释义 |
gleam G0146500 (glēm)n.1. A brief beam or flash of light: saw gleams of daylight through the cracks.2. A steady but subdued shining; a glow: the gleam of burnished gold.3. A brief or dim indication; a trace: a gleam of intelligence.intr.v. gleamed, gleam·ing, gleams 1. To emit a gleam; flash or glow: "Their tile roofs gleamed in the moon's pallid radiance" (Laura Joh Rowland). See Synonyms at flash.2. To be reflected as a gleam: The sun gleamed on the water.3. To be manifested or indicated briefly or faintly. [Middle English glem, from Old English glǣm; see ghel- in Indo-European roots.] gleam′er n.gleamer (ˈɡliːmə) na mirror used to cheat in card gamesIdiomsSeegleam |