Gates, Frederick T.

Gates, Frederick T. (Taylor)

(1853–1929) clergyman, businessman; born in Maine, N.Y. A Baptist minister, his first church was in Minneapolis, Minn. (1881). In 1888 he resigned and became secretary of the American Baptist Education Society, in which position he helped reorganize the University of Chicago. In doing so he earned the respect of John D. Rockefeller, the principal benefactor of the new university, and in 1891 he was engaged by Rockefeller to aid in managing his philanthropic activities. In this capacity Gates set up the General Education Board and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and helped establish the Rockefeller Foundation (1913). Gates also found himself becoming involved in some of Rockefeller's business enterprises. Through his own personal integrity and manner, Gates also helped Rockefeller gain a more favorable public image.