Acronym | Definition |
FSO➣Free Space Optics |
FSO➣Free Space Optical |
FSO➣File System Object (Microsoft) |
FSO➣Faculté des Sciences Oujda (French: Oujda Science Faculty; Oujda, Morocco) |
FSO➣Facilities Security Officer |
FSO➣Fire Safety Order (regulation) |
FSO➣Foreign Service Officer |
FSO➣Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych |
FSO➣File System Object |
FSO➣Field Service Organization |
FSO➣Field Selector Outside |
FSO➣Floating Storage and Offloading (supertankers usually used for oil shipping) |
FSO➣Federal Statistical Office (Germany) |
FSO➣Full Scale Output |
FSO➣Fire Support Officer |
FSO➣Freesmartphone |
FSO➣Financial Service Organization |
FSO➣Flag Service Organization (Scientology) |
FSO➣Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych (Poland passenger automobile factory) |
FSO➣Fund for Special Operations |
FSO➣Family Support Organization |
FSO➣Floating Storage Offloading |
FSO➣Flotilla Staff Officer |
FSO➣File Scripting Object (computing) |
FSO➣Field Security Operations |
FSO➣Financial Services Officer |
FSO➣Full Spectrum Operations |
FSO➣Flight Safety Officer |
FSO➣Food Service Officer |
FSO➣Field Security Officer (United Nations) |
FSO➣Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra (Flagstaff, Arizona) |
FSO➣Fox Sports Ohio |
FSO➣Full Sail University Online (Winter Park, FL) |
FSO➣Field Security Office |
FSO➣Flint Symphony Orchestra (Flint, Michigan) |
FSO➣First Star Online (game) |
FSO➣Food Stamp Outreach (various organizations) |
FSO➣Funeral Service Operative (undertaker) |
FSO➣Forum Support Organisation |
FSO➣Former Significant Other |
FSO➣Financial Sanctions Officer |
FSO➣Freinage du Sud-Ouest (French: Braking Southwest) |
FSO➣For Services Of |
FSO➣Friday Shout Out |
FSO➣Financial Services of Ontario |
FSO➣Field Service Officer |
FSO➣Fender Shaped Object (musical instruments) |
FSO➣Facilities Service Office (USPS) |
FSO➣Federalnaya Sluzhba Okhrany (Russian: Federal Security Organization; successor of GUO and SBP) |
FSO➣Field Service Office |
FSO➣Fail-Safe Open |
FSO➣Field Sales Office |
FSO➣Family Service Ontario |
FSO➣Fleet Support Operations |
FSO➣Fill Station Operator |
FSO➣Flight Surgeon's Office |
FSO➣Full Service Office |
FSO➣Fleet Support Officer |
FSO➣Fuel Service Option (automobile rental) |
FSO➣Firewall Security Officer |
FSO➣Flight System Operations (US NASA) |
FSO➣Fuel Supply Office |
FSO➣Fédération Suisse des Osthéopathes (French: Swiss Federation of Osteopaths) |
FSO➣Facilities and Services for Older Persons |
FSO➣Facility Support Operator |
FSO➣Facility Security Officer/Supervisor |
FSO➣Field Service Orders (accounting software) |
FSO➣Freshman Scholarship Options |
FSO➣Familles Sang et Or (French: Blood and Gold Families; Belgium) |
FSO➣Factory Shipping Order |
FSO➣For Spares Order |
FSO➣Form, Space, and Order |
FSO➣Free Standing Option (new vehicle option that is not sold as part of a package) |
FSO➣Fixed Site of Operation |
FSO➣Force Structure Option |