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gastroplication Translationsgastroplication
gastroplication[¦ga·strō·plə′kā·shən] (medicine) An operation for relief of chronic dilation of the stomach by suturing a large horizontal fold in the stomach wall. gastroplication
gastroplication [gas″tro-plĭ-ka´shun] treatment of gastric dilatation by stitching a fold in the stomach wall.gas·tro·pli·ca·tion (gas'trō-pli-kā'shŭn), An operation for reducing the size of the stomach by suturing a longitudinal fold with the peritoneal surfaces in apposition. Synonym(s): gastroptyxis, gastrorrhaphy (2) , stomach reefing [gastro- + L. plico, to fold] gastroplication (găs′trō-plĭ-kā′shən)n. A surgical procedure for reducing of the size of the stomach by suturing a fold in the stomach wall.gas·tro·pli·ca·tion (gas'trō-pli-kā'shŭn) An operation to reduce the size of the stomach by suturing a longitudinal fold with the peritoneal surfaces in apposition. Synonym(s): gastrorrhaphy (2) . [gastro- + L. plico, to fold]gastroplication A surgical operation to correct severe ballooning (dilation) of the stomach. Redundant tissue is folded over and stitched in place. |