Gerstäcker, Friedrich

Gerstäcker, Friedrich


Born May 10, 1816, in Hamburg; died May 31, 1872, in Braunschweig. German writer and traveler.

Gerstäcker was the author of the following travel sketches: Roaming and Hunting in the United States of North America (vols. 1-2, 1844 [its English translation was entitled Wild Sports in the Far West]), Journeys Around the World (vols. 1-6, 1847-48), Pictures of the Mississippi (vols. 1-3, 1847-48), and Travels (vols. 1-5, 1853-54). His novels, The Pirates of the Mississippi (vols. 1-3, 1848), To America! (1855; Russian translation, 1857), Gold (vols. 1-3, 1858), The Colony (vols. 1-3, 1864), and The Mother (vols. 1-3, 1867), as well as California Sketches (1856), are rich in ethnographic material.


Gesammelte Schriften, vols. 1-7 [1st series]. Berlin [1903].
In Russian translation:
Pod ekvatorom, parts 1-3. St. Petersburg, 1872.
Prikliucheniia nemetskoi kolonii v Amerike. St. Petersburg, 1875.
Syshchik. St. Petersburg [1905].
Prikliucheniia iunogo kitolova. Moscow, 1909.
Malen’kii zolotoiskatel’ v Kalifornii, 3rd ed. St. Petersburg-Moscow [1903].


Prahl, A. J. Gerstäcker und die Probleme seiner Zeit. [Wertheim am Main, 1938.]