Glebov, Anatolii Glebovich
Glebov, Anatolii Glebovich
Born Nov. 27 (Dec. 9), 1899, in Poltava; died Feb. 6, 1964, in Moscow. Russian Soviet writer. Participated in the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War.
Glebov wrote his first play, Our Times, in 1919. He wrote more than 20 plays, including Zagmuk (1925), Growth (1927), and Inga (1929), and 22 one-act plays for amateur theater. He translated about 30 plays by non-Russian Soviet authors, such as A. Shirvanzade’s Namus, and N. M. D’iakonov’s Wedding With Dowry. Glebov’s prose works include Line of Friendship: Tales of Turkey (1960), as well as the short stories “Truth-lover,” “Comma,” “Gurov,” and others that make up the collection Tales of the Strong (1964).
Izbrannye p’esy. Moscow, 1961.Rasskazy o sil’nykh [2nd ed.]. Moscow, 1967.
Shtok, I. “Anatolii Glebov.” Teatr, 1960, no. 10.[Obituary.] Literaturnaia gazeta, Feb. 11, 1964.