giant cell myeloma


 [mi″ĕ-lo´mah] 1. a tumor composed of plasma cells of the type normally found in the bone marrow.2. multiple myeloma.giant cell myeloma giant cell tumor (def. 1).multiple myeloma see multiple myeloma.plasma cell myeloma multiple myeloma.solitary myeloma a variant of multiple myeloma in which there is a single localized tumor focus. Called also plasma cell tumor.

gi·ant cell tu·mor of bone

a soft, reddish-brown, sometimes malignant, osteolytic tumor composed of multinucleated giant cells and ovoid or spindle-shaped cells, occurring most frequently in an end of a long tubular bone of young adults. Synonym(s): giant cell myeloma, osteoclastoma

gi·ant cell tu·mor of bone

(jī'ănt sel tū'mŏr bōn) A soft, reddish-brown, sometimes malignant, osteolytic tumor composed of multinucleated giant cells and ovoid or spindle-shaped cells, occurring most frequently in an end of a long tubular bone of young adults.
Synonym(s): giant cell myeloma, osteoclastoma.

gi·ant cell tu·mor of bone

(jī'ănt sel tū'mŏr bōn) A soft, reddish-brown, sometimes malignant, osteolytic tumor composed of multinucleated giant cells and ovoid or spindle-shaped cells; most frequent in young adults.
Synonym(s): osteoclastoma.