Gibb, Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen
Gibb, Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen
Born Jan. 2, 1895, in Alexandria. English Arabist and Islamist.
From 1930, Gibb was a professor, first at the University of London and then at Oxford University. Between 1955 and 1964 he was a professor in the department of arabic studies at Harvard University in the United States. He is one of the editors of the 2nd edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam (Leiden-Paris, 1960—). His works on the history and the modern state of Islam and the countries where it is widespread contain abundant factual material. Gibb is the author of works on the history of Arabic literature and Muslim historiography.
The Arab Conquests in Central Asia. London, 1923.Mohammedanism. New York, 1955.
Studies on the Civilization of Islam. London, 1962.
In Russian translation:
Arabskaia literatura. Moscow, 1960.
Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of Hamilton A. R. Gibb. Edited by G. Makdisi. Leiden, 1965. (Contains a bibliography of Gibb’s works.)Batunskii, M. A. “O nekotorykh tendentsiiakh v sovremennom Zapadnom islamovedenii.” In the collection Religiia i obshchestvennaia my si’ narodov Vostoka. Moscow, 1971.