

单词 cal



abbr. calorie (large calorie)


abbr.1. calorie (mean calorie)2. calorie (small calorie)


abbreviation for (Computer Science) computer-aided (or -assisted) learning


1. California. 2. kilocalorie.


1. calendar. 2. caliber. 3. calorie.
didattica assistita dal calcolatoreinsegnamento assistito dal calcolatore



(thermodynamics) calorie


(thermodynamics) kilocalorie


[kal] (computer science) A higher-level language, developed especially for time-sharing purposes, in which a user at a remote console typewriter is directly connected to the computer and can work out problems on-line with considerable help from the computer. Derived from Conversational Algebraic Language.


On drawings, abbr. for calorie.


(1)Computer Assisted Learning.


(2)Course Author Language.


(1) (Computer-Assisted Learning) See CBT.

(2) (Conversational Algebraic Language) A timesharing language from the University of California.

(3) (Common Application Language) An object-oriented programming language (EIA-721) for communicating to devices on a home network. It started out as part of the CEBus home network and evolved into an EIA standard. See CEBus and Home Plug & Play.

(4) (Client Access License) Microsoft's general term for corporate, volume licensing agreements as opposed to single user registration of software.



 [kal´o-re] any of several units of heat defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius (1°C) at a specified temperature. The calorie used in chemistry and biochemistry is equal to 4.184 joules. Symbol cal. See also nutrition.
In referring to the energy content of foods it is customary to use the “large calorie,” which is equal to 1 kilocalorie (kcal). Every bodily process, including the building up of cells, motion of the muscles, and the maintenance of body temperature, requires energy, which the body derives from the food it consumes. Digestive processes reduce food to usable “fuel,” which the body “burns” in the complex chemical reactions that sustain life. The amount of energy required for these chemical processes varies. Factors such as weight, age, activity, and metabolic rate determine a person's daily calorie requirement. Nutrition experts have computed daily calorie requirements in terms of age and other factors. These tabulations serve only as guides; they cannot, of course, embrace all individual variations.
From its daily intake of energy foods, the body uses only the amount it needs for energy purposes. The remainder is stored as fat. If the average adult consumes more calories than the daily requirement, he or she will gain weight. However, if consumption is less than recommended daily requirements, the body will supplement its energy sources by drawing upon stores of fat and the person will lose weight.


Abbreviation for large calorie.


Abbreviation for small calorie.


abbr. calorie (large calorie)


abbr.1. calorie (mean calorie)2. calorie (small calorie)


Abbreviation for:
calculated average life
chronic airflow limitation
clinical attachment level
computer-assisted learning (Medspeak-UK)
conditional associative learning
coracoacromial ligament
coronary artery lesion


Abbreviation for small calorie.

Patient discussion about cal

Q. In which sports do you burn the most calories? I heard that in a spinning session you can burn up to 1000 calories and that Bikram yoga is also very good for burning lots of calories. Do you know of other sports? A. Running and cycling are considered high-expenditure sports. Generally, the higher you get your pulse during the exercise the higher your calorie expenditure is. However, the burning fat is optimal at a certain pulse, usually not the highest you can get yourself to.
You may read more here:

Q. Low calorie desserts - any suggestions? I’m having my in-laws for a dinner next week, and since my husband has started a diet lately I’m looking for a low-calorie desserts to end the low-fat meal I’m preparing. Any idea?A. You can find suggestions and recipes here:
(http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/lf_hl_low_calorie/0,2661,FOOD_21616,00.html )

Q. Is it true that alcohol has lots of calories? if so, then how can it be that people who are alcoholics are not all very fat?A. Alcohol carries about 7 Kcal per gram. 1 gram of fat gives 9 kcal & 1 gram of carbohydrate gives 4 kcal. but vast amount of alcohol can suppress the need for food, so they can pass out every afternoon and forget eating. obesity is a better situation. trust me.

More discussions about cal
FinancialSeeCapital Allocation Line


CALCopyright Agency Limited (Australia)
CALClient Access License (Microsoft)
CALCalifornia (old style)
CALContinental Airlines, Inc. (stock symbol)
CALUniversity of California, Berkeley
CALCenter for Applied Linguistics
CALClass Action Lawsuit
CALComputer Assisted Learning
CALCalgary, Alberta
CALComputer-Aided Learning
CALComputer Aided Learning
CALCommercial and Administrative Law (US subcommittee)
CALCertified Automotive Locksmith (Associated Locksmiths of America)
CALCanadian-American League (sports)
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CALCayman Airways, Ltd. (Cayman Islands)
CALCatholic Athletic League
CALCenter for Association Leadership
CALCollege of Arts Letters (various locations)
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CALCape Ann League (Massachusetts)
CALCalendar Access Library
CALClient Access License
CALComputer Aided Logistics
CALCompiler Abstraction Layer
CALCyberathlete Amateur League
CALChristian Academy of Louisville (Kentucky)
CALCyberathlete Amateur League (gaming)
CALCoastal Arts League (Half Moon Bay, CA)
CALCharlotte Art League (North Carolina)
CALCatholic Action League (various locations)
CALContemporary A Cappella League (singing)
CALComputer Architecture Laboratory (various schools)
CALSmall Calorie (referring to heating 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius)
CALCenter for Army Leadership
CALClinical Attachment Loss (periodontics)
CALComputer-Aided Logistics
CALLarge Calorie (referring to heating 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius)
CALComputer Applications Laboratory (various organizations)
CALChronic Airflow Limitation
CALContract and Agency Labor
CALCategory Assurance List (US DoD)
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CALCAN Application Layer (part of CAN protocol)
CALCornell Aeronautical Laboratory
CALCommon Application Language
CALChina Airlines, Taiwan (ICAO code)
CALCafé Au Lait spots
CALCentre Antoine Lacassagne
CALCanadian Agriculture Library
CALConférence Francophone sur les Architectures Logicielles
CALCapital Allocation Line
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CALCustomer Access Line
CALCustomer Acceptance Line (Ford)
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CALCercle Amical Lannemezan (French: Lannemezan Friendship Circle; Lannemezan, France)
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CALClassified Action Log
CALCompetitive Analysis Logic (Chart)




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