calcar femorale

cal·car fe·mo·ra·'le

a bony spur springing from the underside of the neck of the femur above and anterior to the lesser trochanter, adding to the strength of this part of the bone. Synonym(s): Bigelow septum

calcar femorale

A bony spur that strengthens the femoral neck. See also: calcar


Henry J., U.S. surgeon, 1818-1890. Bigelow clampBigelow evacuator - instrument used to remove fragments of bladder calculi.Bigelow forcepsBigelow ligament - among the strongest of the body's ligaments, it limits extension at the hip joint. Synonym(s): iliofemoral ligamentBigelow litholapaxy - process of crushing a bladder stone and using a catheter to wash out fragments.Bigelow lithotriteBigelow septum - a bony spur springing from the underside of the neck of the femur above and anterior to the lesser trochanter. Synonym(s): calcar femoraleBigelow sutures