Acronym | Definition |
GOAC➣Government Office Accommodation Committee (Australia) |
GOAC➣Great Oaks Apostolic Church (California) |
GOAC➣Germandat Obrera d'Acció Catòlica |
GOAC➣Greater Ocala Astronomy Club |
GOAC➣Gene Ontology Annotation Campaign |
GOAC➣Ghosts of a Chance (game; Smithsonian American Art Museum) |
GOAC➣Gas Operations Advisory Committee |
GOAC➣Guild of Age Crafters (forum) |
GOAC➣Gewestelijk Onderwijs en Advies Centrum |
GOAC➣Guernsey Overseas Aid Committee |
GOAC➣Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada |
GOAC➣Global Operations & Administration Corporation |
GOAC➣Genesis On A Chip |