Gleb Iurevich Vereshchagin

Vereshchagin, Gleb Iur’evich


Born Apr. 2 (14), 1889, in the village of Gosteevka, now in Tambov Oblast; died Feb. 2, 1944, in the settlement of Listvianka, Irkutsk Oblast. Soviet hydrobiologist and limnologist. Doctor of geographical sciences and professor.

Vereshchagin graduated from the University of Warsaw in 1913 and began working in the Zoological Museum of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1914. He directed the Baikal expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1925. From 1930 to 1944 he was director of the Baikal Limnological Station. His principal works deal with plankton and freshwater crustaceans, Lake Baikal’s ice regime, the dynamics and morphology of its shores, and the effects on fisheries of higher water levels occurring in connection with projected hydroelectric power plants. He advanced a theory concerning the marine origin of Baikal’s native fauna and flora.


“Proiskhozhdenie i istoriia Baikala, ego fauny i flory.” Tr. Baikal’skoi limnologicheskoi stantsii, 1940, vol. 10.
Baikal. Moscow, 1949.


Obruchev, V. A., and D. N. Taliev. “Gleb Iur’evich Vereshchagin.” Izv. AN SSSR: Seriia geologicheskaia, 1945, no. 1.