Acronym | Definition |
FTR➣Fighter |
FTR➣For The Record |
FTR➣Fit to Run |
FTR➣Failure to Return |
FTR➣Failed to Report |
FTR➣Failure To Repair |
FTR➣First to Review (review websites) |
FTR➣Foreign Trade Regulations |
FTR➣Fail to Reject (statistics) |
FTR➣Flop Turn River (poker website) |
FTR➣Federal Travel Regulation |
FTR➣Failure to Rescue |
FTR➣Fizik Tedavi Rehabilitasyon (Turkish: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) |
FTR➣Full-Time Regular |
FTR➣Flat Tv Receiver |
FTR➣Federal Telecommunications Recommendations |
FTR➣Financial Transmission Right |
FTR➣Family Tracing and Reunification (various organizations) |
FTR➣Formal Technical Review |
FTR➣First Time Resolution |
FTR➣Full Text Retrieval |
FTR➣File Type Referenced (function point analysis) |
FTR➣Foundation for Truth in Reality |
FTR➣Film Tax Relief (UK) |
FTR➣Fixed Transmission Right |
FTR➣Field Technical Representative |
FTR➣First Time Right (quality assurance) |
FTR➣Flight Test Requirement (various locations) |
FTR➣Free to Air |
FTR➣Functional Test Requirement |
FTR➣Florida Trail Riders (motorcycling) |
FTR➣Future Technology Requirements |
FTR➣Federal Tax Return |
FTR➣Forward Torpedo Room |
FTR➣Flow-Tube Reactor (chemical physics) |
FTR➣French Team Racing (gaming clan) |
FTR➣Future Transport Rotorcraft |
FTR➣Fault Threshold Rate |
FTR➣Flight Test Round |
FTR➣Federal Telecommunications Recommendation |
FTR➣Follow the Reaper |
FTR➣Factory Thorough Repair (Axmann) |
FTR➣First Time Response Ltd. (UK) |
FTR➣Ford-Tickford Racing |
FTR➣Fast Test Reactor |
FTR➣Fort Ross (California Volunteer Fire Department) |
FTR➣Full Tilt Riders MC (Motorcycle Club; est. 2003) |
FTR➣Finned Tube Radiation |
FTR➣Fixed Termination Rate (mobile telecommunications) |
FTR➣Food Trade Review (UK) |
FTR➣Foreign Travel Request |
FTR➣Future Technology Research Division (Honda) |
FTR➣Feature Test Release |
FTR➣Financial Transaction Register |
FTR➣Fielding Training Review |
FTR➣Flow Through Revetment |
FTR➣Field Trouble Report |
FTR➣Flight Transition Round |
FTR➣Functional Training Range (physical rehabilitation) |