Gaboriau, Émile

Gaboriau, Émile


Born Nov. 9, 1832, in Saujon; died Oct. 1, 1873, in Paris. French writer.

Gaboriau was the author of historical novels and novels of everyday life, but he was successful only with his novels dealing with crime, such as The Lerouge Case (1866; Russian translation, 1873), Case No. 113 (1867), The Slaves of Paris (1868), and Monsieur Lecoq (1869; Russian translation, 1870). Gaboriau was one of the originators of the detective genre; some family secret usually lies at the basis of his novels, which feature deductive reasoning as the method of crime detection.


Le Crime d’Orcival. Paris [1963].


Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’ perevodnoi belletristiki v sviazi s istoriei literatury i kritikoi. Foreword by N. A. Rubakin. St. Petersburg, 1897. Page 23.
Messac, R. “Le Detective Novel” et I’influence de la pensee scientifique. Paris, 1929.
Car, E. Le Centenaire de Gaboriau. Lyon, 1933.
Talvart, H., and J. Place. Bibliographie des auteurs modernes de la langue francaise (1801-1936), vol. 6. Paris, 1937.