Andersen disease

gly·co·ge·no·sis type 4

(glī'kō-jĕ-nō'sis tīp) Familial cirrhosis with storage of abnormal glycogen; glycogenosis due to deficiency of 1,4-α-glucan branching enzyme, resulting in accumulation of abnormal glycogen with long inner and outer chains in liver, kidney, muscle, and other tissues.
Synonym(s): Andersen disease.

Andersen disease

(an?der-sen) [Dorothy H. Andersen, U.S. pediatrician, 1901–1963] Glycogen storage disease, type IV. See: glycogen storage disease


Dorothy Hansine, U.S. pediatrician, 1901-1963. Andersen disease - familial cirrhosis of the liver with storage of abnormal glycogen. Synonym(s): type 4 glycogenosisAndersen syndrome - cystic fibrosis of the pancreas, vitamin A deficiency, and disease of the abdominal cavity. Synonym(s): Andersen triadAndersen triad - Synonym(s): Andersen syndrome