giant cell arteritis


 [ahr″ter-i´tis] (pl. arteri´tides) inflammation of an artery.aortic arch arteritis pulseless disease.brachiocephalic arteritis pulseless disease.cranial arteritis temporal arteritis.giant cell arteritis temporal arteritis.hemolytic arteritis, microangiopathic pulseless disease.arteritis obli´terans endarteritis obliterans.rheumatic arteritis generalized inflammation of arterioles and arterial capillaries occurring in rheumatic fever.Takayasu's arteritis pulseless disease.temporal arteritis a chronic vascular disease of unknown origin, occurring in the elderly, characterized by severe headache, fever, and accumulation of giant cells in the walls of medium-sized arteries, especially the temporal arteries. Ocular involvement may cause visual impairment or blindness.

tem·po·ral ar·te·ri·tis

[MIM*187360] a subacute, granulomatous arteritis involving the external carotid arteries, especially the temporal artery; occurs in old people and may be manifested by constitutional symptoms, particularly severe headache, and sometimes sudden unilateral blindness. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is always elevated. Shares many of the symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica. Synonym(s): cranial arteritis, extracranial arteritis, giant cell arteritis, granulomatous arteritis, Horton arteritis
A condition that affects people > age 50, incidence 18:100,000/yr, characterised by arterial vasculitis; it can lead to blindness and/or stroke
Diagnosis Arterial biopsy
Management High dose corticosteroids

giant cell arteritis

Cranial arteritis, Horton's disease, temporal arteritis Neurology A condition that affects > age 50, incidence 18:100,000/yr, characterized by arterial vasculitis; it can lead to blindness and/or stroke Clinical New-onset headache, scalp tenderness, jaw claudication, polymyalgia rheumatica Diagnosis Arterial Bx Management High dose corticosteroids. See Vasculitis.

tem·po·ral ar·ter·i·tis

(tem'pŏr-ăl ahr'tĕr-ī'tis) A subacute, granulomatous arteritis involving the external carotid arteries, especially the temporal artery; occurs in elderly people and may be manifested by constitutional symptoms, particularly severe headache, and sometimes sudden unilateral blindness. Shares many of the symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica.
Synonym(s): cranial arteritis, giant cell arteritis, Horton arteritis.

giant cell arteritis


Giant cell arteritis

Also called temporal arteritis. A condition which causes the inflammation of temporal arteries. It can cause blindness when the inflammation effects the ophthalmic artery.Mentioned in: Polymyalgia Rheumatica

arteritis, temporal 

An inflammatory disease of the wall of arteries, mainly of the extracranial vessels, which occurs in people who are over 60 years of age. The condition is characterized by headache and pain in muscles and joints, such as those of the jaws, tender or non-pulsating temporal artery, and sometimes fever. A sudden loss of vision in one eye (amaurosis fugax) may occur in the first few weeks after the onset of the disease due to an occlusion of either the central retinal artery or of the short posterior ciliary arteries that supply the optic nerve. Prompt administration of systemic corticosteroids (e.g. hydrocortisone) has been found to be of great value in the management of this condition. Syn. giant cell arteritis (strictly speaking this term is usually reserved for a more generalized condition). See amaurosis fugax; ischaemic optic neuropathy; Adie's pupil.