Gertsenzon, Aleksei Adolfovich
Gertsenzon, Aleksei Adol’fovich
Born Mar. 4 (17), 1902, in Moscow; died there Dec. 13, 1970. Soviet scholar, doctor of juridical sciences, Honored Scholar of the RSFSR (1962). Joined the CPSU in 1940. Specialist in the field of criminal law and criminology. Awarded the Order of the Red Star and medals.
Sovetskaia ugolovnaia statistika: Uch. posobie. Moscow, 1935.Kurs sudebnoi statistiki. Moscow, 1939.
Sudebnaia statistika. Moscow, 1946. Fourth edition: Moscow, 1948.
Kurs ugolovnogo prava, fasc. 1. Moscow, 1944.
Ugolovnoe pravo—Obshchaia chast’: Uchebnik, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th eds. Moscow, 1948. (In collaboration with others.)
Ugolovno-pravovaia teoriia Zh.-P. Marata. Moscow, 1956.
Problema zakonnosti i pravosudiia vo frantsuzskikh politicheskikh ucheniiakh XVIII veka. Moscow, 1962.
Vvedenie v sovetskuiu kriminologiiu. Moscow, 1965.