Giulio Cesare Vanini
Vanini, Giulio Cesare
(pseudonym, Lucilio). Born 1585, in Taurisano, near Naples; died Feb. 9, 1619, in Toulouse. Italian philosopher and pantheist. As a priest, condemned for heresy and atheism and burned at the stake.
Vanini was influenced by P. Pomponazzi, G. Cardano, and especially G. Bruno. He wrote in Latin two works The Amphitheater of Eternal Providence (1615) and On the Wonderful Secrets of Nature, the Queen, and the Goddess of Mortals (1616). Vanini denied the immortality of the soul, the creation of the world out of nothing, and the divinity of Jesus; he understood man’s mental life to be dependent upon climate, nourishment, heredity, and the influence of the stars.
Le opere, vols. 1-2. Rome, 1933-34.REFERENCES
Tarle, E. V. “Dzhulio Vanini.” Mir bozhii, 1900, no. 5.Rutenburg, V. I. Velikii ital’ianskii ateist Vanini. Moscow, 1959.
Lenoir, E. Au seuil du grand siècle. Paris, 1939.