Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area

Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Minnesota
Location:15 miles northeast of Brainerd on Hwy 210.
Facilities:16 drive-in campsites, surfaced bike trail (5 miles), bike rentals, skiand snowshoe rentals, picnic area, swimming beach, fishing pier,boating access (drive in or carry in), canoe/kayak rentals, historicsite, interpretive exhibits.
Activities:Camping, lake fishing, canoeing, swimming, bicycling, tours.
Special Features:This area of former mining pits and rock deposit stockpiles hasregenerated vegetation and clear lakes with 25 miles of undevelopedshoreline that can be explored by boat or canoe. Croft Mine HistoricalPark, in Ironton, offers tours and interpretive programs. Most of thefacilities at the park are privately owned and operated.
Address:307 3rd St
PO Box 404
Ironton, MN 56455

Size: 1,824 acres.

See other parks in Minnesota.