Acronym | Definition |
FSI➣Foreign Service Institute |
FSI➣Financial Services Industry |
FSI➣Fore Systems, Inc. (switching equipment) |
FSI➣Flight Simulator |
FSI➣Fonds Stratégique d'Investissement (French: Strategic Investment Fund) |
FSI➣Failed States Index |
FSI➣Fluid Structure Interaction |
FSI➣Freeman Spogli Institute (Stanford University; Palo Alto, CA) |
FSI➣Fuel Stratified Injection |
FSI➣Future Store Initiative |
FSI➣Final Systems Installation |
FSI➣Floor Space Index |
FSI➣Free Standing Insert |
FSI➣Federazione Scacchistica Italiana (Italian Chess Federation) |
FSI➣Forest Survey of India |
FSI➣Front-Side Illuminated (sensors) |
FSI➣Fournisseur de Services Internet (France) |
FSI➣Fujisoft Incorporated (Japan) |
FSI➣Finers Stephens Innocent (law firm; UK) |
FSI➣Fairchild Semiconductor International (various locations) |
FSI➣Faculty Summer Institute (Illinois) |
FSI➣Free Swelling Index (coal) |
FSI➣Flight Safety International |
FSI➣Fonds Spécial d'Invalidité (French: Special Disability Fund) |
FSI➣Federation of Saskatchewan Indians (Canada) |
FSI➣Fox Sports International (sports programming) |
FSI➣Fortress Systems International (Charlotte, NC) |
FSI➣Final-State Interaction |
FSI➣Forensic Science International |
FSI➣Florida Space Institute |
FSI➣Fund Screen Investigation (finance) |
FSI➣Federal Systems Integrator |
FSI➣Flawless Start-Up Initiative (oil production) |
FSI➣Funk Software, Inc. (Cambridge, MA) |
FSI➣Football Supporters International (fan club) |
FSI➣Federal Sources, Inc. |
FSI➣Free Space Interiors (India) |
FSI➣Freshman Summer Institute (various schools) |
FSI➣Forensic Science Institute (Los Angeles, CA) |
FSI➣Football Streaming Info |
FSI➣Financial Status Indicator (stock trading) |
FSI➣Fishery Survey of India |
FSI➣Fellow of the Securities Institute |
FSI➣FRISK Software International |
FSI➣Fédération Suisse des Organisations d'Informatique |
FSI➣Fuji Seal International (Japan) |
FSI➣First State Innovation (Delaware) |
FSI➣Financial Systems Integration |
FSI➣Formal System Identifier |
FSI➣Fellow of the Securities & Investment Institute |
FSI➣Fusfeld Group Inc (Framingham, MA) |
FSI➣Flanders Scientific. Incorporated |
FSI➣Food, Seed and Industrial (agriculture) |
FSI➣Faculty Staff Intranet (Gwynedd-Mercy College; Pennsylvania) |
FSI➣Future Store Initiative (Metro Group) |
FSI➣FACTS Services, Inc. (Coral Gables, FL) |
FSI➣Feng Shui Information |
FSI➣Funeral Services, Inc (Tallahassee, FL) |
FSI➣Failed Self Install |
FSI➣Fleet Synergy International |
FSI➣Flag State Implementation Sub-Committee (IMO) |
FSI➣Functionally Significant Item |
FSI➣Fasting Glucose and Specific Insulin Levels |
FSI➣Facility Science Instrument |
FSI➣Financial Service Institution |
FSI➣Fraud Scheme Investigator |
FSI➣Feasibility Study Institute |
FSI➣Family Stations, Inc. (Oakland, CA) |
FSI➣FORCEnet Services Infrastructure |
FSI➣Federazióne Svizzera Delle Organizzatióni d'Informatica |
FSI➣Federal Stock Item |
FSI➣Fire Safety International Ltd (UK) |
FSI➣Financial Statement Item |
FSI➣Fuchs Swelling Index |
FSI➣Forestry Science Institute of Vietnam |
FSI➣Flight System Integration |
FSI➣Federal Spousal Impoverishment |
FSI➣Full Screen Interstitial (Interative Media advertising unit) |