colloid milium

col·loid mil·i·um

(kol'loyd mil'ē-ŭm), Yellow papules developing in sun-damaged skin of the head and backs of the hands, composed of colloid material in the dermis resembling amyloid but with a different ultrastructure. Filaments less than 2.0 nm in diameter are present that may be a form of elastic tissue produced by actinically damaged fibroblasts. Synonym(s): colloid pseudomilium, elastosis colloidalis conglomerata [L. milium, millet]

col·loid mil·i·um

(kol'oyd mil'ē-ŭm) Yellow papules developing in sun-damaged skin of the head and backs of the hands, composed of colloid material in the dermis resembling amyloid but with a different ultrastructure.
Synonym(s): colloid acne, colloid pseudomilium.
[L. milium, millet]

colloid milium

Tiny papule formed beneath the epidermis due to colloid degeneration.See also: milium