Girl Guide

Girl Guide

n. A member of the Girl Guides, a British organization of young women and girls founded in 1910.

Girl Guide

n (Other Non-sporting Hobbies) See Guide

Girl′ Guide′

n. a member of a British organization of girls founded as a sister organization of the Girl Scouts. [1905–10]


(gəːl) noun1. a female child. Her new baby is a girl. 女孩 女孩子2. a young usually unmarried woman. 姑娘 姑娘ˈgirlish adjective of or like a girl. girlish laughter. 少女的 少女的ˈgirl-friend noun a girl or woman who is often in the company of a particular man or boy. He is taking his girl-friend to the cinema tonight. 女朋友 女朋友Girl Guide (also Guide), (American) Girl Scout (also no capitals) a member of an organization for girls which is aimed at developing character etc. 女童軍 女童子军