intercommunicate

verb give as a present


  • gift
  • present

Related Words

  • dower
  • endow
  • hand out
  • pass out
  • give out
  • distribute
  • give away
  • raffle
  • raffle off
  • bung
  • fee
  • tip
  • bequeath
  • will
  • leave
  • cede
  • surrender
  • give up
  • deliver
  • deed over
  • grant
  • treat
  • donate
  • tender
  • render
  • submit

verb cause to happen or be responsible for


  • yield

Related Words

  • create
  • make
  • generate
  • yield
  • render
  • give
  • return

verb dedicate


  • devote
  • pay

Related Words

  • cerebrate
  • cogitate
  • think
  • sacrifice
  • give

verb give or supply


  • generate
  • yield
  • render
  • return

Related Words

  • produce
  • create
  • make
  • yield
  • give
  • establish

verb transmit (knowledge or skills)


  • impart
  • pass on
  • leave

Related Words

  • convey
  • tell
  • bequeath
  • will
  • leave
  • give

verb bring about


  • establish

Related Words

  • create
  • make
  • introduce
  • generate
  • yield
  • render
  • give
  • return
  • pacify

verb leave with

Related Words

  • hand
  • pass on
  • turn over
  • pass
  • reach
  • give

verb emit or utter

Related Words

  • let loose
  • let out
  • utter
  • emit

verb endure the loss of


  • sacrifice

Related Words

  • devote
  • pay
  • give
  • dedicate
  • commit
  • consecrate
  • relinquish
  • resign
  • give up
  • release
  • free

verb place into the hands or custody of


  • hand
  • pass on
  • turn over
  • pass
  • reach

Related Words

  • give
  • transfer
  • sneak
  • slip
  • deal
  • fork out
  • fork over
  • fork up
  • hand over
  • turn in
  • deliver
  • render
  • relinquish
  • resign
  • give up
  • release
  • free
  • entrust
  • intrust
  • confide
  • commit
  • trust
  • leave

verb give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause


  • dedicate
  • devote
  • commit
  • consecrate

Related Words

  • vow
  • consecrate
  • give
  • rededicate
  • apply
  • employ
  • use
  • utilise
  • utilize
  • sacrifice

verb give (as medicine)

Related Words

  • dispense
  • administer
  • give
  • apply

verb give or convey physically


  • apply

Related Words

  • deal out
  • dish out
  • dispense
  • distribute
  • dole out
  • mete out
  • parcel out
  • shell out
  • lot
  • administer
  • allot
  • deal
  • give
  • tread

verb bestow


  • render

Related Words

  • communicate
  • intercommunicate
  • dedicate
  • give

verb bestow, especially officially


  • grant

verb move in order to make room for someone for something


  • ease up
  • give way
  • move over
  • yield

Related Words

  • abandon
  • give up
  • move

verb give food to


  • feed

Related Words

  • dine
  • scavenge
  • fodder
  • swill
  • slop
  • regurgitate
  • corn
  • malnourish
  • undernourish
  • overfeed
  • spoonfeed
  • force-feed
  • cater
  • ply
  • provide
  • supply
  • lunch
  • breakfast
  • breastfeed
  • give suck
  • lactate
  • wet-nurse
  • suckle
  • nurse
  • suck
  • bottlefeed
  • inject
  • aliment
  • nutrify
  • nourish
  • range
  • pasture
  • graze
  • crop

verb contribute to some cause


  • chip in
  • contribute
  • kick in

Related Words

  • give
  • combine

verb break down, literally or metaphorically


  • cave in
  • collapse
  • fall in
  • give way
  • founder
  • break

Related Words

  • change
  • implode
  • go off
  • abandon
  • give up
  • buckle
  • crumple
  • flop
  • break
  • slide down
  • slump
  • sink
  • collapse
  • burst

verb estimate the duration or outcome of something

Related Words

  • estimate
  • gauge
  • approximate
  • guess
  • judge

verb execute and deliver

Related Words

  • execute

verb deliver in exchange or recompense

Related Words

  • recompense
  • repair
  • compensate
  • indemnify

verb afford access to


  • afford
  • open

verb present to view

Related Words

  • give
  • show

verb perform for an audience

Related Words

  • performing arts
  • perform
  • give

verb be flexible under stress of physical force


  • yield

Related Words

  • stretch
  • buckle under
  • knuckle under
  • succumb
  • give in
  • yield

verb propose

Related Words

  • salute
  • toast
  • wassail
  • drink
  • pledge

verb accord by verdict

Related Words

  • law
  • jurisprudence
  • give
  • render
  • accord
  • allot
  • grant

verb manifest or show

Related Words

  • evince
  • express
  • show

verb offer in good faith

Related Words

  • pledge
  • dedicate
  • devote
  • commit
  • consecrate
  • give

verb submit for consideration, judgment, or use

Related Words

  • submit
  • subject

verb guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion

Related Words

  • lead

verb allow to have or take

Related Words

  • countenance
  • permit
  • allow
  • let

verb inflict as a punishment

Related Words

  • inflict
  • impose
  • bring down
  • visit
  • give

verb occur

Related Words

  • jargon
  • lingo
  • patois
  • argot
  • vernacular
  • slang
  • cant
  • hap
  • happen
  • occur
  • come about
  • take place
  • go on
  • pass off
  • fall out
  • pass

verb consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man

Related Words

  • give
  • consent
  • go for
  • accept

verb proffer (a body part)

Related Words

  • give
  • proffer
  • offer




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