

单词 frc
释义 DictionarySeecapacityEncyclopediaSeefunctional residual capacity



 [kah-pas´ĭ-te] the power to hold, retain, or contain, or the ability to absorb; usually expressed numerically as the measure of such ability.closing capacity (CC) the volume of gas in the lungs at the time of airway closure, the sum of the closing volume and the residual volume. See also closing volume.decreased intracranial adaptive capacity a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as the state in which intracranial fluid dynamic mechanisms that normally compensate for increases in intracranial volumes are compromised, resulting in repeated disproportionate increases in intracranial pressure in response to a variety of noxious and nonnoxious stimuli.diffusing capacity see diffusing capacity.forced vital capacity the maximal volume of gas that can be exhaled from full inhalation by exhaling as forcefully and rapidly as possible. See also pulmonary function tests.functional residual capacity the amount of gas remaining at the end of normal quiet respiration.heat capacity the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a specific quantity of a substance by one degree Celsius.inspiratory capacity the volume of gas that can be taken into the lungs in a full inhalation, starting from the resting inspiratory position; equal to the tidal volume plus the inspiratory reserve volume.maximal breathing capacity maximum voluntary ventilation.thermal capacity heat capacity.total lung capacity the amount of gas contained in the lung at the end of a maximal inhalation. Subdivisions of total lung capacity: TLC, total lung capacity; V, tidal volume; IC, inspiratory capacity; FRC, functional residual capacity; ERV, expiratory reserve volume; VC, vital capacity; RV, residual volume. From Dorland's, 2000.virus neutralizing capacity the ability of a serum to inhibit the infectivity of a virus.vital capacity (VC) see vital capacity.


Abbreviation for functional residual capacity (of lungs).


Abbreviation for functional residual capacity.


Abbreviation for functional residual capacity.


FRCFIRST Robotics Competition
FRCFamily Research Council (Washington DC Advocacy Group)
FRCFinancial Reporting Council (UK)
FRCFamily Resource Center
FRCFunctional Residual Capacity (pulmonary function)
FRCFédération Romande des Consommateurs (French: Romande Consumer Federation; Switzerland)
FRCFederal Resource Center
FRCFrame Rate Converter (video)
FRCFeather River College (Quincy, CA)
FRCFédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau (French: Brain Research Federation)
FRCFrame Rate Code
FRCFriendly Rate Control
FRCFunctional Redundancy Checking
FRCFrame Rate Converter
FRCFull Rate Channel
FRCFrame Rate Control
FRCFirewall Reporting Center
FRCFiscal Responsibility Commission (Nigeria)
FRCFleet Readiness Center (NAVAIR)
FRCFast Response Cutter (boat: US Coast Guard)
FRCFederal Records Center
FRCFrench Red Cross
FRCField Reversed Configuration
FRCField Robotics Center
FRCFederal Radio Commission
FRCFlight Research Center
FRCFédération Régionale des Chasseurs (French: Regional Federation of Hunters)
FRCFamily Records Centre (UK)
FRCFiber Reinforced Composite
FRCFinancial Research Corp. (Boston, MA)
FRCFull Retail Contestability (Australia)
FRCFinancial Reconstruction Commission (Japan)
FRCFull Retail Competition
FRCFinnish Red Cross
FRCFederal Resource Coordinator (US FEMA)
FRCFamily Resiliency Center (various organizations)
FRCForward Rate Curve (interest)
FRCFederal Radiation Council
FRCFrankford Radio Club
FRCFlame Retardant Clothing (body protection)
FRCFarriers Registration Council (UK)
FRCFatah Revolutionary Council (Abu Nidal Organization)
FRCFuel Recovery Charge (fee)
FRCFederal Regional Center
FRCFamily Rehabilitation Centre
FRCFlorida Research Consortium (Tallahassee, FL)
FRCFaculty Recruitment Conference (Association of American Law Schools)
FRCFitness Recreation Center (various locations)
FRCFixed Roof Coupe (Chevrolet Corvette)
FRCFacility Responsible Centre
FRCFrequency Response Curve
FRCForce Reconnaissance Company
FRCFast Response Craft (offshore production and exploration)
FRCForest Resources and Conservation
FRCFront Range Consulting (Colorado)
FRCFalse Roman Cancel (gaming)
FRCFort Richmond Collegiate
FRCFunding Review Committee (Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency)
FRCFixed Rate Credit
FRCForza Racing Club (est. 2007)
FRCFathers Raising Children
FRCFlagg Ranch Company (Wyoming)
FRCFinal Reproducible Copy
FRCFull Route Clearance
FRCFirst Robotics Canada
FRCFederal Response Center
FRCFeasibility Review Conference (USACE)
FRCFranklin Residential College (University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia)
FRCFuel Rail Cover (automobiles)
FRCFree Range Chicken
FRCFraunhofer Resource Center (Michigan)
FRCFranchise Relations Committee
FRCFamily Registration Certificate (Pakistan and Sri Lanka)
FRCFull Rate Codec
FRCFederal Retirement Calculator
FRCFoul Release Coatings (marine paint)
FRCFichier des Recherches Criminelles (French: Criminal Investigation File)
FRCFacility Review Committee
FRCFisher Registration Card (Asia, Pacific)
FRCFort Richmond Centurions
FRCFleet Response Concept
FRCFlexible Ribbon Cable
FRCFixed Replacement Cache
FRCFamily Relationship Code (US Navy supply)
FRCFunctional Requirements Committee
FRCFast Reiterative Censoring (method)
FRCFraternity of the Rosy Cross (or Frater de Rosa et Crucis)
FRCFailure Rate of Components
FRCFrame Redundancy Check (Cisco)
FRCFunding Resource Code
FRCFranca, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Airport Code)
FRCFuselage Responsibility Center (aviation)
FRCFrame Relay Capabilities
FRCFukuoka REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) Corporation (Japan)
FRCFleet Readiness Command
FRCFraction of Residential Power supplied by Coal (Carolina Environmental Program)
FRCFederal Reserve Council
FRCFrench Riviera Club
FRCFranconia Mennonite Conference
FRCFinancial Responsibility Centre (Canada)




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