

单词 freedom



F0307300 (frē′dəm)n.1. a. The condition of not being in prison or captivity: gave the prisoners their freedom.b. The condition of being free of restraints, especially the ability to act without control or interference by another or by circumstance: In retirement they finally got the freedom to travel.2. a. The condition of not being controlled by another nation or political power; political independence.b. The condition of not being subject to a despotic or oppressive power; civil liberty.c. The condition of not being constrained or restricted in a specific aspect of life by a government or other power: freedom of assembly.d. The condition of not being a slave.3. a. The condition of not being affected or restricted by a given circumstance or condition: freedom from want.b. The condition of not being bound by established conventions or rules: The new style of painting gave artists new freedoms.4. The capacity to act by choice rather than by determination, as from fate or a deity; free will: We have the freedom to do as we please all afternoon.5. The right to unrestricted use; full access: was given the freedom of their research facilities.6. Ease or facility of movement: loose sports clothing, giving the wearer freedom.7. Archaic Boldness in behavior; lack of modesty or reserve.
[Middle English fredom, from Old English frēodōm : frēo, free; see free + -dōm, -dom.]


(ˈfriːdəm) n1. personal liberty, as from slavery, bondage, serfdom, etc2. liberation or deliverance, as from confinement or bondage3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the quality or state of being free, esp to enjoy political and civil liberties4. (usually foll by from) the state of being without something unpleasant or bad; exemption or immunity: freedom from taxation. 5. the right or privilege of unrestricted use or access: the freedom of a city. 6. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) autonomy, self-government, or independence7. the power or liberty to order one's own actions8. (Philosophy) philosophy the quality, esp of the will or the individual, of not being totally constrained; able to choose between alternative actions in identical circumstances9. ease or frankness of manner; candour: she talked with complete freedom. 10. excessive familiarity of manner; boldness11. ease and grace, as of movement; lack of effort[Old English frēodōm]


(ˈfri dəm)

n. 1. the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. 2. exemption from external control. 3. the power to determine action without restraint. 4. political or national independence. 5. personal liberty: slaves who bought their freedom. 6. exemption; immunity: freedom from fear. 7. the absence of or release from ties or obligations. 8. ease or facility of movement or action. 9. frankness of manner or speech. 10. a liberty taken. 11. civil liberty, as opposed to subjection to an arbitrary or despotic government. 12. the right to enjoy all the privileges or special rights of membership in a community. 13. the right to frequent, enjoy, or use at will. [before 900; Middle English freodom; Old English frēodōm]


autonomyindependent self-rule free from outside influence.democratisma doctrine of or belief in social equality or the right of all people to participate equally in politics.eleutheromaniaRare. a strong desire for freedom.eleutherophobiaan abnormal fear of freedom.franchise1. a condition of freedom.
2. a right or privilege, especially the right to vote.
libertarianism1. the advocacy of freedom, especially in thought or conduct.
2. Theology. the advocacy of the doctrine of free will. See also necessitarianism. — libertarian, n., adj.
liberticide1. the destruction of freedom.
2. the destroyer of freedom. — liberticidal, adj.
manumissionthe act of setting free or being set free from slavery; emancipation.


  1. Abstract liberty, like other mere abstractions, is not to be found —Edmund Burke
  2. (They just) broke free like the water —Boris Pasternak
  3. Broke free like the sun rising out of the sea —Miller Williams
  4. Feels freedom like oxygen everywhere around him —John Updike
  5. Felt like a volatile gas released from a bottle —Olivia Manning


  6. Foot-loose as a ram —Irvin S. Cobb
  7. (I am) free as a breeze, free like a bird in the woodland wild, free like a gypsy, free like a child —Oscar Hammerstein, II, from lyric for Oklahoma

    Hammerstein used the multiple simile to paint a picture of an unattached man bemoaning the speed with which his situation can change.

  8. Free as a fat bird —John D. MacDonald
  9. Free as air —Alexander Pope

    The simile in full context is as follows: “Love, free as air at sight of human ties, spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies.”

  10. Free as a pig in a pen —Anon, from American song, “The Lane County Bachelor”
  11. Free, as happens in the downfall of habit when the mind, like an unguarded flame, bows and bends and seems about to blow from its holding —Virginia Woolf
  12. Free as is the wind —William Shakespeare

    A popular variation attributed to James Montgomery is, “Free as the breeze.”

  13. Free as Nature first made man —John Dryden
  14. Free as Nature is —James Thompson
  15. Free as the grace of God and twice as plentiful —Anon
  16. Freed, like colored kites torn loose from their strings —Rainer Maria Rilke
  17. Freedom and responsibility are like Siamese twins, they die if they are parted —Lillian Smith


  18. Freedom is like drink. If you take any at all, you might as well take enough to make you happy for a while —Finley Peter Dunne

    Several words have been changed from Dunne’s dialect: any was ‘nny,’ ‘for’ was ‘f’r.’

  19. Free speech is like garlic. If you are perfectly sure of yourself, you enjoy it and your friends tolerate it —Lynn White, Jr., Look, April 17, 1956
  20. Free will and determinism are like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism. The way you play your hand represents free will —Norman Cousins
  21. Independence, like honor, is a rocky island without a beach —Napoleon Bonaparte
  22. Independent as a hog on ice —American colloquialism, attributed to New England
  23. Independent as a wild horse —Anon

    According to Irving Stone, author of The Passionate Journey, this simile was used to describe the father of his fictional biography’s hero, John Noble.

  24. A laissez-faire policy is like spoiling a child by saying he’ll turn out all right in the end. He will, if he’s made to —F. Scott Fitzgerald
  25. Liberty, like charity, must begin at home —James Conant

    Yet another twist on that much adopted and adapted charity comparison.


  26. Perfect freedom is as necessary to the health and vigor of commerce, as it is to the health and vigor of citizenship —Patrick Henry
  27. There is no such thing as an achieved liberty; like electricity, there can be no substantial storage and it must be generated as it is enjoyed, or the lights go out —Robert H. Jackson
  28. Unrestricted like the rain —Mark Twain



carte blanche Full discretionary power, unrestricted freedom, blanket permission; a blank check; literally, white paper or chart. In its original military usage, the term referred to the blank form used to indicate unconditional surrender, on which the victor could dictate his own terms. The phrase is now used only figuratively, and has been so used for some time:

Mr. Pitt, who had carte blanche given him, named every one of them. (Lord Chesterfield, Letters, 1766)

The figuratively synonymous blank check refers literally to an executed check on which the amount is left unspecified to be filled in by its bearer or receiver.

the coast is clear Nothing stands in the way of one’s progress or activity; there is little danger that anyone in authority will witness or interfere with one’s actions; “Go ahead, nobody’s looking.” This expression was originally used by smugglers to indicate that no coast guard was in the vicinity to prevent their landing or embarking. Its use is still largely limited to contexts implying wrongdoing, though such may range from mischievous misbehavior to criminal activity.

give a wide berth to To allow latitude, leeway, or freedom; to shun, to stay clear of; to remain a discreet distance from. Dating from the 17th century, berth is a nautical term which refers to a sufficient amount of space for a ship at anchor to swing freely, or enough distance for a ship under sail to avoid other ships, rocks, the shore, etc. Give or keep a wide berth gained currency in the 1800s and has since been used in nautical and nonnautical contexts.

I recommend you to keep a wide berth of me, sir. (William Makepeace Thackeray, The Newcomes, 1854)

give enough rope To give someone a considerable amount of freedom with the expectation that he will act in an embarrassing or self-destructive way; to grant just enough leeway that a person may set and fall into his own trap. This expression has been in use since the 17th century and is equally familiar in the longer version—give [someone] enough rope and [he’ll] hang himself. A rope is often used as a leash or rein to control freedom of movement. Perhaps this expression derives from the fact that it is easy to trip or become entangled by too much rope. The second half of the expression plays on the idea of a rope as a cord for hanging a person.

Give our Commentator but Rope, and he hangs himself. (Elkanah Settle, Reflections on Several of Mr. Dry den’s Plays, 1687)

no strings attached No stipulations or restrictions; no fine print. This common expression, perhaps an allusion to puppets that are controlled by strings, implies the lack of catches or hidden conditions in an undertaking or purchase. The phrase may be varied to assume its opposite sense.

The corporation … made its offer to California—an offer good for six months only, and having several untenable strings attached. (Sierra Club Bulletin, January, 1949)

Noun1.freedom - the condition of being freefreedom - the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraintsstate - the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"academic freedom - the freedom of teachers and students to express their ideas in school without religious or political or institutional restrictionsenfranchisement - freedom from political subjugation or servitudeblank check, free hand - freedom to do as you see fit; "many have doubts about giving him a free hand to attack"free rein, play - the removal of constraints; "he gave free rein to his impulses"; "they gave full play to the artist's talent"freedom of the seas - the right of merchant ships to travel freely in international watersindependence, independency - freedom from control or influence of another or othersliberty - freedom of choice; "liberty of opinion"; "liberty of worship"; "liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or do just as one pleases"; "at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes"civil liberty, political liberty - one's freedom to exercise one's rights as guaranteed under the laws of the countryliberty - personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppressionsvoboda - (Russia) freedom
2.freedom - immunity from an obligation or dutyexemptionimmunity, unsusceptibility - the state of not being susceptible; "unsusceptibility to rust"amnesty - a period during which offenders are exempt from punishmentdiplomatic immunity - exemption from taxation or normal processes of law that is offered to diplomatic personnel in a foreign countryindemnity - legal exemption from liability for damagesimpunity - exemption from punishment or lossgrandfather clause - an exemption based on circumstances existing prior to the adoption of some policy; used to enfranchise illiterate whites in south after the American Civil War


noun1. independence, democracy, sovereignty, autonomy, self-determination, emancipation, self-government, home rule, autarchy They want greater political freedom.2. right, privilege, entitlement, prerogative freedom of speech3. liberty, release, discharge, emancipation, deliverance, manumission All hostages and detainees would gain their freedom.
liberty slavery, imprisonment, dependence, captivity, bondage, servitude, thraldom
4. exemption, release, relief, privilege, immunity, impunity freedom from government control5. licence, latitude, a free hand, free rein, play, power, range, opportunity, ability, facility, scope, flexibility, discretion, leeway, carte blanche, blank cheque, elbowroom freedom to buy and sell at the best price
licence restriction, limitation
6. openness, ease, directness, naturalness, abandon, familiarity, candour, frankness, informality, casualness, ingenuousness, lack of restraint or reserve, unconstraint His freedom of manner ran contrary to the norm.
openness caution, restraint
Related words
like eleutheromania
"Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently" [Rosa Luxemburg Die Russische Revolution]
"We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression ... The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way ... The third is freedom from want ... The fourth is freedom from fear" [Franklin D. Roosevelt annual message to Congress]
"Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains" [Jean Jacques Rousseau The Social Contract]
"No human being, however great or powerful, was ever so free as a fish" [John Ruskin The Two Paths]
"Man is a free agent; were it otherwise, the priests would not damn him" [Voltaire Philosophical Dictionary]
"Perfect freedom is reserved for the man who lives by his own work and in that work does what he wants to do" [R.G. Collingwood Speculum Mentis]
"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows" [George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four]


noun1. Departure from normal rules or procedures:liberty, license.2. The state of not being in confinement or servitude:emancipation, liberation, liberty, manumission.3. The condition of being politically free:autonomy, independence, independency, liberty, self-government, sovereignty.4. Ease of or space for movement:elbowroom, play.


(friː) adjective1. allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc. The prison door opened, and he was a free man. 自由的 自由的2. not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way. free speech; You are free to think what you like. 無拘束的 无拘束的3. (with with) generous. He is always free with his money/advice. 大方的 大方的4. frank, open and ready to speak. a free manner. 直爽的 直爽的5. costing nothing. a free gift. 免費的 免费的6. not working or having another appointment; not busy. I shall be free at five o'clock. 空閒的 空闲的7. not occupied, not in use. Is this table free? 空餘的 空余的8. (with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc). She is free from pain now; free of charge. 沒有...的 没有...的 verbpast tense, past participle freed1. to make or set (someone) free. He freed all the prisoners. 使自由 使自由2. (with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something. She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job. 使擺脫 使摆脱ˈfreedom noun the state of not being under control and being able to do whatever one wishes. The prisoner was given his freedom. 自由 自由ˈfreely adverb1. in a free manner. to give freely to charity; to speak freely. 無拘束地 无拘束地2. willingly; readily. I freely admit it was my fault. 直率地 直率地Freefone® noun (also freephone ; American toll-free number) a telephone number of a business or an organization that can be used free of charge by their customers etc; the system giving this service. 免費電話 免费电话ˌfree-for-ˈall noun a contest, debate etc in which anyone can take part. 任何人可以參加的競賽(辯論),自由論戰 任何人可以参加的竞赛(辩论),自由论战 ˈfreehand adjective, adverb (of a drawing etc) (done) without any instruments (eg a ruler) to guide the hand. 徒手畫的(地) 徒手画的(地) ˈfreehold adjective (of land, property etc) belonging completely to the owner, not just for a certain time. 完全保有地產的 完全保有地产的ˈfreelance noun, adjective (of or done by) a person who is working on his own, not for any one employer. a freelance journalist; freelance work. 自由工作者(的) 自由工作者(的) verb to work in this way. He is freelancing now. 自由工作 自由工作Freepost noun a system in Britain in which a business or an organization pays the cost of the post sent to it. 免費郵寄 免费邮寄free ˈskating noun a free style in ice-skating competitions. 自由式滑冰 自由式滑冰free speech the right to express an opinion freely. I believe in free speech. 言論自由 言论自由free trade trade with foreign countries without customs duties, taxes etc. 自由貿易 自由贸易ˈfreeway noun a motorway. 高速公路 高速公路ˌfreeˈwheel verb to travel (downhill) on a bicycle, in a car etc without using mechanical power. 慣性滑行 惯性滑行free will the ability to choose and act freely. He did it of his own free will. 自願 自愿a free hand freedom to do whatever one likes. He gave her a free hand with the servants. 給予某人行動自由 给予某人行动自由set free to make (someone) free. The soldiers set the terrorists' prisoners free. 釋放 释放




freedom of speech

The right to express one's opinion without censorship or other forms of punishment imposed by the government. In the United States, freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. The editor does not want to print my controversial article, but I'm pushing for it to appear in the next issue—what about freedom of speech?See also: freedom, of, speech

freedom of maneuver

The space and ability to make changes to something. Hurry up! We don't have much freedom of maneuver in our schedule!See also: freedom, maneuver, of

room for/to maneuver

The space and ability to make changes to something. Hurry up! We don't have much room to maneuver in our schedule!See also: maneuver, room

give (one) (one's) freedom

To free or release one from something, such as a situation or agreement. If you're not in love with Gloria, then you need to give her her freedom—it's only fair. This living arrangement just isn't working out—I have to give Ben his freedom.See also: freedom, give

give one one's freedom

to set someone free; to divorce someone. Mrs. Brown wanted to give her husband his freedom. Well, Tom, I hate to break it to you this way, but I have decided to give you your freedom.See also: freedom, give, one

*(a) right to do something

 and *(the) right to do somethingthe freedom to do something; the legal or moral permission or license to do something. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; You don't have the right to enter my home without my permission. I have a right to grow anything I want on my farmland.See also: right

freedom of/room for maˈnoeuvre

the chance to change the way that something happens and influence decisions that are made: Small businesses have limited room for manoeuvre.See also: freedom, manoeuvre, of, room



see libertyliberty,
term used to describe various types of individual freedom, such as religious liberty, political liberty, freedom of speech, right of self-defense, and others. It is also used as a general term for the sum of specific liberties.
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See International Space Station.



the human capacity to act in accordance with aims and interests, relying on a knowledge of objective necessity.

In the history of social thought, the problem of freedom was traditionally reduced to the question of whether people have free will—in other words, whether their intentions and actions are governed by external circumstances. The materialist conception of history rejects the idealist view of individual freedom as individual consciousness independent of objective circumstances. Marxism also opposes the metaphysical belief that there is an antithesis between freedom and necessity—a view that was widely held by philosophers and natural scientists of the 17th through 19th centuries, including T. Hobbes, P. H. Holbach, J. O. de La Mettrier, P. S. de Laplace, and E. Dühring. The Marxist conception of freedom in dialectical interaction with necessity is opposed to voluntarism, which asserts the arbitrary willfulness of human actions, and to fatalism, which regards actions as predetermined. Unlike the idealists, including Hegel and the existentialists, who limit the problem of freedom to the realm of consciousness, Marxism argues that without the possibility of realization, the consciousness of freedom is merely an illusion.

In their everyday activity people encounter not an abstract necessity but its concrete, historical embodiment in existing social and economic relations that determine the range of people’s interests, as well as in the material means for achieving desired goals. People are not free to choose the objective conditions in which they function, but they do possess a certain freedom in their choice of goals, since at any given moment there are usually several real possibilities of varying feasibility. Even when there is no alternative, people are in a position to forestall undesirable developments or hasten desirable ones. In addition, they are more or less free in their choice of the means for attaining a particular end. Thus, freedom is not absolute but relative, and it is made real through the choice of a definite plan of action. The degree of freedom increases as people grow more aware of their real possibilities, as they gain greater access to the means of attaining desired goals, and as their interests coincide more with the aspirations of many other people and especially with those of entire social classes, as well as with the objective trends of social progress.

Based on these considerations, Marxists define freedom as “the known necessity.” According to this point of view, the freedom of an individual, a group, a class, or an entire society does not consist “in an imaginary independence” from objective laws but in the ability to choose and to “make decisions with knowledge of the subject” (F. Engels, Anti-Dühring, 1966, p. 112). The individual’s historically relative but practically effective freedom to choose a line of action under various circumstances makes him morally and socially responsible for his actions. Moreover, “negative freedom,” or freedom from deprivation, exploitation, and social and national oppression is a condition for “positive freedom,” which is associated with creative work, self-determination, and the comprehensive development of the individual.

Freedom does not mean arbitrary choice. Man’s freedom in thought and action does not involve freedom from causality, and freedom is not negated by the causal determination of thoughts, interests, intentions, and actions, because these human capacities are not determined in identical ways. Regardless of the origin of their aims and intentions, people enjoy freedom to the extent that they have the real possibility of exercising a choice or preference that objectively corresponds to their interests and to the extent that external circumstances do not force them to act against personal interests and needs. Abstract freedom does not exist. Freedom is always concrete and relative. Depending on the objective circumstances and the specific situation, people may enjoy freedom or be totally deprived of it. They may have freedom in some spheres of activity but not in others. Moreover, the degree of freedom may vary greatly, from freedom in the choice of goals to freedom in the choice of means or to freedom only to adapt to reality.

In reality, freedom exists in necessity in the form of an unbroken chain of past free choices that have resulted in the present condition of society. Necessity, which exists within freedom in the form of objective circumstances, can only be realized through free action. Consequently, historical determinism does not deny freedom of choice in social action but presupposes it, including it as a result of such action.

According to Marx’ definition, free conscious activity is a species characteristic distinguishing humans from animals, and the freedom enjoyed in a particular historical epoch is a necessary product of historical development. Engels wrote: “The first men who separated themselves from the animal kingdom were in all essentials as unfree as the animals themselves, but each step forward in civilization was a step toward freedom” (ibid). Despite all its contradictions and its antagonistic character, social development has generally been accompanied by an expansion of the limits of individual freedom, and ultimately it will result in the liberation of humanity from social restrictions on freedom in classless communist society, where “the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all” (K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 4, p. 447). If the extent of human freedom is considered a measure of social progress, the pace of social progress depends on the degree of freedom people possess.

The degree of freedom enjoyed in a specific historical epoch is generally defined by the level of development of the productive forces, the extent of people’s knowledge of the objective processes in nature and in society, and the social and political structure of the society. The freedom of the individual always represents merely a portion of the freedom enjoyed by an entire society. In this sense, as Lenin pointed out when he repudiated anarchistic, individualistic conceptions of the freedom of the individual, “one cannot live in society and be free from society” (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 12, p. 104).

In antagonistic class society the division of labor, private ownership of the means of production, and the division of society into antagonistic classes result in the domination of particular interests and the spontaneous operation of processes that are beyond people’s control and that are accompanied by social cataclysms. Under such conditions, the reverse side of the freedom of the ruling class to dispose of property, material wealth, and knowledge is the necessity for the exploited class to labor for the enrichment of others and to obey the will of others. In the relations between individuals, the individual freedom of some is eroded by the arbitrary power of others to do as they please. The measure of individual freedom is the extent of private property, which is the main determinant of opportunities for enjoying material and cultural goods. Under these conditions, the freedom of the overwhelming majority is restricted, and at the same time, there is a colossal waste of material and human resources in a society.

Seeking to expropriate for its own use as much as possible of the total freedom potentially available to society as a whole, the ruling class in antagonistic class society has always imposed maximum regimentation on the behavior of the rest of the population by means of various social norms, such as caste systems, social estates, and other hierarchical and legal systems. Such legalized limitations on the behavior of the majority become the condition for the freedom and arbitrary rule of the privileged minority.

Regardless of its ideological form, the people’s struggle against social restrictions on their freedom has been a powerful, driving force for social progress throughout history. Demands for freedom and equality have fueled each other, although they have been justified in different ways by the ideologists of various classes. On the eve of the bourgeois revolutions in Western Europe and North America, these demands took the form of an assertion of the natural right of all people to partake equally in the benefits of civilization, to dispose equally of the fruits of their labor, and to determine their own fate. Under the slogan “Liberty, equality, and fraternity,” the progressive bourgeoisie led the masses in the struggle against feudalism. However, these principles could not be realized in capitalist society.

The history of capitalism refuted the bourgeois doctrines of freedom, especially the popular, 19th-century liberal ideas of A. Smith, J. Bentham, and J. S. Mill, who argued that maximum restrictions on government, the freedom of the individual to dispose of his private property, and the individual’s pursuit of rational self-interest would lead to universal well-being, with the result that the individual freedom of all members of society would flourish. Even in the most advanced capitalist countries, individual freedom is largely a formality, and reactionary forces constantly infringe on the rights won by the masses through stubborn struggle (for example, freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of organization, and freedom of assembly).

Because it is irresistibly attractive to the broad masses, the slogan of “freedom” is widely used by bourgeois ideologists for propaganda purposes. For precisely this reason, the phrase “the free world” is used to designate the capitalist West, and the most reactionary organizations promote their own interests by using the word “freedom” in a wide variety of contexts. Many bourgeois ideologists, including M. Friedman, H. Wallich, and C. Whittaker, openly counterpose freedom to equality. At the same time, various technocratic and behaviorist theories, which denigrate and even openly reject the freedom of the individual, have become popular in the West. For example, the American social psychologist B. F. Skinner and his followers deny individual freedom and justify the manipulation of people’s consciousness and behavior. With the crisis of bourgeois individualism, with the increasing restriction of individual freedom and disregard for human dignity by the state-monopoly bureaucracy, these theories are attractive to members of the ruling class who wish to suppress democratic rights and strengthen bureaucratic control over the masses. At the same time, these theories are shared by representatives of the liberal intelligentsia and the radical youth, who have become so disillusioned with the traditional values of bourgeois civilization that they are inclined to regard all individual freedom as a sham. From a long-term historical perspective, however, the expansion of freedom is a dialectical, irreversible process moving toward the consistent social and national emancipation of mankind.

The objective conditions for genuine freedom can be realized only through the elimination of the antagonistic relations that private property fosters between people. When planned development replaces the spontaneous processes in society, eliminating most unforeseen economic and social consequences, people’s social activity becomes genuinely free, conscious, creative historical action. According to Engels, in communist society “the objective, external forces which have hitherto dominated history will pass under the control of men themselves. It is only from this point that men, with full consciousness, will fashion their own history; it is only from this point that the social causes set in motion by men will have, predominantly and in constantly increasing measure, the effects willed by men. It is humanity’s leap from the realm of necessity into the realm of freedom” (Anti-Dühring, 1966, p. 288). At the same time, if the maximum degree of individual freedom is to be attained, the goals set by each individual must be consistent with the interests of the rest of the members of society. Thus, every member of society receives genuine opportunities for the comprehensive, full development of his inherent abilities and talents and free access to mankind’s storehouse of knowledge, experience, and other cultural values, as well as the leisure time to master this legacy.

The socialist revolution has laid the foundation for the emancipation of people in all spheres of social life. This process has been accelerated by the rapid growth of the productive forces, the development of the scientific and technological revolution, the improvement of social relations, and general cultural progress. In communist society freedom will be embodied in the creation of all the necessary conditions for the comprehensive, harmonious development of the individual. As Marx pointed out, under communism, beyond the realm of necessity (beyond the limits of material production), “begins that development of human energy, which is an end in itself, the true realm of freedom, which, however, can blossom only with this realm of necessity as its basis” (in K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 25, part 2, p. 387).


Marx, K., and F. Engels. Nemetskaia ideologiia. Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 3.
Engels, F. Anti-Dühring. Ibid., vol. 20, sec. 1, ch. 2; sec. 2, ch. 2; sec. 3.
Engels, F. Liudvig Feierbakh i konets klassicheskoi nemetskoi filosofii. Ibid. vol. 21, ch. 4.
Engels, F. Proiskhozhdenie sem’i, chastnoi sobstvennosti i gosudarstva. Ibid., vol. 21, ch. 5.
Lenin, V. I. Chto takoe ‘druz’ia naroda’ i kak oni voiuiut protiv sotsial-demokratov? Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 1.
Lenin, V. I. Materializm i empiriokrititsizm. Ibid., vol. 18, ch. 3.
Lenin, V. I. Gosudarstvo i revoliutsiia. Ibid., vol. 23.
Programma KPSS(Priniata XXII s”ezdomKPSS). Moscow, 1974.
Materialy XXIV s”ezdaKPSS. Moscow, 1971.
Mill, J. S. Osvobode. St. Petersburg, 1901. (Translated from English.)
Hegel, G. W. F. Soch., vol. 8, Moscow-Leningrad, 1935.
Lamont, C. Svoboda dolzhna byt’ svobodoi na dele. Moscow, 1958. (Translated from English.)
Yanagida, K. Filosofiia svobody. Moscow, 1958. (Translated from Japanese.)
Aptheker, H. O sushchnosti svobody. Moscow, 1961. (Translated from English.)
Davydov, Iu. N. Trud i svoboda. Moscow, 1962.
Hobbes, T. “O svobode i neobkhodimosti.” Izbr. proizv., vol. 1. Moscow, 1964.
Kommunisty i demokratiia. (Materially obmena mneniiami.) Prague, 1964.
Nikolaeva, L. V. Svoboda—neobkhodimyi produkt istoricheskogo razvitiia. Moscow, 1964.
Nearing, S. Svoboda: obeshchanie i ugroza. Moscow, 1966. (Translated from English.)
Oizerman, T. I. Marksistsko-leninskoe ponimanie svobody. Moscow, 1967.
Davidovich, V. Grani svobody. Moscow, 1969.
Bailer, E. Chelovek i svoboda. Moscow, 1972.
Fromm, E. Escape From Freedom. New York-Toronto, 1941.
Sartre, J.-P. L’Existentialisme est un humanisme. Paris, 1946.
Dobzhansky, T. G. Biological Basis of Human Freedom. New York, 1956.
Adler, M. J. The Idea of Freedom, vols. 1–2. New York, 1958.
Gurvitch, G. Déterminismes sociaux et liberté humaine, 2nd ed. Paris, 1963.
Skinner, B. F. Beyond Freedom and Dignity, 7th ed. New York, 1972.
Beyond the Punitive Society. San Francisco, 1973.



See also Deliverance.Areopagiticapamphlet supporting freedom of the press. [Br. Lit.: Benét, 46]Berihah1940s underground railroad for Jews out of East Europe. [Jew. Hist.: Wigoder, 80]Bill of Rights(1791) term popularly applied to first 10 Amendments of U.S. Constitution. [Am. Hist.: Payton, 78]Declaration of Human Rights(1948) declaration passed by the United Nations; the rights are the individual freedoms usually associated with Western democracy. [World Hist.: Payton, 186]Declaration of Independence(1776) document declaring the independence of the North American colonies. [Am. Hist.: Payton, 186]Declaration of Indulgence(1672) Charles II’s attempt to suspend discrimination against Nonconformists and Catholics. [Br. Hist.: Payton, 186]Declaration of the Rights of Man(1789) proclaimed legal equality of man. [Fr. Hist.: Payton, 186]eaglewidely used as national symbol. [Animal Folklore: Jobes, 213]Eleutheriusepithet of Zeus, meaning “god of freedom.” [Gk. Myth.: Zimmerman, 292]Fourth of JulyAmerican independence day. [Am. Culture: Misc.]Great Emancipator, Thesobriquet of Abraham Lincoln. [Am. Hist.: Hart, 329]Henry, Patrick(1736–1799) famous American patriot known for his statement: “Give me liberty or give me death.” [Am. Hist.: Hart, 367]Jubilee yearfiftieth year; liberty proclaimed for all inhabitants. [O.T.: Leviticus 25:8–13]Magna Chartasymbol of British liberty. [Br. Hist.: Bishop, 49–52, 213]Monroe Doctrineconsolidated South American independence; stonewalled European intervention. [Am. Hist.: Jameson, 329–330]Phrygian cappresented to slaves upon manumission. [Rom. Hist.: Jobes, 287]Rütli Oathlegendary pact establishing independence of Swiss cantons (1307). [Swiss Hist.: NCE, 2384]Rienziliberator of Rome from warring Colonna and Orsini families. [Ger. Opera: Wagner, Rienzi, Westerman, 203]Runnymedesite of Magna Charta signing (1215). [Br. Hist.: Bishop, 49–52, 213]Statue of Libertyperhaps the most famous monument to independence. [Am. Hist.: Jameson, 284]Underground Railroadeffective means of escape for southern slaves. [Am. Hist.: Jameson, 514]water willowindicates independence. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 178]


1. the quality or state of being free, esp to enjoy political and civil liberties 2. autonomy, self-government, or independence 3. Philosophy the quality, esp of the will or the individual, of not being totally constrained; able to choose between alternative actions in identical circumstances


FREEDOMFacing Real Exciting Energy Developing Out of Miracles (Gary Busey)


  • noun

Synonyms for freedom

noun independence


  • independence
  • democracy
  • sovereignty
  • autonomy
  • self-determination
  • emancipation
  • self-government
  • home rule
  • autarchy

noun right


  • right
  • privilege
  • entitlement
  • prerogative

noun liberty


  • liberty
  • release
  • discharge
  • emancipation
  • deliverance
  • manumission


  • slavery
  • imprisonment
  • dependence
  • captivity
  • bondage
  • servitude
  • thraldom

noun exemption


  • exemption
  • release
  • relief
  • privilege
  • immunity
  • impunity

noun licence


  • licence
  • latitude
  • a free hand
  • free rein
  • play
  • power
  • range
  • opportunity
  • ability
  • facility
  • scope
  • flexibility
  • discretion
  • leeway
  • carte blanche
  • blank cheque
  • elbowroom


  • restriction
  • limitation

noun openness


  • openness
  • ease
  • directness
  • naturalness
  • abandon
  • familiarity
  • candour
  • frankness
  • informality
  • casualness
  • ingenuousness
  • lack of restraint or reserve
  • unconstraint


  • caution
  • restraint

Synonyms for freedom

noun departure from normal rules or procedures


  • liberty
  • license

noun the state of not being in confinement or servitude


  • emancipation
  • liberation
  • liberty
  • manumission

noun the condition of being politically free


  • autonomy
  • independence
  • independency
  • liberty
  • self-government
  • sovereignty

noun ease of or space for movement


  • elbowroom
  • play

Synonyms for freedom

noun the condition of being free

Related Words

  • state
  • academic freedom
  • enfranchisement
  • blank check
  • free hand
  • free rein
  • play
  • freedom of the seas
  • independence
  • independency
  • liberty
  • civil liberty
  • political liberty
  • svoboda

noun immunity from an obligation or duty


  • exemption

Related Words

  • immunity
  • unsusceptibility
  • amnesty
  • diplomatic immunity
  • indemnity
  • impunity
  • grandfather clause




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