
gad 1

G0003300 (găd)intr.v. gad·ded, gad·ding, gads To move about restlessly or with little purpose, especially in search of pleasure or amusement. See Synonyms at wander.
[Middle English gadden, to hurry.]
gad′der n.

gad 2

G0003300 (găd)n.1. A pointed tool, such as a spike or chisel, used for breaking rock or ore.2. Archaic A goad, as for prodding gad·ded, gad·ding, gads To break up (ore, for example) with a gad.
[Middle English, from Old Norse gaddr.]

Gad 1

G0003300 (găd) In the Bible, a son of Jacob and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.

Gad 2

G0003300 (găd)interj. Used to express surprise or dismay.
[Alteration of God.]