Acronym | Definition |
FTM➣Free Throws Made (basketball) |
FTM➣Fort Myers (Amtrak station code; Fort Myers, FL) |
FTM➣Family Tree Maker (Brøderbund) |
FTM➣Follow the Money |
FTM➣For That Matter |
FTM➣For the Mommas |
FTM➣Feel the Magic (video game) |
FTM➣First Time Mother |
FTM➣Female to Male Transsexual |
FTM➣First to Market |
FTM➣Flight Test Standard Missile (defense system) |
FTM➣Free Text Message |
FTM➣First Team Member (sports) |
FTM➣File Transfer Manager |
FTM➣Fib Transition Module |
FTM➣Font File Micrografx |
FTM➣Foyers de Travailleurs Migrants (French: Homes of Migrant Workers) |
FTM➣Fair to Midland (band) |
FTM➣Forgot to Mention |
FTM➣Fonction de Transfert de Modulation (French: Modulation Transfer Function) |
FTM➣For The Moment |
FTM➣Flight Test Manual (US Navy) |
FTM➣Fixed to Mobile |
FTM➣File Transfer and Management |
FTM➣Field Team Member |
FTM➣Feed the Multitudes (Victory Fellowship; Mandeville, LA) |
FTM➣Field Training Manager |
FTM➣Financial Town Meeting (Rhode Island) |
FTM➣Fast Track Mediation |
FTM➣Full Time Mom |
FTM➣Failure Tolerance Method (computer networking) |
FTM➣Flat Tension Mask |
FTM➣Fundación Tony Manero (band) |
FTM➣Financial Times Mandate |
FTM➣Frances the Mute (album by The Mars Volta) |
FTM➣Flight Test Mission |
FTM➣Full-Time Manning |
FTM➣Functional Tone Management |
FTM➣Fabrication Toutes Menuiseries (French joinery manufacturer) |
FTM➣Fraisage Tournage Montage (French milling company) |
FTM➣Fault-Tolerant Memory |
FTM➣Functional Test Manager |
FTM➣Frame Transfer Matrix (Enterasys switches) |
FTM➣Fuereza de Tarea Maya (Spanish: Maya Task Force; Guatemala) |
FTM➣Future Technology Magazine |
FTM➣Fire Control Technician, Missile (Naval Rating) |
FTM➣Fault Tree Model |
FTM➣Forward Triangular Merger |
FTM➣Frequency/Time Matrix |
FTM➣Flight Test Missile |
FTM➣Facility Training Manual |
FTM➣Filter/Transducer Module |
FTM➣Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor System |
FTM➣Fundación para el Tercer Mundo |
FTM➣(USN Rating) Fire Control Technician (Missile Fire Control) |
FTM➣Forward Twelve Months |
FTM➣Free Ticket Makem (sports) |
FTM➣Futuretech Music |
FTM➣Forum de la Télévision Mobile (French: Mobile TV Forum) |