

单词 go


go 1

G0167600 (gō)v. went (wĕnt), gone (gôn, gŏn), go·ing, goes (gōz) v.intr.1. To move or travel; proceed: We will go by bus. Solicitors went from door to door seeking donations. How fast can the boat go?2. To move away from a place; depart: Go before I cry.3. a. To pursue a certain course: messages that go through diplomatic channels to the ambassador.b. To resort to another, as for aid: went directly to the voters of her district.4. a. To extend between two points or in a certain direction; run: curtains that go from the ceiling to the floor.b. To give entry; lead: a stairway that goes to the basement.5. To function properly: The car won't go.6. a. To have currency.b. To pass from one person to another; circulate: Wild rumors were going around the office.7. To pass as the result of a sale: The gold watch went to the highest bidder.8. Informal Used as an intensifier or to indicate annoyance when joined by and to a coordinate verb: She went and complained to Personnel.9. Used in the progressive tense with an infinitive to indicate future intent or expectation: I am going to learn how to dance.10. a. To continue to be in a certain condition or continue an activity: go barefoot.b. To come to be in a certain condition: go mad; hair that had gone gray.c. To continue to be in effect or operation: a lease with one year to go.d. To carry out an action to a certain point or extent: Your parents went to great expense to put you through college.11. To be called; be known: Our friend William often goes by Billy.12. a. To be customarily located; belong: The fork goes to the left of the plate. Where do the plates go?b. To be capable of entering or fitting: Will the suitcase go into the trunk of your car?13. a. To pass into someone's possession: All the jewelry went to her heirs.b. To be allotted: How much of your salary goes for rent?14. To be a contributing factor: It all goes to show us that the project can be completed on time.15. a. To have a particular form: as the saying goes.b. To be such, by and large: well behaved, as big dogs go.16. a. To extend in time: The story goes back to the Middle Ages.b. To pass by; elapse: The day went pleasantly enough until I received your call.17. a. To be used up or finished: My interest in such things has gone.b. To be discarded or abolished: All luxuries will have to go.18. a. To become weak; fail: His hearing has started to go.b. To give way; break up: The dam is about to go.19. To cease living; die.20. a. To happen or develop; fare: How are things going?b. To have a successful outcome: creativity that made the advertising campaign really go.21. To be suitable or appropriate as an accessory or accompaniment: a color that goes beautifully with your complexion.22. a. To have authority: Whatever I say goes.b. To be valid, acceptable, or adequate.23. Informal To urinate or defecate: I left the meeting early because I really had to go!24. Informal To begin an act: Here goes!25. Obsolete To walk.v.tr.1. To proceed or move according to: I was free to go my own way.2. To traverse: Only two of the runners went the entire distance.3. To engage in: went skiing.4. Informal a. To bet: go $20 on the black horse.b. To bid: I'll go $500 on the vase.5. Informal a. To take on the responsibility or obligation for: go bail for a client.b. To participate to (a given extent): Will you go halves with me if we win the lottery?6. To amount to; weigh: a shark that went 400 pounds.7. Sports To have as a record: went 3 for 4 against their best pitcher.8. Informal To enjoy: I could go a cold beer right now.9. Informal To say or utter. Used chiefly in verbal narration: First I go, "Thank you," then he goes, "What for?"n. pl. goes 1. The act or an instance of going.2. An attempt; an effort: had a go at acting.3. The time or period of an activity.4. Informal Energy; vitality: had lots of go.5. Informal a. The go-ahead.b. often Go The starting point: "And from Go there was something deliciously illicit about the whole affair" (Erica Abeel).c. Informal A situation in which planned operations can be effectuated: The space mission is a go.adj. Informal Functioning correctly and ready for action: All systems are go.Phrasal Verbs: go about To set about to do; undertake: Go about your chores in a responsible way. go along To cooperate: They get along by going along. go around1. To satisfy a demand or requirement: just enough food to go around.2. To go here and there; move from place to place.3. To have currency: rumors going around. go at1. To attack, especially with energy.2. To approach; undertake: He went at the job with a lot of energy. go by1. To elapse; pass: as time goes by.2. To pay a short visit: My parents were away when we went by last week. go down1. To drop below the horizon; set: The sun went down.2. To fall to the ground: The helicopter went down in a ball of fire.3. To sink: The torpedoed battleship went down.4. To experience defeat or ruin.5. To admit of easy swallowing: a cough syrup that goes down readily.6. To decrease in cost or value.7. Chiefly British To leave a university.8. Slang To occur; happen: "a collection of memorable pieces about the general craziness that was going down in those days" (James Atlas).9. To be accepted or tolerated: How will your ideas go down as far as corporate marketing is concerned?10. To come to be remembered in posterity: a debate that will go down as a turning point in the campaign.11. Vulgar Slang To perform fellatio or cunnilingus. go for1. To choose or accept: I went for the cheaper cable TV offering.2. To try to attain: She is going for the record in the broad jump.3. Informal To have a special liking for: I really go for progressive jazz.4. To attack: an opponent who is known to go for the jugular in arguments.5. To pass for or serve as: a couch that also goes for a bed. go in1. To take part in a cooperative venture: went in with the others to buy a present.2. To make an approach, as before an attack: Troops went in at dawn. go into1. To discuss or investigate: The book goes into classical mythology.2. To undertake as a profession or course of study: She's going into medicine. go off1. To undergo detonation; explode.2. To make a noise; sound: The siren went off at noon.3. To leave: Don't go off mad.4. Chiefly British To stop consuming or liking: The dog has gone off his food.5. Informal To adhere to the expected course of events or the expected plan: The project went off smoothly.6. Chiefly British To become spoiled or rancid: The orange juice has gone off. go on1. To take place; happen: didn't know what was going on.2. To continue: Life must go on.3. To keep on doing (something): Don't go on talking.4. To proceed: She went on to become a senator.5. Informal To talk volubly: My, you do go on. go out1. To become extinguished.2. To go outdoors; leave one's residence: He went out at 7:00.3. To take part in social life outside the home: goes out a lot.4. To be romantically involved: They've been going out for two years.5. To feel sympathy or pity: My heart goes out to the storm victims.6. To become unfashionable: High boots went out last year.7. To undergo structural collapse: The bridge went out. go over1. To gain acceptance or approval: a new style that didn't go over.2. To examine or review: go over the test scores. go through1. To examine carefully: went through the students' papers.2. To experience or be subjected to: We went through hell while working on this project.3. To perform: I went through the sonata in 30 minutes. go under1. To suffer defeat or destruction; fail.2. To lose consciousness. go up1. To increase in price or value.2. To be in the process of construction: Office buildings went up all over town.3. Chiefly British To go to a university. go with1. To date (someone) regularly.2. To select or choose: decided to go with the pink wallpaper.Idioms: from the word go From the very beginning. go all the way Slang To have sexual intercourse. go back on To fail to honor or keep: go back on a promise. go begging To be in little or no demand: "Prestige or no prestige, directors' jobs at some companies have actually gone begging" (Bill Powell). go belly up Informal To undergo total financial failure: "A record number of ... banks went belly up" (New Republic). go bust Informal To undergo financial collapse: "Railroads were in the news mainly when they were going bust" (Christian Science Monitor). go by the board To be discarded or ignored: old dress codes that have now gone by the board. go down the line To provide strong support. go fly a kite Informal To cease being an annoyance. Often used in the imperative. go for broke Informal To commit or expend all of one's available resources toward achievement of a goal: "Why not go for broke and take on somebody who is quite young and see what he does?" (Roger L. Stevens). go for it Informal To expend all one's strength and resources toward achievement of an end or purpose. go in for1. To have interest in: goes in for classical music.2. To take part in: goes in for water skiing. going forward In the near future: We expect business to improve going forward. go in with To join in or combine with: He'll go in with them on the plan. go it alone To undertake a project, trip, or responsibility without the presence or help of others. go missing To become lost, especially to disappear suddenly: My cat has gone missing. Her wallet went missing yesterday. go off the deep end To behave hysterically or very recklessly. go one better To surpass or outdo by one degree: He's gone me one better. go out for To seek to become a participant in: go out for varsity soccer. go out of (one's) way To inconvenience oneself in doing something beyond what is required. go out the window Informal To become insignificant or inoperative: "As soon as a third body is introduced to the Newtonian system, all lawful ordering of processes goes out the window" (Fusion). go places Informal To be on the way to success: a young executive who is clearly going places. go steady To date someone exclusively. go the distance To carry a course of action through to completion. go there Informal To pursue a subject in conversation: How's my job? Let's not go there. go the vole To risk all of one's resources in the prospect of achieving great gains. go to extremes To do something to an extreme degree or behave in an unrestrained manner. go to it To begin something right away. go to (one's) head1. To make one dizzy or inebriated.2. To make one proud or conceited. go to pieces1. To become emotionally upset or distraught.2. To suffer the loss of one's health. go to the mat Informal To fight or dispute until one side or another is victorious: The governor will go to the mat with the legislature over the controversial spending bill. go to the wall Informal 1. To lose a conflict or be defeated; yield: Despite their efforts, the team went to the wall.2. To be forced into bankruptcy; fail.3. To make an all-out effort, especially in defending another. go to town Informal 1. To work or perform efficiently and rapidly.2. To be highly successful.go up in flames/smoke To be utterly destroyed. go without saying To be self-evident: It goes without saying that success is the product of hard work. on the go Constantly busy or active. to go1. To be taken out, as restaurant food or drink: coffee and doughnuts to go.2. Still to be done or dealt with; remaining: I've got two exams down and two to go.
[Middle English gon, from Old English gān; see ghē- in Indo-European roots.]Our Living Language Go has long been used to describe the production of nonlinguistic noises, notably in conversation with children, as in The train went "toot." The cow goes "moo." Within the past few decades, however, many speakers began to use go informally to report speech, as in Then he goes, "You think you're real smart, don't you?" This usage parallels the quotation introducers be like and be all. But unlike these other expressions, which can indicate thoughts or attitudes, this use of go is largely restricted to dialogue related in the narrative present, especially when the narrator wishes to mimic the accent or intonation of the original speaker. See Note at like2

go 2

G0167600 (gō)n. A board game of Chinese origin in which two players take turns placing counters on the points formed by the intersection of 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines.
[Japanese, of Chinese origin, possibly from Early Middle Chinese gı̷ (also the source of Mandarin ).]


(ɡəʊ) vb (mainly intr) , goes, going, went or gone1. to move or proceed, esp to or from a point or in a certain direction: to go to London; to go home. 2. (tr; takes an infinitive, often with to omitted or replaced by and) to proceed towards a particular person or place with some specified intention or purpose: I must go and get that book. 3. to depart: we'll have to go at eleven. 4. to start, as in a race: often used in commands5. to make regular journeys: this train service goes to the east coast. 6. to operate or function effectively: the radio won't go. 7. (copula) to become: his face went red with embarrassment. 8. to make a noise as specified: the gun went bang. 9. to enter into a specified state or condition: to go into hysterics; to go into action. 10. to be or continue to be in a specified state or condition: to go in rags; to go in poverty. 11. to lead, extend, or afford access: this route goes to the north. 12. to proceed towards an activity: to go to supper; to go to sleep. 13. (tr; takes an infinitive) to serve or contribute: this letter goes to prove my point. 14. to follow a course as specified; fare: the lecture went badly. 15. to be applied or allotted to a particular purpose or recipient: her wealth went to her son; his money went on drink. 16. to be sold or otherwise transferred to a recipient: the necklace went for three thousand pounds. 17. to be ranked; compare: this meal is good as my meals go. 18. to blend or harmonize: these chairs won't go with the rest of your furniture. 19. (foll by: by or under) to be known (by a name or disguise)20. to fit or extend: that skirt won't go round your waist. 21. to have a usual or proper place: those books go on this shelf. 22. (of music, poetry, etc) to be sounded; expressed, etc: how does that song go?. 23. to fail or give way: my eyesight is going. 24. to break down or collapse abruptly: the ladder went at the critical moment. 25. to die: the old man went at 2 am. 26. (often foll by by) a. (of time) to elapse: the hours go by so slowly at the office. b. to travel past: the train goes by her house at four. c. to be guided (by)27. to occur: happiness does not always go with riches. 28. to be eliminated, abolished, or given up: this entry must go to save space. 29. to be spent or finished: all his money has gone. 30. to circulate or be transmitted: the infection went around the whole community. 31. to attend: go to school; go to church. 32. to join a stated profession: go to the bar; go on the stage. 33. (foll by to) to have recourse (to); turn: to go to arbitration. 34. (foll by to) to subject or put oneself (to): she goes to great pains to please him. 35. to proceed, esp up to or beyond certain limits: you will go too far one day and then you will be punished. 36. to be acceptable or tolerated: anything goes in this place. 37. to carry the weight of final authority: what the boss says goes. 38. (foll by into) to be contained in: four goes into twelve three times. 39. (often foll by for) to endure or last out: we can't go for much longer without water in this heat. 40. (Card Games) (tr) cards to bet or bid: I go two hearts. 41. (tr) informal chiefly US to have as one's weight: I went 112 pounds a year ago. 42. a. to start to act so as to: go shut the door. b. to leave so as to: go blow your brains out. 43. informal to perform well; be successful: that group can really go. 44. (tr) not standard to say: widely used, esp in the historic present, in reporting dialogue: Then she goes, 'Give it to me!' and she just snatched it. 45. go and informal to be so foolish or unlucky as to: then she had to go and lose her hat. 46. be going to intend or be about to start (to do or be doing something): often used as an alternative future construction: what's going to happen to us?. 47. go ape slang to become crazy, enraged, or out of control48. go ape over slang to become crazy or extremely enthusiastic about49. go astray to be mislaid; go missing50. (Law) go bail to act as surety51. go bush See bush11452. go halves See half1553. go hard (often foll by with) to cause trouble or unhappiness (to)54. go it slang to do something or move energetically55. go it alone informal to act or proceed without allies or help56. go much on informal to approve of or be in agreement with (something): usually used in the negative: I don't go much on the idea. 57. go one better informal to surpass or outdo (someone)58. go the whole hog informal See hog959. let go a. to relax one's hold (on); releaseb. euphemistic to dismiss (from employment)c. to discuss or consider no further60. let oneself go a. to act in an uninhibited mannerb. to lose interest in one's appearance, manners, etc61. to go a. remainingb. US and Canadian informal (of food served by a restaurant) for taking awayn, pl goes62. the act of going63. informal a. an attempt or try: he had a go at the stamp business. b. an attempt at stopping a person suspected of a crime: the police are not always in favour of the public having a go. c. an attack, esp verbal: she had a real go at them. 64. a turn: it's my go next. 65. informal the quality of being active and energetic: she has much more go than I. 66. informal hard or energetic work: it's all go. 67. informal a successful venture or achievement: he made a go of it. 68. informal a bout or attack (of an illness): he had a bad go of flu last winter. 69. informal an unforeseen, usually embarrassing or awkward, turn of events: here's a rum go. 70. informal a bargain or agreement71. all the go informal very popular; in fashion72. from the word go informal from the very beginning73. See get-up-and-go74. no go informal impossible; abortive or futile: it's no go, I'm afraid. 75. on the go informal active and energeticadj (postpositive) informal functioning properly and ready for action: esp used in astronautics: all systems are go. [Old English gān; related to Old High German gēn, Greek kikhanein to reach, Sanskrit jahāti he forsakes]


(ɡəʊ) or


n (Games, other than specified) a game for two players in which stones are placed on a board marked with a grid, the object being to capture territory on the board[from Japanese]


abbreviation for (Military) general order



v. went, gone, go•ing, v.i. 1. to move or proceed, esp. to or from something: to go home. 2. to leave a place; depart: Go Away! 3. to keep or be in motion; function or operate: The engine is going now. 4. to become as specified: to go mad. 5. to continue in a certain state or condition; be habitually: to go barefoot. 6. to act as specified: Go warily. 7. to act so as to come into a certain state or condition: to go to sleep. 8. to be known: to go by a false name. 9. to reach or give access to: This door goes outside. 10. to pass or elapse: The time went fast. 11. to be applied, allotted, etc., to a particular recipient or purpose: My money goes for food and rent. 12. to be sold: The house went for very little. 13. to be considered generally or usually: He's tall, as jockeys go. 14. to conduce or tend: This only goes to prove the point. 15. to result or end: How did the game go? 16. to belong; have a place: This book goes here. 17. (of colors, styles, etc.) to harmonize; be compatible; be suited. 18. to fit or extend: This belt won't go around my waist. 19. to be or become consumed, finished, etc.: The cake went fast. 20. to be or become discarded, dismissed, etc.: Those puns of yours have got to go! 21. to develop or proceed, esp. with reference to success or satisfaction: How is your new job going? 22. to move or proceed with remarkable speed or energy: Look at that airplane go! 23. to make a certain sound: The gun goes bang. 24. to be phrased, written, or composed: How does that song go? 25. to seek or have recourse; resort: to go to court. 26. to become worn-out, weakened, etc. 27. to die. 28. to fail or give way: The dike might go any minute. 29. to come into action; begin: Go when you hear the bell. 30. to make up a quantity or content: Sixteen ounces go to the pound. 31. to be or be able to be divided: Three goes into fifteen five times. 32. to contribute to an end result: the items that go to make up the total. 33. to have as one's goal; intend (usu. fol. by an infinitive): Their daughter is going to be a doctor. 34. to be permitted, approved, or the like: Around here, anything goes. 35. to be authoritative; be the final word: Whatever I say goes! 36. to subject oneself: Don't go to any trouble. 37. Informal. to proceed (used as an intensifier): Go figure that out. 38. Informal. to urinate or defecate. v.t. 39. to move or proceed with or according to: Going my way? 40. to share or participate in to the extent of: to go halves. 41. Informal. to risk, pay, afford, bet, or bid: I'll go fifty dollars for a ticket. 42. to yield, weigh, or grow to: This field will go two bales of cotton. 43. to assume the obligation or function of: His father went bail for him. 44. Informal. to say; remark (usu. used in recounting a conversation). 45. Informal. to endure or tolerate: I can't go his preaching. 46. go about, a. to occupy oneself with; perform. b. to change course at sea by tacking or wearing. 47. go after, to attempt to obtain; strive for. 48. go against, to be in conflict with or opposed to. 49. go ahead, to proceed without hesitation or delay. 50. go along, to agree; concur. 51. go around, a. to be often in company. b. to be sufficient for all. c. to pass or circulate: A rumor is going around. 52. go at, a. to assault; attack. b. to begin or proceed vigorously. 53. go by, a. to pass: Don't let this chance go by. b. to be guided by. 54. go down, a. to decrease or subside, as in amount or size. b. to descend or sink. c. to suffer defeat. d. to be accepted or believed. e. to be remembered in history or by posterity. f. Slang. to happen; occur: What's been going down since I've been away? g. Brit. to leave a university, permanently or at the end of a term. 55. go down on, Vulgar Slang. to perform fellatio or cunnilingus on. 56. go for, a. to make an attempt at; try for: to go for a win. b. to assault. c. to favor; like. d. to be used for the purpose of or be a substitute for: material that goes for silk. 57. go in for, to adopt as one's particular interest; occupy oneself with. 58. go into, a. to discuss or investigate. b. to undertake as one's study or work. 59. go in with, to join in a partnership or union; combine with. 60. go off, a. to explode. b. (of what has been expected or planned) to happen. c. to leave, esp. suddenly. 61. go on, a. to happen or take place. b. to continue: Go on working. c. to behave; act. d. to talk effusively; chatter. e. (used to express disbelief): Go on, you're kidding me. f. to appear onstage in a theatrical performance. 62. go out, a. to cease or fail to function: The lights went out. b. to participate in social activities. c. to take part in a strike. 63. go over, a. to repeat; review. b. to be effective or successful: The proposal didn't go over. c. to examine. d. to read; scan. 64. go through, a. to bear; experience. b. to examine or search carefully. c. to be accepted or approved. d. to use up; spend completely. 65. go through with, to persevere with to the end; bring to completion. 66. go under, a. to fail. b. (of a ship) to founder. 67. go up, a. to be in the process of construction, as a building. b. to increase in cost, value, etc. c. Brit. to go to a university at the beginning of a term. n. 68. the act of going. 69. energy or spirit: She's got a lot of go. 70. a try at something; attempt: to have a go at the puzzle. 71. a successful accomplishment; success. 72. Informal. approval or permission, as to undertake something. 73. a boxing bout: the main go. adj. 74. (esp. in aerospace) functioning properly; ready: All systems are go. Idioms: 1. from the word go, from the very start. 2. go all out, to expend the greatest possible effort. 3. go it alone, to act or proceed independently. 4. go (out) with, Informal. to keep company with; court; date. 5. go to it, to begin vigorously and at once. 6. let go, a. to free; release (sometimes fol. by of). b. to cease to employ; dismiss. c. to abandon one's inhibitions. d. to dismiss; forget; discard. 7. let oneself go, to free oneself of inhibitions or restraint. 8. no go, Informal. a. futile; useless. b. canceled or aborted. 9. on the go, a. very busy; active. b. while traveling. 10. to go, for consumption off the premises where sold: pizza to go. [before 900; Middle English gon, Old English gān, c. Old Saxon -gān, Old High German gēn]



n. a Japanese board game for two in which black and white stones are placed on intersecting lines in such a way as to capture the opponent's stones and thereby control the board. Also called I-go. [1885–90; < Japanese]




or g.o.,

1. general office. 2. general order.


The past tense of go is went. The -ed participle is gone.

I went to Paris to visit friends.Dad has gone to work already.1. describing movement

You usually use the verb go to describe movement from one place to another.

See come (for when you use come instead of go)
2. leaving

Go is sometimes used to say that someone or something leaves a place.

'I must go,' she said.Our train went at 2.25.See leave
3. 'have gone' and 'have been'

If someone is visiting a place or now lives there, you can say that they have gone there.

He has gone to Argentina.She'd gone to Tokyo to start a new job.

If someone has visited a place and has now returned, you usually say that they have been there. American speakers sometimes say that they have gone there.

I've never gone to Italy.I've been to his house many times.
4. talking about activities

You can use go with an -ing form to talk about activities.

Let's go shopping!They go running together once a week.

You can also use go with for and a noun phrase to talk about activities.

Would you like to go for a swim?We're going for a bike ride.He went for a walk.

Be Careful!
Don't use go with a to-infinitive to talk about activities. Don't say, for example, 'He went to walk'.

5. 'go and'

To go and do something means to move from one place to another in order to do it.

I'll go and see him in the morning.I went and fetched a glass from the kitchen.
6. 'be going to'

If you say that something is going to happen, you mean that it will happen soon, or that you intend it to happen.

She told him she was going to leave her job.I'm not going to let anyone hurt you.
7. used to mean 'become'

Go is sometimes used to mean 'become'.

The water had gone cold.I'm going bald.See become


Past participle: gone
Gerund: going
PresentI goyou gohe/she/it goeswe goyou gothey go
PreteriteI wentyou wenthe/she/it wentwe wentyou wentthey went
Present ContinuousI am goingyou are goinghe/she/it is goingwe are goingyou are goingthey are going
Present PerfectI have goneyou have gonehe/she/it has gonewe have goneyou have gonethey have gone
Past ContinuousI was goingyou were goinghe/she/it was goingwe were goingyou were goingthey were going
Past PerfectI had goneyou had gonehe/she/it had gonewe had goneyou had gonethey had gone
FutureI will goyou will gohe/she/it will gowe will goyou will gothey will go
Future PerfectI will have goneyou will have gonehe/she/it will have gonewe will have goneyou will have gonethey will have gone
Future ContinuousI will be goingyou will be goinghe/she/it will be goingwe will be goingyou will be goingthey will be going
Present Perfect ContinuousI have been goingyou have been goinghe/she/it has been goingwe have been goingyou have been goingthey have been going
Future Perfect ContinuousI will have been goingyou will have been goinghe/she/it will have been goingwe will have been goingyou will have been goingthey will have been going
Past Perfect ContinuousI had been goingyou had been goinghe/she/it had been goingwe had been goingyou had been goingthey had been going
ConditionalI would goyou would gohe/she/it would gowe would goyou would gothey would go
Past ConditionalI would have goneyou would have gonehe/she/it would have gonewe would have goneyou would have gonethey would have gone
Noun1.go - a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)go - a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else); "it's my go"; "a spell of work"spell, tour, turnduty period, work shift, shift - the time period during which you are at work2.go - street names for methylenedioxymethamphetaminego - street names for methylenedioxymethamphetaminecristal, disco biscuit, hug drug, XTC, Adam, X, ecstasyMDMA, methylenedioxymethamphetamine - a stimulant drug that is chemically related to mescaline and amphetamine and is used illicitly for its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects; it was formerly used in psychotherapy but in 1985 it was declared illegal in the United States; "MDMA is often used at parties because it enables partygoers to remain active for long periods of time"3.go - a usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it a whirl"fling, offer, whirl, crack, passattempt, effort, try, endeavor, endeavour - earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something; "made an effort to cover all the reading material"; "wished him luck in his endeavor"; "she gave it a good try"4.go - a board game for two players who place counters on a gridgo - a board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's countersgo gameboard game - a game played on a specially designed boardNihon, Nippon, Japan - a constitutional monarchy occupying the Japanese Archipelago; a world leader in electronics and automobile manufacture and ship buildingVerb1.go - change locationgo - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"locomote, move, travelcirculate, go around, spread - become widely known and passed on; "the rumor spread"; "the story went around in the office"carry - cover a certain distance or advance beyond; "The drive carried to the green"ease - move gently or carefully; "He eased himself into the chair"whish - move with a whishing sound; "The car whished past her"float - move lightly, as if suspended; "The dancer floated across the stage"swap - move (a piece of a program) into memory, in computer scienceseek - go to or towards; "a liquid seeks its own level"whine - move with a whining sound; "The bullets were whining past us"fly - be dispersed or disseminated; "Rumors and accusations are flying"ride - move like a floating object; "The moon rode high in the night sky"come - cover a certain distance; "She came a long way"ghost - move like a ghost; "The masked men ghosted across the moonlit yard"betake oneself - displace oneself; go from one location to anotheroverfly, pass over - fly over; "The plane passed over Damascus"travel - undergo transportation as in a vehicle; "We travelled North on Rte. 508"wend - direct one's course or way; "wend your way through the crowds"do - travel or traverse (a distance); "This car does 150 miles per hour"; "We did 6 miles on our hike every day"raft - travel by raft in water; "Raft the Colorado River"get about, get around - move around; move from place to place; "How does she get around without a car?"resort, repair - move, travel, or proceed toward some place; "He repaired to his cabin in the woods"cruise - travel at a moderate speed; "Please keep your seat belt fastened while the plane is reaching cruising altitude"journey, travel - travel upon or across; "travel the oceans"come, come up - move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; "He came singing down the road"; "Come with me to the Casbah"; "come down here!"; "come out of the closet!"; "come into the room"move, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"round - wind around; move along a circular course; "round the bend"trundle - move heavily; "the streetcar trundled down the avenue"push - move strenuously and with effort; "The crowd pushed forward"travel purposefully - travel volitionally and in a certain direction with a certain goalswing - change direction with a swinging motion; turn; "swing back"; "swing forward"rove, stray, roam, vagabond, wander, swan, ramble, range, drift, tramp, cast, roll - move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"take the air, walk - take a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure; "The lovers held hands while walking"; "We like to walk every Sunday"meander, thread, wind, wander, weave - to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course; "the river winds through the hills"; "the path meanders through the vineyards"; "sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body"spirt, spurt, forge - move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energycrawl, creep - move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground; "The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed"scramble - to move hurriedly; "The friend scrambled after them"slither, slide - to pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly; "They slid through the wicket in the big gate"roll, wheel - move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle; "The President's convoy rolled past the crowds"glide - move smoothly and effortlesslyjounce, bounce - move up and down repeatedlybreeze - to proceed quickly and easilybe adrift, drift, float, blow - be in motion due to some air or water current; "The leaves were blowing in the wind"; "the boat drifted on the lake"; "The sailboat was adrift on the open sea"; "the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore"play - move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly; "The spotlights played on the politicians"float, swim - be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottomswim - move as if gliding through water; "this snake swims through the soil where it lives"walk - use one's feet to advance; advance by steps; "Walk, don't run!"; "We walked instead of driving"; "She walks with a slight limp"; "The patient cannot walk yet"; "Walk over to the cabinet"2.go - follow a procedure or take a course; "We should go farther in this matter"; "She went through a lot of trouble"; "go about the world in a certain manner"; "Messages must go through diplomatic channels"proceed, moveact, move - perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel"work - proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity; "work your way through every problem or task"; "She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived"; "Start from the bottom and work towards the top"venture, embark - proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers; "We ventured into the world of high-tech and bought a supercomputer"steamroll, steamroller - proceed with great force; "The new teacher tends to steamroller"3.go - move away from a place into another direction; "Go away before I start to cry"; "The train departs at noon"depart, go awayshove along, shove off, blow - leave; informal or rude; "shove off!"; "The children shoved along"; "Blow now!"exit, get out, go out, leave - move out of or depart from; "leave the room"; "the fugitive has left the country"come, come up - move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; "He came singing down the road"; "Come with me to the Casbah"; "come down here!"; "come out of the closet!"; "come into the room"4.go - enter or assume a certain state or conditiongo - enter or assume a certain state or condition; "He became annoyed when he heard the bad news"; "It must be getting more serious"; "her face went red with anger"; "She went into ecstasy"; "Get going!"become, getchange state, turn - undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"sober up, sober - become sober after excessive alcohol consumption; "Keep him in bed until he sobers up"sober, sober up - become more realistic; "After thinking about the potential consequences of his plan, he sobered up"work - arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion; "The stitches of the hem worked loose after she wore the skirt many times"take effect - go into effect or become effective or operative; "The new law will take effect next month"run - change from one state to another; "run amok"; "run rogue"; "run riot"take - be seized or affected in a specified way; "take sick"; "be taken drunk"break - come into being; "light broke over the horizon"; "Voices broke in the air"settle - become resolved, fixed, established, or quiet; "The roar settled to a thunder"; "The wind settled in the West"; "it is settling to rain"; "A cough settled in her chest"; "Her mood settled into lethargy"5.go - be awarded; be allotted; "The first prize goes to Mary"; "Her money went on clothes"6.go - have a particular form; "the story or argument runs as follows"; "as the saying goes..."runbe - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"7.go - stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets"extend, run, lead, passbe - occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"come - extend or reach; "The water came up to my waist"; "The sleeves come to your knuckles"ray, radiate - extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center; "spokes radiate from the hub of the wheel"; "This plants radiate spines in all directions"range, run - change or be different within limits; "Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion"; "Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent"; "The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals"; "My students range from very bright to dull"go deep, go far - extend in importance or range; "His accomplishments go far"8.go - follow a certain course; "The inauguration went well"; "how did your interview go?"proceedhap, happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, pass off, fall out, pass - come to pass; "What is happening?"; "The meeting took place off without an incidence"; "Nothing occurred that seemed important"drag on, drag out, drag - proceed for an extended period of time; "The speech dragged on for two hours"fare, get along, make out, do, come - proceed or get along; "How is she doing in her new job?"; "How are you making out in graduate school?"; "He's come a long way"9.go - be abolished or discarded; "These ugly billboards have to go!"; "These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge"disappear, vanish, go away - get lost, as without warning or explanation; "He disappeared without a trace"10.go - be or continue to be in a certain condition; "The children went hungry that day"be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"11.go - make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'"soundsnarl - make a snarling noise or move with a snarling noise; "Bullets snarled past us"sing, whistle - make a whining, ringing, or whistling sound; "the kettle was singing"; "the bullet sang past his ear"cause to be perceived - have perceptible qualitiesblow - make a sound as if blown; "The whistle blew"ting - make a light, metallic sound; go `ting'make noise, noise, resound - emit a noisesplat - give off the sound of a bullet flattening on impacttwang - sound with a twang; "the bowstring was twanging"clang, clangor - make a loud noise; "clanging metal"clank - make a clank; "the train clanked through the village"clangor, clangour - make a loud resonant noise; "the alarm clangored throughout the building"boom out, boom - make a deep hollow sound; "Her voice booms out the words of the song"drum, thrum, beat - make a rhythmic sound; "Rain drummed against the windshield"; "The drums beat all night"rattle - make short successive soundsticktack, ticktock, tick, beat - make a sound like a clock or a timer; "the clocks were ticking"; "the grandfather clock beat midnight"resonate, vibrate - sound with resonance; "The sound resonates well in this theater"crash - make a sudden loud sound; "the waves crashed on the shore and kept us awake all night"tweet, twirp - make a weak, chirping sound; "the small bird was tweeting in the tree"skirl - make a shrill, wailing sound; "skirling bagpipes"gurgle - make sounds similar to gurgling water; "The baby gurgled with satisfaction when the mother tickled it"glug - make a gurgling sound as of liquid issuing from a bottle; "the wine bottles glugged"blow - sound by having air expelled through a tube; "The trumpets blew"whish - make a sibilant soundguggle - make a sound like a liquid that is being poured from a bottleping - make a short high-pitched sound; "the bullet pinged when they struck the car"ping, pink, knock - sound like a car engine that is firing too early; "the car pinged when I put in low-octane gasoline"; "The car pinked when the ignition was too far retarded"trump - produce a sound as if from a trumpetsquelch - make a sucking soundchug - make a dull, explosive sound; "the engine chugged down the street"ring, peal - sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"bombilate, bombinate, buzz - make a buzzing sound; "bees were buzzing around the hive"chime - emit a sound; "bells and gongs chimed"rustle - make a dry crackling sound; "rustling silk"; "the dry leaves were rustling in the breeze"crack, snap - make a sharp sound; "his fingers snapped"crack - make a very sharp explosive sound; "His gun cracked"beep, claxon, honk, toot, blare - make a loud noise; "The horns of the taxis blared"whistle - make whistling sounds; "He lay there, snoring and whistling"resound, reverberate, ring, echo - ring or echo with sound; "the hall resounded with laughter"thud, thump - make a dull sound; "the knocker thudded against the front door"clop, clump, clunk, plunk - make or move along with a sound as of a horse's hooves striking the groundpatter, pitter-patter - make light, rapid and repeated sounds; "gently pattering rain"pink, rap, knock, tap - make light, repeated taps on a surface; "he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently"tick, click - make a clicking or ticking sound; "The clock ticked away"chatter, click - click repeatedly or uncontrollably; "Chattering teeth"pop - make a sharp explosive noise; "The cork of the champagne bottle popped"chink, tink, tinkle, clink - make or emit a high sound; "tinkling bells"slosh, slush, splosh, splash - make a splashing sound; "water was splashing on the floor"thrum, hum - sound with a monotonous humbleep - emit a single short high-pitched signal; "The computer bleeped away"rumble, grumble - make a low noise; "rumbling thunder"boom, din - make a resonant sound, like artillery; "His deep voice boomed through the hall"bang - to produce a sharp often metallic explosive or percussive sound; "One of them banged the sash of the window nearest my bed"12.go - perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"; "Does this old car still run well?"; "This old radio doesn't work anymore"function, operate, work, rundouble - do double duty; serve two purposes or have two functions; "She doubles as his wife and secretary"roll - begin operating or running; "The cameras were rolling"; "The presses are already rolling"run - be operating, running or functioning; "The car is still running--turn it off!"cut - function as a cutting instrument; "This knife cuts well"work - operate in or through; "Work the phones"service, serve - be used by; as of a utility; "The sewage plant served the neighboring communities"; "The garage served to shelter his horses"13.go - to be spent or finished; "The money had gone after a few days"; "Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest"run low, run shortgo - be spent; "All my money went for food and rent"end, cease, terminate, finish, stop - have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical; "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed"; "Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other"; "My property ends by the bushes"; "The symphony ends in a pianissimo"14.go - progress by being changed; "The speech has to go through several more drafts"; "run through your presentation before the meeting"move, runchange - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"15.go - continue to live through hardship or adversity; "We went without water and food for 3 days"; "These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"; "The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents"; "how long can a person last without food and water?"live on, survive, last, live, endure, hold out, hold uplive, be - have life, be alive; "Our great leader is no more"; "My grandfather lived until the end of war"subsist, exist, survive, live - support oneself; "he could barely exist on such a low wage"; "Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?"; "Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day"hold water, stand up, hold up - resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.; "Her shoes won't hold up"; "This theory won't hold water"perennate - survive from season to season, of plantslive out - live out one's life; live to the end16.go - pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action; "How is it going?"; "The day went well until I got your call"collocate with, construe with, cooccur with, co-occur with, go with - go or occur together; "The word 'hot' tends to cooccur with 'cold'"17.go - pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain lifego - pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "The children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"croak, decease, die, drop dead, buy the farm, cash in one's chips, give-up the ghost, kick the bucket, pass away, perish, snuff it, pop off, expire, conk, exit, choke, passabort - cease development, die, and be aborted; "an aborting fetus"change state, turn - undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"asphyxiate, stifle, suffocate - be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen; "The child suffocated under the pillow"buy it, pip out - be killed or die;drown - die from being submerged in water, getting water into the lungs, and asphyxiating; "The child drowned in the lake"predecease - die before; die earlier than; "She predeceased her husband"conk out, go bad, break down, die, fail, give out, give way, break, go - stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident"starve, famish - die of food deprivation; "The political prisoners starved to death"; "Many famished in the countryside during the drought"die - suffer or face the pain of death; "Martyrs may die every day for their faith"fall - die, as in battle or in a hunt; "Many soldiers fell at Verdun"; "Several deer have fallen to the same gun"; "The shooting victim fell dead"succumb, yield - be fatally overwhelmed18.go - be in the right place or situationgo - be in the right place or situation; "Where do these books belong?"; "Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government"; "Where do these books go?"belongbe - occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"19.go - be ranked or compare; "This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go"compare - be comparable; "This car does not compare with our line of Mercedes"20.go - begin or set in motion; "I start at eight in the morning"; "Ready, set, go!"get going, startcome on, go on, come up - start running, functioning, or operating; "the lights went on"; "the computer came up"get off the ground, take off - get started or set in motion, used figuratively; "the project took a long time to get off the ground"21.go - have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?"movemake a motion, move - propose formally; in a debate or parliamentary meetingbluff, bluff out - deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning handstalemate - subject to a stalematecastle - move the king two squares toward a rook and in the same move the rook to the square next past the kingserve - put the ball into play; "It was Agassi's turn to serve"open - make the opening move; "Kasparov opened with a standard opening"cast, draw - choose at random; "draw a card"; "cast lots"ruff, trump - play a trumpmaneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, operate - perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defensecheck - decline to initiate betting22.go - be contained in; "How many times does 18 go into 54?"23.go - be sounded, played, or expressed; "How does this song go again?"24.go - blend or harmonizego - blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs"blend in, blendfit, go - be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This piece won't fit into the puzzle"accord, concord, fit in, harmonise, harmonize, consort, agree - go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"25.go - lead, extend, or afford access; "This door goes to the basement"; "The road runs South"leadbe - occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"26.go - be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This piece won't fit into the puzzle"fittessellate - fit together exactly, of identical shapes; "triangles tessellate"joint - fit as if by joints; "The boards fit neatly"blend in, blend, go - blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs"fit - conform to some shape or size; "How does this shirt fit?"27.go - go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way; "Who rifled through my desk drawers?"riflesearch - subject to a search; "The police searched the suspect"; "We searched the whole house for the missing keys"28.go - be spent; "All my money went for food and rent"run low, run short, go - to be spent or finished; "The money had gone after a few days"; "Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest"29.go - give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number; "I plumped for the losing candidates"plumpchoose, pick out, select, take - pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives; "Take any one of these cards"; "Choose a good husband for your daughter"; "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her"30.go - stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident"conk out, go bad, break down, die, fail, give out, give way, breakchange - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"break - render inoperable or ineffective; "You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!"croak, decease, die, drop dead, buy the farm, cash in one's chips, give-up the ghost, kick the bucket, pass away, perish, snuff it, pop off, expire, conk, exit, choke, go, pass - pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "The children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"go down, crash - stop operating; "My computer crashed last night"; "The system goes down at least once a week"blow out, burn out, blow - melt, break, or become otherwise unusable; "The lightbulbs blew out"; "The fuse blew"misfire - fail to fire or detonate; "The guns misfired"malfunction, misfunction - fail to function or function improperly; "the coffee maker malfunctioned"Adj.1.go - functioning correctly and ready for action; "all systems are go"no-go - not functioning properly or in suitable condition for proceeding; "the space launch was no-go"


verb1. move, travel, advance, journey, proceed, pass, fare (archaic), set off It took us an hour to go three miles.
move remain, stop, stay, reach, arrive, halt
2. leave, withdraw, repair, depart, move out, decamp, slope off, make tracks Come on, let's go.3. lead, run, reach, spread, extend, stretch, connect, span, give access There's a mountain road that goes from Blairstown to Millbrook Village.4. elapse, pass, flow, fly by, expire, lapse, slip away The week has gone so quickly!5. be given, be spent, be awarded, be allotted The money goes to projects chosen by the Board.6. be over, end, pass, finish, disappear, cease, vanish, pass away Those days have gone forever.7. be dismissed, be fired, be discharged, be laid off, get the sack, get the chop, get your P45 (informal) He had made a humiliating tactical error, and had to go.8. belong, be kept, be located, be situated The shoes go on the shoe shelf.9. die, perish, pass away, buy it (U.S. slang), expire, check out (U.S. slang), kick it (slang), croak (slang), give up the ghost, snuff it (informal), peg out (informal), kick the bucket (slang), peg it (informal), cark it (Austral. & N.Z. slang), pop your clogs (informal) I want you to have my jewellery after I've gone.10. become, get, turn You'd better serve it up before it goes cold.11. proceed, develop, turn out, work out, fare, fall out, roll up, pan out (informal) She says everything is going smoothly.12. function, work, run, move, operate, perform My car isn't going very well at the moment.
function break (down), stop, fail, malfunction
13. sound, ring, toll, chime, peal The bell went for the break.14. match, blend, correspond, fit, suit, chime, harmonize That jacket and those trousers don't really go.15. be used up, be spent, be exhausted After a couple of years, all her money had gone.16. serve, help, tend It just goes to prove you can't trust anyone.
noun1. attempt, try, effort, bid, shot (informal), crack (informal), essay, stab (informal), whirl (informal), whack (informal) It took us two goes to get the colour right.2. turn, shot (informal), spell, stint Whose go is it next?3. (Informal) energy, life, drive, spirit, pep, vitality, vigour, verve, welly (slang), force, get-up-and-go (informal), oomph (informal), brio, vivacity For an old woman she still has a lot of go in her.go about something1. tackle, begin, approach, undertake, set about I want him back, but I just don't know how to go about it.2. engage in, perform, conduct, pursue, practise, ply, carry on with, apply yourself to, busy or occupy yourself with We were simply going about our business when we were pounced on by the police.go ahead continue, begin, go on, advance, progress, proceed, go forward The board will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan.go along with someone accompany, join, escort I went along with my brother to see the match.go along with something agree, follow, cooperate, concur, assent, acquiesce Whatever the majority decision, I'm prepared to go along with it.go around or round circulate, spread There's a nasty rumour going around about him.go at something set about, start, begin, tackle, set to, get down to, wade into, get to work on, make a start on, get cracking on (informal), address yourself to, get weaving on (informal) He went at this unpleasant task with grim determination.go away leave, withdraw, exit, depart, move out, go to hell (informal), decamp, hook it (slang), slope off, pack your bags (informal), make tracks, get on your bike (Brit. slang), bog off (Brit. slang), sling your hook (Brit. slang) I wish he'd just go away and leave me alone.go back return, revert I decided to go back to bed.go back on something repudiate, break, forsake, retract, renege on, desert, back out of, change your mind about The budget crisis has forced the President to go back on his word.go by pass, proceed, elapse, flow on, move onward My grandmother was becoming more and more frail as time went by.go by something obey, follow, adopt, observe, comply with, heed, submit to, be guided by, take as guide If they can prove that I'm wrong, then I'll go by what they say.go down1. fall, drop, decline, slump, decrease, fall off, dwindle, lessen, ebb, depreciate, become lower Crime has gone down 70 per cent.2. lose, be beaten, go under, suffer defeat They went down 2-1 to Australia.3. set, sink the glow left in the sky after the sun has gone down4. sink, founder, go under, be submerged The ship went down during a training exercise.5. be remembered, be recorded, be recalled, be commemorated It will go down as one of the highlights of my career.go down with something fall ill with, catch, get, develop, contract, succumb to The whole family have gone down with flu.go far be successful, advance, progress, succeed, get on (informal), do well, cut it (informal), get ahead (informal), make your mark, make a name for yourself With your talent, you will go far.go for someone1. prefer, like, choose, favour, admire, be attracted to, be fond of, hold with I tend to go for large dark men.2. attack, assault, assail, spring upon, rush upon, launch yourself at, set about or upon Patrick went for him, grabbing him by the throat.3. scold, attack, blast, criticize, flame (informal), put down, tear into (informal), diss (slang, chiefly U.S.), impugn, lambast(e) My mum went for me because I hadn't told her where I was going.go for something1. choose, take, pick, adopt, opt for, decide on, espouse, fix on, plump for, settle upon People tried to persuade him to go for a more gradual reform program.2. try to get, reach for, clutch at, stretch for His opponent impeded him as he went for the ball.go in for something participate in, pursue, take part in, undertake, embrace, practise, engage in, espouse They go in for tennis and bowls.go into something1. investigate, consider, study, research, discuss, review, examine, pursue, probe, analyse, look into, delve into, work over, scrutinize, inquire into I'd like to go into this matter in a bit more detail.2. enter, begin, participate in He has decided to go into the tourism business.go off1. depart, leave, quit, go away, move out, decamp, hook it (slang), slope off, pack your bags (informal), bog off (Brit. slang) She just went off without saying a word to anyone.2. explode, fire, blow up, detonate A gun went off somewhere in the distance.3. sound, ring, toll, chime, peal The fire alarm went off.4. take place, happen, occur, come off (informal), come about The meeting went off all right.5. (Informal) go bad, turn, spoil, rot, go stale Don't eat that! It's gone off!go on1. happen, occur, take place I don't know what's going on.2. continue, last, stay, proceed, carry on, keep going the necessity for the war to go ongo on about something ramble on, carry on, chatter, waffle (informal, chiefly Brit.), witter (on) (informal), rabbit on (Brit. informal), prattle, blether They're always going on about choice and market forces.go on doing something or go on with something continue, pursue, proceed, carry on, stick to, persist, keep on, keep at, persevere, stick at Go on with your work.go out1. see someone, court, date (informal, chiefly U.S.), woo, go steady (informal), be romantically involved with They've been going out for six weeks now.2. be extinguished, die out, fade out The bedroom light went out after a moment.go over something1. examine, study, review, revise, inspect, work over An accountant has gone over the books.2. rehearse, read, scan, reiterate, skim over, peruse We went over our lines together before the show.go through be completed, be approved, be concluded, be carried through The bill might have gone through if the economy had been growing.go through something1. suffer, experience, bear, endure, brave, undergo, tolerate, withstand He was going through a very difficult time.2. search, look through, rummage through, rifle through, hunt through, fossick through (Austral. & N.Z.), ferret about in It was evident that someone had been going through my possessions.3. examine, check, search, explore, look through, work over Going through his list of customers is a massive job.4. use up, exhaust, consume, squander He goes through around £500 a week.go through with something carry on, continue, pursue, keep on, persevere Richard pleaded with Belinda not to go through with the divorce.go together1. harmonize, match, agree, accord, fit, make a pair Red wine and oysters don't really go together.2. (Informal) go out, court, date (informal, chiefly U.S.), go steady (informal) We met a month ago and we've been going together ever since.go under1. fail, die, sink, go down, fold (informal), founder, succumb, go bankrupt If one firm goes under it could provoke a cascade of bankruptcies.2. sink, go down, founder, submerge The ship went under, taking with her all her crew.go up increase, rise, mount, soar, get higher Interest rates have gone up again.go without something be deprived of, want, lack, be denied, do without, abstain, go short, deny yourself I have known what it is like to go without food for days.go with something match, suit, blend, correspond with, agree with, fit, complement, harmonize Does this tie go with this shirt?no go impossible, not on (informal), vain, hopeless, futile I tried to get him to change his mind, but it was no go.


verb1. To move along a particular course:fare, journey, pass, proceed, push on, remove, travel, wend.Idiom: make one's way.2. To proceed in a specified direction:bear, head, make, set out, strike out.3. To move or proceed away from a place:depart, exit, get away, get off, go away, leave, pull out, quit, retire, run (along), withdraw.Informal: cut out, push off, shove off.Slang: blow, split, take off.Idioms: hit the road, take leave.4. To look to when in need:apply, refer, repair, resort, run, turn.Idioms: fall back on, have recourse to.5. To proceed on a certain course or for a certain distance:carry, extend, lead, reach, run, stretch.6. To change or fluctuate within limits:extend, range, run, vary.7. To perform a function effectively:function, operate, run, take, work.8. To move toward a termination:go away, pass, pass away.9. To have a proper or suitable place:belong, fit.10. To move past in time.Also used with by:elapse, lapse, pass.11. To be depleted:consume, spend.Idiom: go down the drain.12. To fall in:buckle, cave in, collapse, crumple, give.Idiom: give way.13. To cease living:decease, demise, depart, die, drop, expire, pass away, pass (on), perish, succumb.Informal: pop off.Slang: check out, croak, kick in, kick off.Idioms: bite the dust, breathe one's last, cash in, give up the ghost, go to one's grave, kick the bucket, meet one's end, pass on to the Great Beyond, turn up one's toes.14. To do or fare well:boom, flourish, prosper, thrive.Slang: score.Idioms: get somewhere, go great guns, go strong.15. To turn out well:come off, go over, pan out, succeed, work, work out.Slang: click.16. To put up with:abide, accept, bear, brook, endure, stand (for), stomach, suffer, support, sustain, swallow, take, tolerate, withstand.Informal: lump.Idioms: take it, take it lying down.17. Informal. To put up as a stake in a game or speculation:bet, gamble, lay (down), post, put, risk, stake, venture, wager.18. Informal. To make an offer of:bid, offer.phrasal verb
go alongTo agree to cooperate or participate:Informal: play along.phrasal verb
go around1. To pass around but not through:bypass, circumnavigate, circumvent, detour, skirt.2. To become known far and wide:circulate, get around, spread, travel.Idiom: go the rounds.phrasal verb
go at1. To set upon with violent force:aggress, assail, assault, attack, beset, fall on (or upon), have at, sail into, storm, strike.Informal: light into, pitch into.2. To start work on vigorously:attack, sail in, tackle, wade in (or into).Idiom: hop to it.phrasal verb
go away1. To move or proceed away from a place:depart, exit, get away, get off, go, leave, pull out, quit, retire, run (along), withdraw.Informal: cut out, push off, shove off.Slang: blow, split, take off.Idioms: hit the road, take leave.2. To move toward a termination:go, pass, pass away.phrasal verb
go backTo go again to a former place:come back, return, revisit.phrasal verb
go down1. To come to the ground suddenly and involuntarily:drop, fall, nose-dive, pitch, plunge, spill, topple, tumble.Idiom: take a fall.2. To undergo capture, defeat, or ruin:collapse, fall, go under, surrender, topple.phrasal verb
go farTo gain success:arrive, get ahead, get on, rise, succeed.Idioms: go places, make good, make it.phrasal verb
go for1. Informal. To be favorably disposed toward:approve, countenance, favor, hold with.Idiom: take kindly to.2. Informal. To receive pleasure from:enjoy, like, relish, savor.Slang: dig.3. To require a specified price:cost, sell for.phrasal verb
go inTo come or go into (a place):come in, enter, penetrate.Nautical: put in.Idioms: gain entrance, set foot in.phrasal verb
go offTo release or cause to release energy suddenly and violently, especially with a loud noise:blast, blow (up), burst, detonate, explode, fire, fulminate, touch off.phrasal verb
go on1. To be in existence or in a certain state for an indefinitely long time:abide, continue, endure, hold out, last, persist, remain, stay.2. To continue without halting despite difficulties or setbacks:carry on, hang on, keep on, persevere, persist.Idioms: hang in there, keep going , keep it up.3. Informal. To talk volubly, persistently, and usually inconsequentially:babble, blabber, chatter, chitchat, clack, jabber, palaver, prate, prattle, rattle (on), run on.Informal: spiel.Slang: gab, gas, jaw, yak.Idioms: run off at the mouth, shoot the breeze.phrasal verb
go outTo be with another person socially on a regular basis:date, see.Informal: take out.phrasal verb
go over1. To turn out well:come off, go, pan out, succeed, work, work out.Slang: click.2. To look at carefully or critically:check (out), con, examine, inspect, peruse, scrutinize, study, survey, traverse, view.Informal: case.Idiom: give a going-over.3. To give a recapitulation of the salient facts of:abstract, epitomize, recapitulate, review, run down, run through, summarize, sum up, synopsize, wrap up.Informal: recap.phrasal verb
go throughTo participate in or partake of personally:experience, feel, have, know, meet (with), see, suffer, taste (of), undergo.Archaic: prove.Idiom: run up against.phrasal verb
go under1. To undergo capture, defeat, or ruin:collapse, fall, go down, surrender, topple.2. To undergo sudden financial failure:break, bust, collapse, crash, fail.Informal: fold.Idioms: go belly up, go bust, go on the rocks, go to the wall.phrasal verb
go upTo move upward on or along:ascend, climb, mount, scale.phrasal verb
go withTo be in keeping with:become, befit, conform, correspond, fit, match, suit.noun1. A trying to do or make something:attempt, crack, effort, endeavor, essay, offer, stab, trial, try.Informal: shot.Slang: take.Archaic: assay.2. A brief trial:crack, stab, try.Informal: fling, shot, whack, whirl.3. A limited, often assigned period of activity, duty, or opportunity:bout, hitch, inning (often used in plural), shift, spell, stint, stretch, time, tour, trick, turn, watch.4. Informal. Capacity or power for work or vigorous activity:animation, energy, force, might, potency, power, puissance, sprightliness, steam, strength.Informal: get-up-and-go, pep, peppiness, zip.adjectiveInformal. In a state of preparedness:ready, set.Slang: together.Idioms: all set, in working order.


(gəu) 3rd person singular present tense goes: past tense went (went) : past participle gone (gon) verb1. to walk, travel, move etc. He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out? 走,旅行,移動 走,旅行,走动 2. to be sent, passed on etc. Complaints have to go through the proper channels. 傳遞 传递3. to be given, sold etc. The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100. 給予,售出 给予,卖 4. to lead to. Where does this road go? 通向 通向5. to visit, to attend. He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.6. to be destroyed etc. This wall will have to go. 被銷毀 被毁坏7. to proceed, be done. The meeting went very well. 進行 进行8. to move away. I think it is time you were going. 離開 离开9. to disappear. My purse has gone! 消失 消失10. to do (some action or activity). I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end. 從事(某活動) 打算11. to fail etc. I think the clutch on this car has gone. 故障 失效12. to be working etc. I don't think that clock is going. 運轉 运转13. to become. These apples have gone bad. 變為 变为14. to be. Many people in the world regularly go hungry. 處於...的狀態 处于...的状态15. to be put. Spoons go in that drawer. 被放置 被放置16. to pass. Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself. 消逝 消逝17. to be used. All her pocket-money goes on sweets. 用於 花费18. to be acceptable etc. Anything goes in this office. 可被接受 可被接受19. to make a particular noise. Dogs go woof, not miaow. 發出聲音 发出声音20. to have a particular tune etc. How does that song go? 有特定曲調 有特定曲调21. to become successful etc. She always makes a party go. 成功 成功 nounplural goes1. an attempt. I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go. 嘗試 试一下2. energy. She's full of go. 精力 精力ˈgoing noun1. an act of leaving, moving away etc. the comings and goings of the people in the street. 離去 离去2. the conditions under which something is done. Walking was heavy going because of all the mud. 狀況 工作条件 adjective1. successful. That shop is still a going concern. 成功的 营业发达的2. in existence at present. the going rate for typing manuscripts. 當前的 现行的ˈgo-ahead adjective successful and progressive. His firm is very go-ahead. 有進展的 取得进展 noun permission. We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead. 批准,許可 准许ˌgo-ˈgetter noun a person with a great deal of energy, ability etc who gets what he wants. 積極進取的人 积极进取者ˌgoing-ˈover noun a study or examination. He gave the accounts a thorough going-over. 審查 审查ˌgoings-ˈon noun plural (usually strange) happenings or behaviour. (常指奇怪的)事情,行為 发生的事情,行为 ˌno-ˈgo adjective (of a district etc) which a person etc is not allowed to enter. a no-go area. (地區等)禁止進入的 不准进入的all go adjective very busy. It's all go in this office today. 非常忙碌 非常忙碌be going on (for) to be near or close to (a time, age etc). He must be going on (for) eighty. 接近 接近be going strong to be successful, healthy etc. Our business/grandfather is still going strong. 生意興隆,老當益壯 兴旺,精力充沛 from the word go from the very beginning. 從一開始 从一开始get going to get started. If you want to finish that job you'd better get going. 開始進行 开始工作give the go-by to ignore in an unfriendly way. I think we'll give all his stupid suggestions the go-by. 不理睬 对...不理睬go about1. to (begin to) work at. I don't know the best way to go about the job! 著手進行 着手于2. (of a ship) to change direction or turn around. (船)掉頭 掉转船头go after1. to try to win. He's going after that prize. 試圖贏得 追求2. to follow or chase. Go after him and apologize. 緊跟(追)在後 跟在后面go against1. to oppose or refuse to act on. A child should never go against his parents' wishes. 反對 反对2. to be unacceptable to. This goes against my conscience. 違背 违背go along1. to go. I think I'll go along to that meeting.2. to proceed or progress. Check your work as you go along. 前進,有進展 前进go along with to agree with. I'm afraid I can't go along with you on that. 贊同 赞同go around (of stories, rumours etc) to be passed from one person to another. There's a rumour going around that you are leaving. 流傳,散播 流传go around with to be friendly with. I don't like the group of friends you're going around with. 與某人友好 与某人友好go at1. to attack. The little boys went at each other with their fists. 進攻 进攻2. to do with enthusiasm. He really went at the job of painting the wall. 積極從事 积极从事go back to return to an earlier time, topic of conversation etc. Let's go back for a minute to what we were talking about earlier. 回顧 回顾go back on to fail to do (something one has promised to do). I never go back on my promises. 違背 违背go by1. to base an opinion on. We can't go by what he says. 根據 以...为根据2. to be guided by. I always go by the instructions. 遵照 遵照go down1. (with well/badly) to be approved or disapproved of. The story went down well (with them). (不)被認同 赞赏或不赞赏2. (of a ship) to sink. They were lost at sea when the ship went down. 沉沒 沉没3. (of the sun or moon) to go below the horizon. (太陽、月亮)西下 (太阳、月亮)落下 4. to be remembered. Your bravery will go down in history. 受人緬懷 被载入,被记下 5. (of places) to become less desirable. This part of town has gone down in the last twenty years. (地方)衰落,凋蔽 变得不吸引人go far to be successful. If you keep on working as hard as this, I'm sure you'll go far. 成功 成功go for to attack physically or in words. The two dogs went for each other as soon as they met. 人身或言語攻擊 攻击go in (of the sun or moon) to become covered by cloud. 被雲遮蔽 被云遮掩go in for1. to take part in. I'm not going in for the 1,000 metres race. 參加 参加2. to do (something) as a hobby, career etc. My son is going in for medicine; She goes in for collecting postcards. 愛好 爱好go into1. to make a careful study of (something). We'll need to go into this plan in detail. 深入研究 深入研究2. to discuss in detail. I don't want to go into the problems at the moment. 詳細討論 详细讨论go off1. (of a bomb etc) to explode. The little boy was injured when the firework went off in his hand. 爆炸 爆炸2. (of an alarm) to ring. When the alarm went off the thieves ran away. (警鈴)響 (警铃)响 3. to leave. He went off yesterday. 離去 离去4. to begin to dislike. I've gone off cigarettes. 開始厭惡 开始厌恶5. to become rotten. That meat has gone off. 腐壞 变坏6. to stop working. The fan has gone off. 故障 出毛病go on1. to continue. Go on reading – I won't disturb you. 繼續 继续下去2. to talk a great deal, usually too much. She goes on and on about her health. 嘮叨 唠叨3. to happen. What is going on here? 發生 发生4. to base one's investigations etc on. The police had very few clues to go on in their search for the murderer. 作為根據繼續調查 依据go on at to nag at. Her mother went on at her for coming home late after the dance. 嘮叨抱怨 唠叨责骂go out1. to become extinguished. The light has gone out. 熄滅 熄灭2. to go to parties, concerts, meetings etc. We don't go out as much as we did when we were younger. 外出社交應酬 参加社交活动3. to be frequently in the company of (a person, usually of the opposite sex). I've been going out with her for months. (與異性)交往 (与异性)交往 go over1. to study or examine carefully. I want to go over the work you have done before you do any more. 仔細檢查 仔细检查2. to repeat (a story etc). I'll go over the whole lesson again. 重覆 重复一遍3. to list. He went over all her faults. 列舉 列举4. (of plays, behaviour etc) to be received (well or badly). The play didn't go over at all well the first night. (戲劇演出、行為)被接受的程度(高或低) 受欢迎go round to be enough for everyone. Is there enough food to go round? 足夠分配 足够分配go slow (of workers in a factory etc) to work less quickly than usual, eg as a form of protest. 怠工 怠工go steady to have a close friendly relationship with someone of the opposite sex. My girl-friend and I have been going steady for a year. 當情侶 成为关系相当确定的情侣go through1. to search in. I've gone through all my pockets but I still can't find my key. 仔細檢查 仔细检查2. to suffer. You have no idea what I went through to get this finished in time. 經歷 经历3. to use up. We went through a lot of money on holiday. 用光 用光(钱等) 4. to complete. to go through certain formalities. 完成 做完(工作等) 5. to be completed. After long hours of negotiations, the deal went through. 被完成 被通过go through with to finish doing. I will go through with this in spite of what you say. 完成 完成go too far to do something which is so bad as to be unacceptable. 做得過火 做得过火go towards to help to buy etc. The money we collect will go towards a new roof. 協助購買 帮助购买go up1. to increase in size, value etc. The temperature/price has gone up. 增加 上升2. to be built. There are office blocks going up all over town. 被建蓋 被建造起来go up in smoke/flames to catch fire; to be destroyed or damaged by fire etc. The building across the street went up in flames. 著火,被燒毀 被烧毁go with1. to be sold with, be part of etc. The carpets will go with the house. 與...一起賣 与...一起卖2. to look etc well with. The carpet goes with the wallpaper. 與...相配 与...相配go without to manage without. If you can't afford a new dress, you'll have to go without (one). 沒有也無妨,沒有也得接受 没有 ... 也行keep going to continue doing what one is doing; to survive. The snow was falling heavily, but we had to keep going; Business is bad at the moment, but we'll manage to keep going. 繼續 继续从事make a go (of something) to make a success (of something). He has never owned a shop before, but I think he'll make a go of it. 成功做到 成功on the go very busy or active. He's always on the go, from morning to night. 非常忙碌,非常積極 非常忙


  • I'd like to go home
  • Where would you like to go tonight?
  • Would you like to go out for dinner?
  • I'd prefer to go direct
  • Please go to gate ...
  • The oil warning light won't go off
  • Where can we go to see a movie? (US)
    Where can we go to see a film? (UK)
  • Where can we go dancing?
  • Where can you go surfing?
  • Which sporting events can we go to?
  • Let's go swimming
  • Is it possible to go cross-country skiing?
  • When does the first chairlift go? (US)
    When does the first chair-lift go? (UK)
  • Go away!
  • Can we go to ...?
  • go

    • (go) suck a egg
    • (go) suck a lemon
    • (Go) tell it/that to Sweeney!
    • (go) tell it/that to the marines
    • (I've) got to go
    • (I've) got to go home and get my beauty sleep
    • (one's) Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes
    • (you) can't take it with you (when you go)
    • a light bulb goes off in (one's) brain
    • a light bulb goes off in (one's) head
    • a light bulb goes on in (one's) brain
    • a light bulb goes on in (one's) head
    • a little off Go to a bit
    • a no-go area
    • a rum go
    • a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
    • above
    • above and beyond
    • absent without leave
    • against
    • against the grain
    • against the grain, to go
    • all dressed up and nowhere to go
    • all dressed up with nowhere to go
    • all out
    • all set to go
    • all show and no go
    • all systems (are) go
    • All systems are go
    • All systems go
    • along for the ride, to go/to come/just
    • arm in arm
    • as (things) go
    • as things, people, etc. go
    • at a good clip
    • at one go
    • at/in one go
    • be (out) on the razzle
    • be a go
    • be all dressed up and nowhere to go
    • be all go
    • be at (one) hammer and tongs
    • be at it hammer and tongs
    • be busted
    • be in fear of (one's) life
    • be in/go into free fall
    • be in/go into raptures
    • be on about (something)
    • be on the go
    • be on the prowl
    • be on the scrounge (for something)
    • be on the stage
    • be out of (one's) mind
    • be out of (one's) mind with (something)
    • be raring to go
    • be soft in the head
    • be the way to go
    • be touch-and-go
    • be, go, etc. out/out of the window
    • be/get/go beyond a joke
    • be/go against the grain
    • be/go along for the ride
    • be/go at somebody/something hammer and tongs
    • be/go back to square one
    • be/go in fear of your life
    • be/go on record
    • be/go on the prowl
    • be/go on the rampage
    • be/go on the scrounge
    • be/go on the stage
    • be/go on the wagon
    • be/go on the warpath
    • be/go out like a light
    • be/go out of your mind
    • be/go out on the razzle
    • be/go over the top
    • be/go soft in the head
    • be/go up the spout
    • be/go weak at the knees
    • be/go/keep on about something
    • be/go/keep on at somebody
    • best-laid plans go astray, the
    • best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray
    • boldly go where no man has gone before
    • boldly go where no one has gone before
    • by shank's mare
    • by the board
    • by the book
    • Can I speak to (one)?
    • Can I speak to ? Go to Could I speak to
    • can't go on
    • change horses in the middle of the stream
    • change horses in the middle of the stream Go to
    • chase (someone or something) out of (some place)
    • chase out of some place Go to chase
    • come aboard
    • come about
    • come and go
    • come down
    • come down to the wire
    • come into use
    • come into/go out of use
    • come on line
    • come on stream
    • come under the hammer
    • come with the territory
    • come/go down/up in the world
    • come/go full circle
    • come/go into effect
    • come/go under the hammer
    • come/go with the territory
    • cover the same ground
    • cut through (something) like a (hot) knife through butter
    • Davy Jones's locker
    • do not pass go
    • do the rounds
    • Do we have to go through all that again?
    • don't even go there
    • don't go (doing something)
    • don't go doing something
    • don't go there
    • Don't let it go any further
    • down the drain
    • draw a line between (two things)
    • draw the line between and else Go to draw a line between
    • drop like ninepins
    • Dutch treat
    • easy come, easy go
    • elevator doesn't go to the top floor, the
    • enter into
    • fall like ninepins
    • fend for oneself Go to shift for
    • fight hammer and tongs
    • file off
    • file off Go to file
    • fine-tooth comb, to go over with a
    • first go
    • first, second, etc. go
    • fishing expedition
    • fly off at a tangent
    • follow the crowd
    • follow/go with the crowd
    • for a song, to go/to buy/to sell
    • from git-go
    • from go to whoa
    • from the get-go
    • from the git-go
    • from the word go
    • full circle, come
    • full circle, come/go
    • full-tilt boogie
    • get (one's) eye
    • get back to basics
    • get eye Go to catch
    • get off/go scot-free
    • get the go-ahead
    • get the go-by
    • get the worst of it
    • get up and go
    • get/go back to basics
    • get/go into a huddle
    • get-up-and-go
    • git-go
    • give (one) the go-by
    • give (someone) the go-ahead
    • give (something) a go
    • give a try
    • give someone the go-by
    • give the go-by
    • go
    • go (a)round in circles
    • go (all) around the houses
    • go (as) red as a beetroot
    • go (in) for the kill
    • go (off) on a tangent
    • go (one's) (own) gait
    • go (one's) (own) way
    • go (one's) separate ways
    • go (out) on strike
    • go (out) wilding
    • go (out) with (someone)
    • go (right) through (one) like a dose of salts
    • go (someone's) way
    • go (straight) to the top
    • go (the) whole hog
    • go (to) it
    • go a bit far
    • go a bomb
    • go a bundle on
    • go a long way
    • go a long way in (doing something)
    • go a long way toward
    • go a long way toward (something)
    • go a long way toward doing
    • go a long/some way towards doing something
    • go a purler
    • go a-begging
    • go about
    • go about (one's) business
    • go about with
    • go about with (someone)
    • go about your business
    • go about your work
    • go above
    • go above (someone or something)
    • go above and beyond
    • go above and beyond (one's) duty
    • go above and beyond duty
    • go above and beyond the call of duty
    • go abroad and you'll hear news of home
    • go across
    • go across (something) to (someone or something)
    • go across to
    • go after
    • go after (someone or something)
    • go against
    • go against (someone or something)
    • go against the flow
    • go against the grain
    • go against the stream
    • go against the tide
    • go ahead
    • go ahead with (something)
    • go ahead, make my day
    • Go ahead, make my day.
    • go all out
    • go all out for something
    • go all round the houses
    • go all the way
    • go along
    • go along for the ride
    • go along to get along
    • go along with
    • go along with (someone or something)
    • go amok
    • go amuck
    • go and
    • go and (do something)
    • go and chase yourself
    • go and chase yourself!
    • go and do something
    • go ape
    • go ape over (someone or something)
    • go ape over someone/something
    • go ape, to
    • go around
    • go around and around
    • go around doing
    • go around in circles
    • go around in circles, to
    • go around Robin Hood's barn
    • go around with (someone)
    • go as
    • go as (someone or something)
    • go as far as to (do something)
    • go as/so far as to do something
    • go astray
    • go at
    • go at (one) hammer and tongs
    • go at (someone)
    • go at (something)
    • go at each other tooth and nail
    • go at it
    • go at it hammer and tongs
    • go at it tooth and nail
    • go at like a boy killing snakes
    • go at one another tooth and nail
    • go away
    • go away empty-handed
    • go away with
    • go away with (someone)
    • Go away!
    • go AWOL
    • go back
    • go back a long way
    • go back on
    • go back on (one's) word
    • go back on (something)
    • go back on word
    • go back on your word
    • go back to
    • go back to basics
    • go back to square one
    • go back to the drawing board
    • go back to the salt mines
    • go bad
    • go badly with
    • go badly with (someone or something)
    • go ballistic
    • go ballistic, to
    • go bananas
    • go bananas over (something)
    • go bananas over something
    • go bang
    • go beet red
    • go beetroot (red)
    • go before
    • go before (someone or something)
    • go begging
    • go behind (one's) back
    • go behind back
    • go behind someone's back
    • go belly up
    • go belly-up
    • go below
    • go berserk
    • go between
    • go between the bark and the tree
    • go between the moon and the milkman
    • go beyond
    • go beyond (something)
    • go bitchcakes
    • go blank
    • go blooey
    • go blow it out your ear
    • Go blow it out your ear!
    • go blue
    • go bonkers
    • go broke
    • go bung
    • go bush
    • go bust
    • go by
    • go by the board
    • go by the board, to
    • go by the name (of)
    • go by the name of
    • go by the name of...
    • go by the wayside
    • go cap in hand
    • go cap in hand (to someone)
    • go cap in hand to someone
    • go chase your tail
    • Go chase your tail!
    • go chase yourself
    • Go chase yourself!
    • go climb a tree
    • Go climb a tree!
    • go climb a tree/fly a kite
    • go cold turkey
    • go commando
    • go co-op
    • go counter
    • go crazy
    • go critical
    • go crook
    • go deep
    • go doolally
    • go dotty
    • go down
    • go down a bomb
    • go down a storm
    • go down a treat
    • go down a/the road
    • go down as (something)
    • go down badly
    • go down fighting
    • go down for the third time
    • go down in defeat
    • go down in flames
    • go down in the world
    • go down in/make history
    • go down like a lead balloon
    • go down like ninepins
    • go down memory lane
    • go down on (one)
    • go down on (one's) knees
    • go down on knees
    • go down on someone
    • go down that road
    • go down the chute
    • go down the drain
    • go down the line
    • go down the pan
    • go down the plughole
    • go down the rabbit hole
    • go down the toilet
    • go down the tube
    • go down the tube/tubes
    • go down the tubes
    • go down the wrong way
    • go down to
    • go down to (someone or something)
    • go down to defeat
    • go down to the wire
    • go down well
    • go down well, badly, etc.
    • go down with
    • go down with (something)
    • go down with guns firing
    • go down, drop, etc. like ninepins
    • go down/take somebody down memory lane
    • go downhill
    • go downtown
    • go Dutch
    • go easy
    • go easy on
    • go easy on (someone or something)
    • go easy on somebody
    • go easy on someone
    • go easy on something
    • go eyes out
    • go far
    • go fifty-fifty
    • go fight city hall
    • go figure
    • go figure!
    • go flatting
    • go flooey
    • go fly a kite
    • Go fly a kite!
    • go flying
    • go for
    • go for (someone)
    • go for (the) gold
    • go for a Burton
    • go for a drive
    • go for a horizontal jog
    • go for a ride
    • go for a song
    • go for a spin (to some place)
    • go for broke
    • go for it
    • Go for it!
    • go for nothing
    • go for the burn
    • go for the doctor
    • go for the fences
    • go for the jugular
    • go for the kill
    • go for the throat
    • go for your tea
    • go forward
    • go forward with
    • go forward with (something)
    • go freeball
    • go freeballing
    • go from bad to worse
    • go from one extreme to another
    • go from one extreme to the other
    • go from rags to riches
    • go from strength to strength
    • go from zero to hero
    • go fry an egg
    • Go fry an egg!
    • go full circle
    • go further
    • go Galt
    • go gangbusters
    • go gathering orange blossoms
    • go gold
    • go great guns
    • go green on someone
    • go halfsies
    • go halfway
    • go halves
    • go hand in hand
    • go hang yourself
    • go hard or go home
    • go hard with
    • go hard with (someone)
    • go hat in hand to (someone)
    • go hat in hand to someone
    • go haywire
    • go haywire, to
    • go head to head
    • go hell for leather
    • go hog wild
    • go hog wild, to
    • go hog-wild
    • go home in a box
    • go home to mama
    • go hot and cold
    • go hot and cold (all over)
    • go hungry
    • go in
    • go in (one's) favor
    • go in a body
    • go in and out
    • go in favor
    • go in fear of (one's) life
    • go in for
    • go in for (something)
    • go in one ear and out the other
    • go in search of the golden fleece
    • go in the right direction
    • go in with
    • go in with (someone)
    • go in with good cards
    • go in(to) heat
    See go





    a board game popular in Japan that probably originated in China or India as long ago as the third millennium B.C. The board is marked by a grid of 19 horizontal and 19 vertical lines to form 361 intersections. Of the 361 pieces, 181 are black stones and 180 are white. The player with the black stones begins by placing a stone on any intersection. The players alternate turns. The object for each player is to control the most territory on the board while capturing as many of the opposing player's stones as possible. Stones are captured and removed from the board when they are completely encircled and are deprived of any access, either directly or through a chain of like stones, to a free space. A game is over when all the empty spaces on the board either are controlled by one or the other player or cannot be controlled by either player. The winner is the player who controls the most open spaces after the stones captured by the opposing player have been substracted. The complexity of go has made it, like chess, a subject for artificial intelligenceartificial intelligence
    (AI), the use of computers to model the behavioral aspects of human reasoning and learning. Research in AI is concentrated in some half-dozen areas.
    ..... Click the link for more information.
     research, but it was regarded as a more difficult challenge than chess. In 2016–17, however, versions of Google's DeepMind AlphaGo defeated top go players.


    See E. Lasker, Go and Go-Moku (rev. ed. 1960).


    , I-go a game for two players in which stones are placed on a board marked with a grid, the object being to capture territory on the board


    (games, application)A thinking game with an oriental originestimated to be around 4000 years old. Nowadays, the game isplayed by millions of people in (most notably) China, Japan,Korea and Taiwan. In the Western world the game is practisedby a yearly increasing number of players. On the InternetGo players meet, play and talk 24 hours/day on the Internet Go Server (IGS).


    Usenet newsgroup: news:rec.games.go.


    (1) An on-screen button that is clicked in order to activate a function such as search.

    (2) (Go) An open source object-oriented programming language from Google. Styled after C/C++, Go was developed in 2007 to solve Google's own problems orchestrating huge datacenters. It was released to the public in 2012.

    (3) A command used on a BBS or online service to switch the user to a particular forum or section. For example, typing go macintosh would switch you to a section specializing in Macintosh computers. Like any command language, you have to know what words to enter.


    General Obligation Bond

    In the United States, a municipal bond in which the issuing locality pledges to use all revenues at its disposal to pay bondholders, including the raising of property taxes. Should a sufficient number of residents not pay their property taxes that it impacts revenue for bondholders, the terms of the bond legally require the municipality to raise property taxes to make up the shortfall. There are two basic types of general obligation bonds. A limited GO allows for the raising of property taxes up to a certain percentage, while an unlimited GO theoretically allows the municipality to levy taxes of up to 100% of a property's value. Because an unlimited GO provides a great incentive to pay property tax on time, and because many states only allow such a bond to be issued following a vote on the matter, credit ratings agencies usually rate them higher. However, both types of GO are generally rated highly.


    To trade, especially at a given price. For example, one may say that a stock "goes" at $10, meaning that one may trade at its current share price of $10.


    See general obligation bond.


    GOGame Over
    GOGeneral Order(s)
    GOGround Out (baseball)
    GOGen (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)
    GOGothic (linguistics)
    GOGovernment Organization
    GOGet Organized
    GOGeneral Obligation
    GOGovernment Operations
    GOGovernment of Ontario
    GOGap Outlet
    GOGreek Orthodox (church)
    GOGaia Online (online game)
    GOGetting Out
    GOGeneral Officer
    GOGraphene Oxide
    GOGulf Opportunity (Zone)
    GOGene Ontology
    GOGoiás (Brazilian state)
    GOGlass Onion (Beatles song)
    GOGovernment Office
    GOGary Oak (Pokémon)
    GOGroup Organizer
    GOGot Owned (gaming chat)
    GOGuest Observer
    GOGreat Observatories (US NASA)
    GOGeometrical Optics
    GOGiga Octet (French: gigabyte)
    GOGrand Organ
    GOGlobal Objectives
    GOGovernment Obligation (finance)
    GOGrant Officer
    GOGros Oeuvre (French, construction industry)
    GOGeneral Observer
    GOGorizia, Friuli (Italian province)
    GOGentil Organisateur (Club Med host/hostess)
    GOGuardians Office (Scientology)
    GOGingival Overgrowth
    GOGamma Omicron
    GOGifted Opportunities (school program)
    GOGeroderma Osteodysplastica
    GOGoel-Okumoto (Poisson process model)
    GOGrands Ontario (Car Club)
    GOGesamtoeffentlichkeitsarbeit (German: Public Relations)


    • all
    • verb
    • noun
    • adj
    • phrase

    Synonyms for go

    verb move


    • move
    • travel
    • advance
    • journey
    • proceed
    • pass
    • fare
    • set off


    • remain
    • stop
    • stay
    • reach
    • arrive
    • halt

    verb leave


    • leave
    • withdraw
    • repair
    • depart
    • move out
    • decamp
    • slope off
    • make tracks

    verb lead


    • lead
    • run
    • reach
    • spread
    • extend
    • stretch
    • connect
    • span
    • give access

    verb elapse


    • elapse
    • pass
    • flow
    • fly by
    • expire
    • lapse
    • slip away

    verb be given


    • be given
    • be spent
    • be awarded
    • be allotted

    verb be over


    • be over
    • end
    • pass
    • finish
    • disappear
    • cease
    • vanish
    • pass away

    verb be dismissed


    • be dismissed
    • be fired
    • be discharged
    • be laid off
    • get the sack
    • get the chop
    • get your P45

    verb belong


    • belong
    • be kept
    • be located
    • be situated

    verb die


    • die
    • perish
    • pass away
    • buy it
    • expire
    • check out
    • kick it
    • croak
    • give up the ghost
    • snuff it
    • peg out
    • kick the bucket
    • peg it
    • cark it
    • pop your clogs

    verb become


    • become
    • get
    • turn

    verb proceed


    • proceed
    • develop
    • turn out
    • work out
    • fare
    • fall out
    • roll up
    • pan out

    verb function


    • function
    • work
    • run
    • move
    • operate
    • perform


    • break (down)
    • stop
    • fail
    • malfunction

    verb sound


    • sound
    • ring
    • toll
    • chime
    • peal

    verb match


    • match
    • blend
    • correspond
    • fit
    • suit
    • chime
    • harmonize

    verb be used up


    • be used up
    • be spent
    • be exhausted

    verb serve


    • serve
    • help
    • tend

    noun attempt


    • attempt
    • try
    • effort
    • bid
    • shot
    • crack
    • essay
    • stab
    • whirl
    • whack

    noun turn


    • turn
    • shot
    • spell
    • stint

    noun energy


    • energy
    • life
    • drive
    • spirit
    • pep
    • vitality
    • vigour
    • verve
    • welly
    • force
    • get-up-and-go
    • oomph
    • brio
    • vivacity

    phrase go about something: tackle


    • tackle
    • begin
    • approach
    • undertake
    • set about

    phrase go about something: engage in


    • engage in
    • perform
    • conduct
    • pursue
    • practise
    • ply
    • carry on with
    • apply yourself to
    • busy or occupy yourself with

    phrase go ahead


    • continue
    • begin
    • go on
    • advance
    • progress
    • proceed
    • go forward

    phrase go along with someone


    • accompany
    • join
    • escort

    phrase go along with something


    • agree
    • follow
    • cooperate
    • concur
    • assent
    • acquiesce

    phrase go around or round


    • circulate
    • spread

    phrase go at something


    • set about
    • start
    • begin
    • tackle
    • set to
    • get down to
    • wade into
    • get to work on
    • make a start on
    • get cracking on
    • address yourself to
    • get weaving on

    phrase go away


    • leave
    • withdraw
    • exit
    • depart
    • move out
    • go to hell
    • decamp
    • hook it
    • slope off
    • pack your bags
    • make tracks
    • get on your bike
    • bog off
    • sling your hook

    phrase go back


    • return
    • revert

    phrase go back on something


    • repudiate
    • break
    • forsake
    • retract
    • renege on
    • desert
    • back out of
    • change your mind about

    phrase go by


    • pass
    • proceed
    • elapse
    • flow on
    • move onward

    phrase go by something


    • obey
    • follow
    • adopt
    • observe
    • comply with
    • heed
    • submit to
    • be guided by
    • take as guide

    phrase go down: fall


    • fall
    • drop
    • decline
    • slump
    • decrease
    • fall off
    • dwindle
    • lessen
    • ebb
    • depreciate
    • become lower

    phrase go down: lose


    • lose
    • be beaten
    • go under
    • suffer defeat

    phrase go down: set


    • set
    • sink

    phrase go down: sink


    • sink
    • founder
    • go under
    • be submerged

    phrase go down: be remembered


    • be remembered
    • be recorded
    • be recalled
    • be commemorated

    phrase go down with something


    • fall ill with
    • catch
    • get
    • develop
    • contract
    • succumb to

    phrase go far


    • be successful
    • advance
    • progress
    • succeed
    • get on
    • do well
    • cut it
    • get ahead
    • make your mark
    • make a name for yourself

    phrase go for someone: prefer


    • prefer
    • like
    • choose
    • favour
    • admire
    • be attracted to
    • be fond of
    • hold with

    phrase go for someone: attack


    • attack
    • assault
    • assail
    • spring upon
    • rush upon
    • launch yourself at
    • set about or upon

    phrase go for someone: scold


    • scold
    • attack
    • blast
    • criticize
    • flame
    • put down
    • tear into
    • diss
    • impugn
    • lambast(e)

    phrase go for something: choose


    • choose
    • take
    • pick
    • adopt
    • opt for
    • decide on
    • espouse
    • fix on
    • plump for
    • settle upon

    phrase go for something: try to get


    • try to get
    • reach for
    • clutch at
    • stretch for

    phrase go in for something


    • participate in
    • pursue
    • take part in
    • undertake
    • embrace
    • practise
    • engage in
    • espouse

    phrase go into something: investigate


    • investigate
    • consider
    • study
    • research
    • discuss
    • review
    • examine
    • pursue
    • probe
    • analyse
    • look into
    • delve into
    • work over
    • scrutinize
    • inquire into

    phrase go into something: enter


    • enter
    • begin
    • participate in

    phrase go off: depart


    • depart
    • leave
    • quit
    • go away
    • move out
    • decamp
    • hook it
    • slope off
    • pack your bags
    • bog off

    phrase go off: explode


    • explode
    • fire
    • blow up
    • detonate

    phrase go off: sound


    • sound
    • ring
    • toll
    • chime
    • peal

    phrase go off: take place


    • take place
    • happen
    • occur
    • come off
    • come about

    phrase go off: go bad


    • go bad
    • turn
    • spoil
    • rot
    • go stale

    phrase go on: happen


    • happen
    • occur
    • take place

    phrase go on: continue


    • continue
    • last
    • stay
    • proceed
    • carry on
    • keep going

    phrase go on about something


    • ramble on
    • carry on
    • chatter
    • waffle
    • witter (on)
    • rabbit on
    • prattle
    • blether

    phrase go on doing something or go on with something


    • continue
    • pursue
    • proceed
    • carry on
    • stick to
    • persist
    • keep on
    • keep at
    • persevere
    • stick at

    phrase go out: see someone


    • see someone
    • court
    • date
    • woo
    • go steady
    • be romantically involved with

    phrase go out: be extinguished


    • be extinguished
    • die out
    • fade out

    phrase go over something: examine


    • examine
    • study
    • review
    • revise
    • inspect
    • work over

    phrase go over something: rehearse


    • rehearse
    • read
    • scan
    • reiterate
    • skim over
    • peruse

    phrase go through


    • be completed
    • be approved
    • be concluded
    • be carried through

    phrase go through something: suffer


    • suffer
    • experience
    • bear
    • endure
    • brave
    • undergo
    • tolerate
    • withstand

    phrase go through something: search


    • search
    • look through
    • rummage through
    • rifle through
    • hunt through
    • fossick through
    • ferret about in

    phrase go through something: examine


    • examine
    • check
    • search
    • explore
    • look through
    • work over

    phrase go through something: use up


    • use up
    • exhaust
    • consume
    • squander

    phrase go through with something


    • carry on
    • continue
    • pursue
    • keep on
    • persevere

    phrase go together: harmonize


    • harmonize
    • match
    • agree
    • accord
    • fit
    • make a pair

    phrase go together: go out


    • go out
    • court
    • date
    • go steady

    phrase go under: fail


    • fail
    • die
    • sink
    • go down
    • fold
    • founder
    • succumb
    • go bankrupt

    phrase go under: sink


    • sink
    • go down
    • founder
    • submerge

    phrase go up


    • increase
    • rise
    • mount
    • soar
    • get higher

    phrase go without something


    • be deprived of
    • want
    • lack
    • be denied
    • do without
    • abstain
    • go short
    • deny yourself

    phrase go with something


    • match
    • suit
    • blend
    • correspond with
    • agree with
    • fit
    • complement
    • harmonize

    phrase no go


    • impossible
    • not on
    • vain
    • hopeless
    • futile

    Synonyms for go

    verb to move along a particular course


    • fare
    • journey
    • pass
    • proceed
    • push on
    • remove
    • travel
    • wend

    verb to proceed in a specified direction


    • bear
    • head
    • make
    • set out
    • strike out

    verb to move or proceed away from a place


    • depart
    • exit
    • get away
    • get off
    • go away
    • leave
    • pull out
    • quit
    • retire
    • run
    • withdraw
    • cut out
    • push off
    • shove off
    • blow
    • split
    • take off

    verb to look to when in need


    • apply
    • refer
    • repair
    • resort
    • run
    • turn

    verb to proceed on a certain course or for a certain distance


    • carry
    • extend
    • lead
    • reach
    • run
    • stretch

    verb to change or fluctuate within limits


    • extend
    • range
    • run
    • vary

    verb to perform a function effectively


    • function
    • operate
    • run
    • take
    • work

    verb to move toward a termination


    • go away
    • pass
    • pass away

    verb to have a proper or suitable place


    • belong
    • fit

    verb to move past in time


    • elapse
    • lapse
    • pass

    verb to be depleted


    • consume
    • spend

    verb to fall in


    • buckle
    • cave in
    • collapse
    • crumple
    • give

    verb to cease living


    • decease
    • demise
    • depart
    • die
    • drop
    • expire
    • pass away
    • pass
    • perish
    • succumb
    • pop off
    • check out
    • croak
    • kick in
    • kick off

    verb to do or fare well


    • boom
    • flourish
    • prosper
    • thrive
    • score

    verb to turn out well


    • come off
    • go over
    • pan out
    • succeed
    • work
    • work out
    • click

    verb to put up with


    • abide
    • accept
    • bear
    • brook
    • endure
    • stand
    • stomach
    • suffer
    • support
    • sustain
    • swallow
    • take
    • tolerate
    • withstand
    • lump

    verb to put up as a stake in a game or speculation


    • bet
    • gamble
    • lay
    • post
    • put
    • risk
    • stake
    • venture
    • wager

    verb to make an offer of


    • bid
    • offer

    phrase go along: to agree to cooperate or participate


    • play along

    phrase go around: to pass around but not through


    • bypass
    • circumnavigate
    • circumvent
    • detour
    • skirt

    phrase go around: to become known far and wide


    • circulate
    • get around
    • spread
    • travel

    phrase go at: to set upon with violent force


    • aggress
    • assail
    • assault
    • attack
    • beset
    • fall on
    • have at
    • sail into
    • storm
    • strike
    • light into
    • pitch into

    phrase go at: to start work on vigorously


    • attack
    • sail in
    • tackle
    • wade in

    phrase go away: to move or proceed away from a place


    • depart
    • exit
    • get away
    • get off
    • go
    • leave
    • pull out
    • quit
    • retire
    • run
    • withdraw
    • cut out
    • push off
    • shove off
    • blow
    • split
    • take off

    phrase go away: to move toward a termination


    • go
    • pass
    • pass away

    phrase go back: to go again to a former place


    • come back
    • return
    • revisit

    phrase go down: to come to the ground suddenly and involuntarily


    • drop
    • fall
    • nose-dive
    • pitch
    • plunge
    • spill
    • topple
    • tumble

    phrase go down: to undergo capture, defeat, or ruin


    • collapse
    • fall
    • go under
    • surrender
    • topple

    phrase go far: to gain success


    • arrive
    • get ahead
    • get on
    • rise
    • succeed

    phrase go for: to be favorably disposed toward


    • approve
    • countenance
    • favor
    • hold with

    phrase go for: to receive pleasure from


    • enjoy
    • like
    • relish
    • savor
    • dig

    phrase go for: to require a specified price


    • cost
    • sell for

    phrase go in: to come or go into (a place)


    • come in
    • enter
    • penetrate
    • put in

    phrase go off: to release or cause to release energy suddenly and violently, especially with a loud noise


    • blast
    • blow
    • burst
    • detonate
    • explode
    • fire
    • fulminate
    • touch off

    phrase go on: to be in existence or in a certain state for an indefinitely long time


    • abide
    • continue
    • endure
    • hold out
    • last
    • persist
    • remain
    • stay

    phrase go on: to continue without halting despite difficulties or setbacks


    • carry on
    • hang on
    • keep on
    • persevere
    • persist

    phrase go on: to talk volubly, persistently, and usually inconsequentially


    • babble
    • blabber
    • chatter
    • chitchat
    • clack
    • jabber
    • palaver
    • prate
    • prattle
    • rattle
    • run on
    • spiel
    • gab
    • gas
    • jaw
    • yak

    phrase go out: to be with another person socially on a regular basis


    • date
    • see
    • take out

    phrase go over: to turn out well


    • come off
    • go
    • pan out
    • succeed
    • work
    • work out
    • click

    phrase go over: to look at carefully or critically


    • check
    • con
    • examine
    • inspect
    • peruse
    • scrutinize
    • study
    • survey
    • traverse
    • view
    • case

    phrase go over: to give a recapitulation of the salient facts of


    • abstract
    • epitomize
    • recapitulate
    • review
    • run down
    • run through
    • summarize
    • sum up
    • synopsize
    • wrap up
    • recap

    phrase go through: to participate in or partake of personally


    • experience
    • feel
    • have
    • know
    • meet
    • see
    • suffer
    • taste
    • undergo
    • prove

    phrase go under: to undergo capture, defeat, or ruin


    • collapse
    • fall
    • go down
    • surrender
    • topple

    phrase go under: to undergo sudden financial failure


    • break
    • bust
    • collapse
    • crash
    • fail
    • fold

    phrase go up: to move upward on or along


    • ascend
    • climb
    • mount
    • scale

    phrase go with: to be in keeping with


    • become
    • befit
    • conform
    • correspond
    • fit
    • match
    • suit

    noun a trying to do or make something


    • attempt
    • crack
    • effort
    • endeavor
    • essay
    • offer
    • stab
    • trial
    • try
    • shot
    • take
    • assay

    noun a brief trial


    • crack
    • stab
    • try
    • fling
    • shot
    • whack
    • whirl

    noun a limited, often assigned period of activity, duty, or opportunity


    • bout
    • hitch
    • inning
    • shift
    • spell
    • stint
    • stretch
    • time
    • tour
    • trick
    • turn
    • watch

    noun capacity or power for work or vigorous activity


    • animation
    • energy
    • force
    • might
    • potency
    • power
    • puissance
    • sprightliness
    • steam
    • strength
    • get-up-and-go
    • pep
    • peppiness
    • zip

    adj in a state of preparedness


    • ready
    • set
    • together

    Synonyms for go

    noun a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)


    • spell
    • tour
    • turn

    Related Words

    • duty period
    • work shift
    • shift

    noun street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine


    • cristal
    • disco biscuit
    • hug drug
    • XTC
    • Adam
    • X
    • ecstasy

    Related Words

    • MDMA
    • methylenedioxymethamphetamine

    noun a usually brief attempt


    • fling
    • offer
    • whirl
    • crack
    • pass

    Related Words

    • attempt
    • effort
    • try
    • endeavor
    • endeavour

    noun a board game for two players who place counters on a grid


    • go game

    Related Words

    • board game
    • Nihon
    • Nippon
    • Japan

    verb change location


    • locomote
    • move
    • travel

    Related Words

    • circulate
    • go around
    • spread
    • carry
    • ease
    • whish
    • float
    • swap
    • seek
    • whine
    • fly
    • ride
    • come
    • ghost
    • betake oneself
    • overfly
    • pass over
    • travel
    • wend
    • do
    • raft
    • get about
    • get around
    • resort
    • repair
    • cruise
    • journey
    • come up
    • move
    • displace
    • round
    • trundle
    • push
    • travel purposefully
    • swing
    • rove
    • stray
    • roam
    • vagabond
    • wander
    • swan
    • ramble
    • range
    • drift
    • tramp
    • cast
    • roll
    • take the air
    • walk
    • meander
    • thread
    • wind
    • weave
    • spirt
    • spurt
    • forge
    • crawl
    • creep
    • scramble
    • slither
    • slide
    • wheel
    • glide
    • jounce
    • bounce
    • breeze
    • be adrift
    • blow
    • play
    • swim
    • move around
    • turn
    • circle
    • slice into
    • slice through
    • err
    • run
    • step
    • motor
    • drive
    • automobile
    • ski
    • wing
    • steam
    • steamer
    • tram
    • taxi
    • ferry
    • caravan
    • sit
    • prance
    • go up
    • rise
    • move up
    • lift
    • arise
    • uprise
    • ascend
    • come down
    • descend
    • go down
    • fall
    • crank
    • zigzag
    • travel along
    • follow
    • advance
    • march on
    • move on
    • progress
    • pass on
    • go on
    • draw back
    • move back
    • pull away
    • pull back
    • recede
    • retreat
    • withdraw
    • retire
    • retrograde
    • go forward
    • proceed
    • continue
    • back
    • pan
    • precede
    • lead
    • pursue
    • return
    • derail
    • jump
    • flock
    • accompany
    • billow
    • angle
    • go across
    • pass
    • go through
    • go past
    • pass by
    • travel by
    • go by
    • surpass
    • hurry
    • travel rapidly
    • zip
    • speed
    • zoom
    • hie
    • hotfoot
    • pelt along
    • race
    • rush
    • rush along
    • step on it
    • belt along
    • bucket along
    • cannonball along
    • hasten
    • shack
    • trail
    • shuttle
    • hiss
    • whoosh
    • whisk
    • career
    • circuit
    • lance
    • outflank
    • propagate
    • draw
    • transfer
    • change
    • swash
    • pace
    • tread
    • hurtle
    • whistle
    • island hop
    • plough
    • plow
    • lurch
    • sift
    • drag
    • bang
    • precess
    • snowshoe
    • beetle
    • carry on
    • climb
    • climb up
    • mount
    • go under
    • set
    • sink
    • settle
    • elapse
    • glide by
    • slide by
    • slip by
    • slip away
    • go along
    • lapse
    • abscond
    • absquatulate
    • go off
    • make off
    • run off
    • decamp
    • bolt
    • go out

    verb follow a procedure or take a course


    • proceed
    • move

    Related Words

    • act
    • move
    • work
    • venture
    • embark
    • steamroll
    • steamroller

    verb move away from a place into another direction


    • depart
    • go away

    Related Words

    • shove along
    • shove off
    • blow
    • exit
    • get out
    • go out
    • leave


    • come
    • come up

    verb enter or assume a certain state or condition


    • become
    • get

    Related Words

    • change state
    • turn
    • sober up
    • sober
    • work
    • take effect
    • run
    • take
    • break
    • settle

    verb have a particular form


    • run

    Related Words

    • be

    verb stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope


    • extend
    • run
    • lead
    • pass

    Related Words

    • be
    • come
    • ray
    • radiate
    • range
    • run
    • go deep
    • go far

    verb follow a certain course


    • proceed

    Related Words

    • hap
    • happen
    • occur
    • come about
    • take place
    • go on
    • pass off
    • fall out
    • pass
    • drag on
    • drag out
    • drag
    • fare
    • get along
    • make out
    • do
    • come

    verb be abolished or discarded

    Related Words

    • disappear
    • vanish
    • go away

    verb be or continue to be in a certain condition

    Related Words

    • be

    verb make a certain noise or sound


    • sound

    Related Words

    • snarl
    • sing
    • whistle
    • cause to be perceived
    • blow
    • ting
    • make noise
    • noise
    • resound
    • splat
    • twang
    • clang
    • clangor
    • clank
    • clangour
    • boom out
    • boom
    • drum
    • thrum
    • beat
    • rattle
    • ticktack
    • ticktock
    • tick
    • resonate
    • vibrate
    • crash
    • tweet
    • twirp
    • skirl
    • gurgle
    • glug
    • whish
    • guggle
    • ping
    • pink
    • knock
    • trump
    • squelch
    • chug
    • ring
    • peal
    • bombilate
    • bombinate
    • buzz
    • chime
    • rustle
    • crack
    • snap
    • beep
    • claxon
    • honk
    • toot
    • blare
    • reverberate
    • echo
    • thud
    • thump
    • clop
    • clump
    • clunk
    • plunk
    • patter
    • pitter-patter
    • rap
    • tap
    • click
    • chatter
    • pop
    • chink
    • tink
    • tinkle
    • clink
    • slosh
    • slush
    • splosh
    • splash
    • hum
    • bleep
    • rumble
    • grumble
    • din
    • bang
    • burble
    • ripple
    • bubble
    • babble
    • swish
    • swoosh
    • swosh
    • lap
    • drone
    • birr
    • purr
    • whir
    • whirr
    • whiz
    • whizz
    • roll

    verb perform as expected when applied


    • function
    • operate
    • work
    • run

    Related Words

    • double
    • roll
    • run
    • cut
    • work
    • service
    • serve

    verb to be spent or finished


    • run low
    • run short

    Related Words

    • go
    • end
    • cease
    • terminate
    • finish
    • stop

    verb progress by being changed


    • move
    • run

    Related Words

    • change

    verb continue to live through hardship or adversity


    • live on
    • survive
    • last
    • live
    • endure
    • hold out
    • hold up

    Related Words

    • live
    • be
    • subsist
    • exist
    • survive
    • hold water
    • stand up
    • hold up
    • perennate
    • live out

    verb pass, fare, or elapse

    Related Words

    • collocate with
    • construe with
    • cooccur with
    • co-occur with
    • go with

    verb pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life


    • croak
    • decease
    • die
    • drop dead
    • buy the farm
    • cash in one's chips
    • give-up the ghost
    • kick the bucket
    • pass away
    • perish
    • snuff it
    • pop off
    • expire
    • conk
    • exit
    • choke
    • pass

    Related Words

    • abort
    • change state
    • turn
    • asphyxiate
    • stifle
    • suffocate
    • buy it
    • pip out
    • drown
    • predecease
    • conk out
    • go bad
    • break down
    • die
    • fail
    • give out
    • give way
    • break
    • go
    • starve
    • famish
    • fall
    • succumb
    • yield

    verb be in the right place or situation


    • belong

    Related Words

    • be

    verb be ranked or compare

    Related Words

    • compare

    verb begin or set in motion


    • get going
    • start

    Related Words

    • come on
    • go on
    • come up
    • get off the ground
    • take off

    verb have a turn


    • move

    Related Words

    • make a motion
    • move
    • bluff
    • bluff out
    • stalemate
    • castle
    • serve
    • open
    • cast
    • draw
    • ruff
    • trump
    • maneuver
    • manoeuver
    • manoeuvre
    • operate
    • check

    verb blend or harmonize


    • blend in
    • blend

    Related Words

    • fit
    • go
    • accord
    • concord
    • fit in
    • harmonise
    • harmonize
    • consort
    • agree

    verb lead, extend, or afford access


    • lead

    Related Words

    • be

    verb be the right size or shape


    • fit

    Related Words

    • tessellate
    • joint
    • blend in
    • blend
    • go
    • fit

    verb go through in search of something


    • rifle

    Related Words

    • search

    verb be spent

    Related Words

    • run low
    • run short
    • go

    verb give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number


    • plump

    Related Words

    • choose
    • pick out
    • select
    • take

    verb stop operating or functioning


    • conk out
    • go bad
    • break down
    • die
    • fail
    • give out
    • give way
    • break

    Related Words

    • change
    • break
    • croak
    • decease
    • die
    • drop dead
    • buy the farm
    • cash in one's chips
    • give-up the ghost
    • kick the bucket
    • pass away
    • perish
    • snuff it
    • pop off
    • expire
    • conk
    • exit
    • choke
    • go
    • pass
    • go down
    • crash
    • blow out
    • burn out
    • blow
    • misfire
    • malfunction
    • misfunction

    adj functioning correctly and ready for action


    • no-go




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