Frantisek Bergrat Posepny

Pošepný, František Bergrat


Born Mar. 30, 1836, in Jilemnice, Bohemia; died Mar. 27, 1895, in Vienna. Czech geologist, one of the originators of the study of ore deposits. Professor at the Mining Academy in Příbram (1879–89).

Poŝepný graduated from the Mining Academy in Příbram in 1859. His principal works were devoted to the study of the ore deposits of Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Hungary. He also studied gold ore deposits in the Urals. Poŝepný was one of the first to establish the difference between primary ores and the products of their weathering. He identified two types of mineralization: that occurring as a result of direct magmatic segregation and that occurring as a result of hydrothermal action.


Archiv für practische Geologie, vols. 1–2. Vienna, 1880–95.
Über des Genesis der Erzlagerstätten. Vienna, 1895.
In Russian translation:
“Raiony Ural’skoi zolotopromyshlennosti.” Vestnik zolotopromyshlennosti i gornogo dela voobsche, 1900, no. 24, pp. 436–39.


Eremeev, P. V. “Frants Poshepni” (obituary). Zap. imp. SPB ob-va, 1895, part 33, issue 1, p. 33.
Kettner, R. “Frantiŝek Poŝepný.” Časopis pro mineralogii a geologii, 1961, issue 6, no. 3.