(jərŏn`shəs), d. 411, Roman general, b. Britain. He at first supported the usurper ConstantineConstantine,d. 411, Roman general. He was proclaimed emperor by the Roman troops in Britain in 407 and led a revolt in Gaul and Spain against the Western emperor Honorius. He conquered part of Gaul and, through his son Constans, took Spain.
..... Click the link for more information. (d. 411), and was left in charge of Spain. He set up (409) his own candidate, Maximus, as emperor, at the same time inviting or permitting the entrance of the Alani, Suevi, and Vandals. In 411 he besieged Constantine at Arles, but at the approach of Constantius (later Emperor Constantius IIIConstantius III,
d. 421, Roman emperor of the West (421). In 411, as general of Honorius, he defeated Gerontius and Constantine; thereafter he was the virtual ruler of the West.
..... Click the link for more information. ) his troops deserted; he escaped to Spain but was assassinated.