释义 |
-fuge(word root) away fromExamples of words with the root -fuge: centrifuge-fugesuff. One that expels or drives away: vermifuge. [French, from New Latin -fugus, driving away, fleeing, from Latin, fleeing (from fugere, to flee) and from Latin fugāre, to drive away (from fuga, flight).]-fuge n combining form indicating an agent or substance that expels or drives away: vermifuge. [from Latin fugāre to expel, put to flight] -fugal adj combining form-fuge a combining form meaning “something that repels or drives away” the thing specified by the initial element: vermifuge. [< French < Latin -fugus, derivative of fugāre to drive away] -fuge
-fuge (fūje), Flight, denoting the place from which flight takes place or that which is put to flight. [L. fuga a running away] -fuge Suffix meaning flight, denoting the place from which flight takes place or that which is put to flight. [L. fuga a running away]-fuge [L. fugare, to put to flight] Suffix meaning something that expels or drives away. |