Franz Weidenreich

Weidenreich, Franz


Born June 7, 1873, in Edenkoben, in the Palatinate; died July 11, 1948, in New York. German anthropologist. When fascism came to power he emigrated from Germany and worked in China and the USA. Weidenreich is the author of the so-called theory of polycentrism, according to which the present human races derived from different species or even genera of ancient man that developed independently in different parts of the world. This conception has been thoroughly criticized in the works of Soviet anthropologists.


Roginskii, Ia. Ia. Teorii monotsentrizma i politsentrizma v problème proiskhozhdeniia sovremennogo cheloveka. Moscow, 1949.
Levin, M. G. “Novaia teoriia antropogeneza F. Weidenreikha.” Sovetskaia etnografiia, 1946, no. 1.