good mood

good mood

Psychology A mental state characterized by positive mood parameters–eg ↑ energy, alertness, sense of well-being, friendliness. Cf Bad mood.

Patient discussion about good mood

Q. Happy Holidays Happy holidays to those of you who are celebrating it this year!A. Fatman, Irus, and everyone in,
I wish you all the best and warm wishes for this christmas and may all the blessings follow our days in welcoming the upcoming new year.
Stay healthy always..

Q. what makes someone happy what is love?A. Happiness has to do with how grateful a person is, how much meaning they find in their lives and how much joy they get from being of service. It has nothing to do with money once one has been fed and is warm and dry.
Love is temporary insanity; that is, falling in love. True love, selfless love, is truely an act of egolessness and is our natural state.

Q. Is bipolar is like swiping moods that come and go? one time you are happy things are bright and clear and suddenly you are all complicated with your self and with your surrounding and you are moody and depressed ? is sudden change of mind is the correct definition to a Bipolar Disorder or i did get it all wrong ? A. good question! most people don't know that Bipolar disorder is not just mood swings that come and go every now and then (if it was - my wife should be diagnosed as bipolar:)) ). it is consisted of long episodes of mania or depression. an episode can be a month or even 6.

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