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gastroduodenostomy (ˌɡæstrəʊˌdjuːəʊdiːˈnɒstəmɪ) n (Surgery) a surgical operation in which the duodenum is joined to a new opening in the stomach, esp to bypass an obstructiongastroduodenostomy
gastroduodenostomy [gas″tro-doo″o-dĕ-nos´tah-me] anastomosis between the stomach and the duodenum; called also Billroth I procedure. Subtotal gastrectomy removes acid-secreting portions of the stomach. After removing the distal stomach (inset) a surgeon sutures the remaining portion of the stomach to the duodenum (Billroth I procedure) or to the proximal jejunum (Billroth II procedure). From Polaski and Tatro, 1996.gas·tro·du·o·de·nos·to·my (gas'trō-dū'ō-dĕ-nos'tŏ-mē), Establishment of a communication between the stomach and the duodenum. [gastro- + duodenum + G. stoma, mouth] gastroduodenostomy (găs′trō-do͞o′ə-də-nŏs′tə-mē, -do͞o-ŏd′n-ŏs′-)n. The surgical formation of a communication between the stomach and the duodenum.gas·tro·du·o·de·nos·to·my (gas'trō-dū-ō-dĕ-nos'tŏ-mē) Establishment of a communication between the stomach and the duodenum. [gastro- + duodenum + G. stoma, mouth]gastroduodenostomy A surgical junction made between the stomach and the duodenum so that the contents can flow readily from one to the other. |