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DictionarySeecalamuscalamus scriptorius
cal·a·mus scrip·to·'ri·usinferior part of the rhomboid fossa; the narrow lower end of the fourth ventricle between the two clavae. Synonym(s): Arantius ventricle [L. writing pen] cal·a·mus scrip·to·ri·us (kal'ă-mŭs skrip-tō'rē-ŭs) Inferior part of the rhomboid fossa; the narrow lower end of the fourth ventricle between the two clavae. [L. writing pen]Arantius, (Aranzio), Giulio C., Italian anatomist and physician, 1530-1589. Arantius ligament - a thin fibrous cord, lying in the fissure of the ligamentum venosum; the remains of the ductus venosus of the fetus. Synonym(s): ligamentum venosumArantius nodule - a nodule at the center of the free border of each semilunar valve at the beginning of the pulmonary artery and aorta.Synonym(s): corpus arantii; nodule of semilunar valveArantius ventricle - inferior part of the rhomboid fossa. Synonym(s): calamus scriptoriuscorpus arantii - Synonym(s): Arantius noduleductus venosus arantii - rarely used term for ductus venosus. |