Acronym | Definition |
FTF➣For the Family |
FTF➣First to Find (geocaching) |
FTF➣Failed to Find (geocaching) |
FTF➣Face the Fact |
FTF➣First to Fight (computer game) |
FTF➣Fill the Front |
FTF➣Face To Face (in person) |
FTF➣Fédération Tunisienne de Football (French: Tunisian Football Federation; Tunisia) |
FTF➣Failure to Feed (A self loading firearm malfunction) |
FTF➣Fight the Future (X-Files movie) |
FTF➣Failure to Fire |
FTF➣Freescale Technology Forum |
FTF➣First Things First (Chattanooga, TN family strengthening program) |
FTF➣First to File (patent management) |
FTF➣Foreign Terrorist Fighters |
FTF➣For the Future (various organizations) |
FTF➣Fit to Fly |
FTF➣Failure to Fly (suicide by jumping) |
FTF➣Fair Trade Federation |
FTF➣Farmer-To-Farmer (Peace Corps program) |
FTF➣Five to Fifteen (parental questionnaire) |
FTF➣Face to Face |
FTF➣Free Trade Fxp |
FTF➣Fan Tray Filter |
FTF➣Ftb Index File |
FTF➣Favorite Things Friday |
FTF➣French Touch Fishing (France) |
FTF➣Fat Tire Festival (bicycle festival; various locations) |
FTF➣Flee the Facility (Roblox game) |
FTF➣First-Time Freshman (education) |
FTF➣First Time Fix |
FTF➣First Time Father |
FTF➣Family Tree Forum (website) |
FTF➣Flight to Freedom |
FTF➣Federal Task Force |
FTF➣French Tennis Federation (France) |
FTF➣File Transfer Facility (online banking) |
FTF➣Finalization Task Force |
FTF➣Finalization Task Force (OMG) |
FTF➣Federal Transition Framework |
FTF➣Fundamental Train Frequency (bearing vibration) |
FTF➣Flexible Target Family |
FTF➣Future Total Force (USAF) |
FTF➣Fédération Travailliste de Football (French: Football Labor Federation; Belgium) |
FTF➣Fresher Than Fresh (Gastonia, NC) |
FTF➣Fugitive Task Force |
FTF➣For the Find (geocaching) |
FTF➣Feel the Force |
FTF➣For The Fail |
FTF➣Flash Text Formatter |
FTF➣For The Fame (band) |
FTF➣Flexible Technical Foils |
FTF➣Filter Test Facilities |
FTF➣Federal Telecommunications Fund |
FTF➣Fiber Termination Frame |
FTF➣Full Time Father |
FTF➣Fuel Transport Facility |
FTF➣FreeTradeFXP (online FXP group) |
FTF➣Front des Travailleurs Français (French: French Workers Front) |
FTF➣Freezer to Fryer (food items) |
FTF➣Further to Follow (police) |
FTF➣Ford Truck Fanatics (automotive fanclub) |