goal-oriented movements
goal-oriented movements
goal-or·i·ent·ed move·ments
gōl-ōr'ē-ĕn-tĕd mūv'mĕnts
In physical and rehabilitation therapy, a term describing those motions intended to result in an outcome, as distinguished from those enacted in reaction to a stimulus or need.
effector system
effector systems
effector/target cell
effects animation
effects animator
effects-based approach to logistics
effects-based approach to operations
effects based assessment
effects based assessment support system
effects based operations
effects based planning
effects based strategy
effects-based warfare
effects coordination cell
effects coordination system
effect size
effect size generator
effects management tool
effects not cleared
effects of alcohol on the body
effects of a nuclear weapon
effects of mass media
effects of medroxyprogesterone
effects of natural products on laboratory values
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