

单词 giantism



G0115200 (jī′ən-tĭz′əm)n.1. The quality or condition of being a giant.2. See gigantism.


(ˈdʒaɪənˌtɪzəm) n (Pathology) another term for gigantism


(ˈdʒaɪ ənˌtɪz əm)

n. 1. gigantism. 2. the state or quality of being a giant. [1630–40]
Noun1.giantism - excessive size; usually caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary glandgigantism, overgrowthhyperpituitarism - excessive activity of the pituitary gland (especially overactivity of the anterior lobe which leads to excess secretion of growth hormone)hypertrophy - abnormal enlargement of a body part or organ
2.giantism - excessive largeness of staturegigantismbigness, largeness - the property of having a relatively great size



see gigantismgigantism,
condition in which an animal or plant is far greater than normal in size. Plants are often deliberately bred to increase their size. However, among animals, gigantism is usually the result of hereditary and glandular disturbance.
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See also Tallness.Albionson of Neptune and ancestor of England. [Br. Lit.: Faerie Queene]Alcyoneusone of the Titans. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 17]Aloeidaename given to twins Otus and Ephialtes. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 17]Anakimrace of tall men routed by Joshua. [O.T.: Numbers 13:32–33]Antaeuscolossal wrestler slain by Hercules. [Gk. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 38]Antigonusgiant nicknamed the Hand-Tosser. [Belgian Legend: Walsh Classical, 25]Ascapartthirty feet tall; defeated by Sir Bevis. [Medieval Romance: Walsh Classical, 34]AtlasTitan condemned to support world on his shoulders. [Gk. Myth.: Brewer Handbook, 13]Babe, the Blue OxPaul Bunyan’s gigantic animal-of-all-work. [Am. Folklore: Spiller, 720]Balanstrong and courageous colossus. [Span. Lit.: Amadis de Gaul]BalorFormorian giant with evil eye. [Irish Myth.: Benét, 76]Beaver, Tonyequals mythical exploits of Paul Bunyan. [Am. Lit.: Up Eel River]Bellerusa Cornish giant. [Br. Lit.: Brewer Handbook, 108]Blunderborenursery tale giant killed by Jack. [Br. Lit.: Brewer Dictionary, 128]Brobdingnagcountry of people twelve times the size of men. [Br. Lit.: Gulliver’s Travels]Bunyan, Paullegendary lumberjack who accomplished prodigious feats. [Am. Folklore: Brewer Dictionary, 163]Cardiff gianta gypsum statue passed off as a petrified prehistoric man till revealed as a hoax (1869). [Am. Hist.: EB (1963), 9: 533]Clytiusson of Uranus and Gaea. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 64]Colossosa gigantic brazen statue 126 ft. high executed by Chares for the harbor at Rhodes. [Gk. Hist.: Brewer Handbook, 226]Cormorannursery tale giant felled by Jack. [Br. Lit.: Brewer Dictionary, 262]Cyclopesrace of one-eyed, gigantic men. [Gk. Lit.: Odyssey; Arab. Lit.: Arabian Nights, “Sindbad the Sailor,” Third Voyage]Egilgiant who watched over Thor’s goats. [Norse Myth.: LLEI, I: 327]Enceladuspowerful giant whose hisses cause volcanic eruptions. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 88]Ephialtes and Otusnine fathoms tall; threatened to battle Olympian gods. [Gk. Myth.: Leach, 39; Gk. Lit.: Iliad]Ferragusthe Portuguese giant who took the empress Bellisant under his care. [Br. Lit.: “Valentine and Orson” in Brewer Handbook, 364]Foawrstone-throwing slaughterer of cattle. [Br. Folklore: Briggs, 178]Galaposgiant slain by King Arthur. [Br. Lit.: History of Arthur, Brewer Handbook, 400]Gargantuaroyal giant who required 17,913 cows for personal milk supply. [Fr. Lit.: Gargantua and Pantagruel]Glumdalca, Queencaptive giantess in love with Tom. [Br. Lit.: Tom Thumb]Gogand Magog two Cornish giants taken captive by Brutus, legendary founder of Britain. [Br. Legend: Brewer Dictionary, 471]Goliathtowering Philistine giant slain by youthful David. [O.T.: I Samuel 17:49–51]Jack-in-Ironsgigantic figure that attacks lonely wayfarers. [Br. Folklore: Briggs, 237]Jolly Green Gianttrademark comes alive in animated commercials. [Am. Advertising: Misc.]Jotunnrace of giants frequently in conflict with gods. [Norse Myth.: Leach, 559]King Konggiant ape brought to New York as “eighth wonder of world.” [Am. Cinema: Payton, 367]Long Meg of Westminster; 16th-century giantess. [Br. Hist.: Espy, 337]Lubbard Fiendbrownie of gigantic size. [Br. Folklore: Briggs, 270–272]Miller, Maximilian Christopherthe Saxon giant. [Br. Hist.: Brewer Handbook, 706]Mimirgigantic god of primeval ocean. [Norse Myth.: Leach, 728]Morganteferocious giant converted to Christianity. [Ital. Lit.: Morgante Maggiore, Wheeler, 248]Nephilimrace dwelling in Canaan before Israelites. [O.T.: Genesis 6:4]Oggiant who attacked Israelites. [O.T.: Deuteronomy 3:2]Orgoglioa hideous giant, as tall as three men; son- of Earth and Wind. [Gk. Myth.: Brewer Handbook, 780]Orioncolossus of great beauty and hunting skill. [Gk. and Rom. Myth.: Wheeler, 271]Pantagruelgigantic, virtuous king who needed 4,600 cows to nurse him. [Fr. Lit.: Gargantua and Pantagruel]Polyphemuscruel monster; one of the Cyclopes. [Gk. Lit.: Odyssey; Rom. Lit.: Aeneid]Titanslawless children of Uranus and Gaea. [Gk. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 1086]Tityusson of Zeus; body covered nine acres. [Gk. and Rom. Myth.: Wheeler, 368]Typhonfire-breathing colossus. [Gk. and Rom. Myth.: Wheeler, 373]Utgardresidence of colossi. [Norse Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 1120]Ymirfather of the giant race. [Norse Myth.: Wheeler, 395]



 [ji´an-tizm] 1. gigantism.2. excessive size, as of cells or nuclei.


(jī'gan-tizm, jī-gan'tizm), A condition of abnormal size or overgrowth of the entire body or of any of its parts. Synonym(s): giantism [G. gigas, giant]


(jī′ən-tĭz′əm)n.1. The quality or condition of being a giant.2. See gigantism.


Gigantism, see there.


(jī-gant'izm) A condition of abnormal size or overgrowth of the entire body or of any of its parts.
Synonym(s): giantism.
[G. gigas, giant]


  • noun

Synonyms for giantism

noun excessive size


  • gigantism
  • overgrowth

Related Words

  • hyperpituitarism
  • hypertrophy

noun excessive largeness of stature


  • gigantism

Related Words

  • bigness
  • largeness




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