

单词 gibbs-helmholtz equation

Gibbs-Helmholtz equation

Gibbs-Helmholtz equation

[′gibz ′helm‚hōlts i‚kwā·zhən] (physical chemistry) An expression for the influence of temperature upon the equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction, (d ln K °/ dT) P = Δ H °/ RT 2, where K ° is the equilibrium constant, Δ H ° the standard heat of the reaction at the absolute temperature T, and R the gas constant. (thermodynamics) Either of two thermodynamic relations that are useful in calculating the internal energy U or enthalpy H of a system; they may be written U = F-T (∂ F /∂ T) V and H = G-T (∂ G /∂ T) P, where F is the free energy, G is the Gibbs free energy, T is the absolute temperature, V is the volume, and P is the pressure. Any of the similar equations for changes in thermodynamic potentials during an isothermal process.

Gibbs-Helmholtz equation

Gibbs-Helm·holtz e·qua·tion

(gibz helm'hōltz), 1. an equation expressing the relationship in a galvanic cell between the chemical energy transformed and the maximal electromotive force obtainable. 2. ΔG = ΔH = T[∂ΔG/∂T]P, where ΔG is the change in Gibbs free energy, ΔH is the change in enthalpy, T is the absolute temperature, and P is the pressure.


J. Willard, U.S. mathematician and physicist, 1839-1903. Gibbs energy of activation - energy that must be added to that already possessed by a molecule(s) in order to initiate a reaction.Gibbs free energyGibbs theorem - substances that lower the surface tension of the pure dispersion medium tend to collect in its surface, whereas substances that raise the surface tension tend to remain out of the surface film.Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium - Synonym(s): Donnan equilibriumGibbs-Helmholtz equation - an equation expressing the relationship in a galvanic cell between the chemical energy transformed and the maximal electromotive force obtainable. Synonym(s): Helmholtz-Gibbs theoryHelmholtz-Gibbs theory - Synonym(s): Gibbs-Helmholtz equation


Hermann L.F. von, German physician, physicist, and physiologist, 1821-1894. Gibbs-Helmholtz equation - see under GibbsHelmholtz axis ligament - a ligament forming the axis about which the malleus rotates. Synonym(s): axis ligament of malleusHelmholtz coilHelmholtz energy - energy equivalent to the internal energy minus the entropy contribution.Helmholtz keratometerHelmholtz ophthalmoscopeHelmholtz theory of accommodation - the ciliary muscle relaxes for near vision and allows the anterior aspect of the lens to become more convex.Helmholtz theory of color vision - Synonym(s): Young-Helmholtz theory of color visionHelmholtz theory of hearing - that the basilar membrane of the cochlea acts as a resonating structure, recording low tones from its apical turns and high tones from its basal turns. Synonym(s): resonance theory of hearingHelmholtz-Gibbs theory - Synonym(s): Gibbs-Helmholtz equationYoung-Helmholtz theory of color vision - see under Young, Thomas




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