Cuyamaca Rancho State Park
Cuyamaca Rancho State Park
Location:East of San Diego, 5 miles north of I-8 on Highway 79.
Facilities:167 developed family campsites (no hookups) with restrooms and payshowers, group camps, including an equestrian family camp, picnicareas (é), trails (100+ miles), visitor center (é). Campgrounds are seasonal (closed December-March).
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, mountain biking, wildlife viewing, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park offers acres of meadows, mountains, and oak woodlands, with more than 100 miles of multi-use trails. Though the parksustained serious damage in an October 2003 wildfire, the meadows arestill abundant with summer wildflowers and native grasses,oaks are thriving, and pine seedlings are flourishing.
Address:c/o Colorado Desert District Office
200 Palm Canyon Dr
Borrego Springs, CA 92004
Size: 24,693 acres. Elevation: 6,000 feet.
See other parks in California.