

单词 asm



abbreviation for 1. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) air-to-surface missile 2. (Theatre) theatre assistant stage manager



(ordnance) air-to-surface missile


assembly language


(1) (Association for Systems Management) An international membership organization based in Cleveland, Ohio. Founded in 1947 and disbanded in 1996, it sponsored conferences in all phases of administrative systems and management.

(2) The file extension for assembly language source programs.



GOST 7.67 Latin three-letter geocode for American Samoa. The code is used for transactions to and from American Samoan bank accounts and for international shipping to American Samoa. As with all GOST 7.67 codes, it is used primarily in Cyrillic alphabets.


ASMAssembly (language)
ASMAssembler Source Language (file name extension)
ASMAmerican Society for Microbiology
ASMAmazing Spider-Man (comic book)
ASMAutomatic Storage Management (software)
ASMAmerican Samoa (ISO Country code)
ASMAirway Smooth Muscle
ASMAir-to-Surface Missile
ASMAnnual Scientific Meeting (various organizations)
ASMAdvantage Sales and Marketing (Irvine, CA)
ASMAbstract State Machine
ASMAssociated Students of Madison (University of Wisconsin)
ASMAdvances in Strategic Management
ASMAkademi Sains Malaysia (Malay: Academy of Sciences Malaysia)
ASMAssistant Store Manager
ASMAvailable Seat Mile
ASMArea Sales Manager
ASMAerospace Sciences Meeting (Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc.)
ASMAdaptec Storage Manager (computing)
ASMAny Source Multicast
ASMAllgäu-Schwäbischer Musikbund (German: Allgäu-Swabian Music League; southern Germany)
ASMAnnual Spring Meeting (various organizations)
ASMAssistant Secretary for Management (various organizations)
ASMAcibenzolar-S-Methyl (fungicide)
ASMAbnormal Situation Management
ASMArchitectural Stm Module
ASMApplication Security Manager
ASMAcer System Management
ASMAutomatikschaltmodus Manueller Schaltmodus
ASMAssociation for Systems Management
ASMApplication Specific Memory
ASMAdvanced Services Module
ASMAutomated Storage Management
ASMAnalog Switching Module
ASMApplication Storage Manager
ASMAll in One Storage Manager
ASMAssembly Language
ASMAdministrative Service Module
ASMAdvanced System Management
ASMAdaptec Storage Manager
ASMAll Star Movies (hotel; Walt Disney World Resort; Orlando, FL)
ASMAll Sales Manufacturing
ASMArtisanal and Small-scale Mining
ASMA Single Man (film)
ASMAssistant Stage Manager
ASMAustralian Society for Microbiology (Melbourne, VIC, Australia)
ASMAll-Sky Monitor
ASMAssistant Scoutmaster (Boy Scouts of America)
ASMAggressive Space Mapping (algorithm)
ASMAcceleration Simulation Mode (emission test standard)
ASMAfter School Music (band)
ASMAirspace Management
ASMAdvanced Systems Management
ASMApplication Server Model (software)
ASMAmerican Society for Materials (now the Materials Information Society)
ASMAnnual Stockholders Meeting
ASMAsset Management System
ASMApplications Sales Manager (various companies)
ASMAlgorithmic State Machine
ASMAssociation Sportive de Monaco (Monaco Sporting Association)
ASMAdvanced System Monitoring (software)
ASMAntenna Switch Module
ASMAssociation Sportive Montferrandaise (French rugby club)
ASMAction Sports Media
ASMAgricultural Systems Management
ASMAmerican Society for Metals International
ASMAcademy of Sciences Malaysia
ASMAcquisition Strategy Meeting (US NASA)
ASMactivated sludge model
ASMAmerican Society of Missiology
ASMAssistant Service Manager (automotive)
ASMAntiship Missile
ASMArmored Scout Mission (US DoD)
ASMAntigen Spam Manager (spam detection and removal)
ASMAnderson Schools of Management
ASMAdvanced Server Management
ASMApplication-Specific Memory
ASMAdministrative Support Manual
ASMAdvanced Strategic Management Consultants (Burk Falls, ON, Canada)
ASMAustrian Society for Aerospace Medicine
ASMAccount Services Manager
ASMAviation Support Equipment Technician Mechanical (US Navy)
ASMArea Service Manager
ASMAssociation of Systems Management
ASMArmored Systems Modernization
ASMApplication Support and Maintenance
ASMAir Systems Master
ASMActive Switching Matrix (switch packets)
ASMActive Stability Management (gaming, Gran Tourismo)
ASMAlgebraic Stress Model
ASMAir Separation Module
ASMAustralian Security Medal
ASMAdvanced Services Module (Riverstone Networks)
ASMAir Services Museum (Colorado)
ASMArtificer Sergeant Major
ASMAMTCS (Aviation Maintenance Training Continuum System) Software Module
ASMAircraft Structural Maintenance
ASMAntarctica Service Medal
ASMAnti-Seizure Medication
ASMAnonymous Subscriber Messaging
ASMAuxiliary Storage Manager
ASMActuarial Study Materials (educational publisher)
ASMAsynchronous State Machine
ASMAttached Synchronization Marker (telecommunications)
ASMArray Scanning Method
ASMAssociate Store Manager
ASMApplication of Software Measurement
ASMAccount-Specific Marketing (marketing)
ASMApplication Systems Management
ASMApplication Service Manager
ASMATM Switching Module
ASMAdministrative Services Manual
ASMAssociation des Sports Mécaniques (French: Motorsports Association)
ASMArea Store Manager
ASMAura Session Manager (Avaya)
ASMAutomated Scheduling Message
ASMAlarm Siren Module (automotive)
ASMAircraft Schematics Manual (aviation)
ASMArea Sales Management
ASMApplication of Software Models
ASMAutomated System Management
ASMAgriculture Systems Management Club
ASMAutomated Software Maintenance
ASMAviation Survival Man
ASMActuator Signal Management
ASMAuxiliary Systems Monitor (Navy watch duty)
ASMAcademic Specialty Monitor
ASMAdaptive Security Management
ASMAncillary Service Management
ASMAnalog Symbol Monitoring
ASMAcoustic Surface Measurement
ASMAttitude Sensor Model
ASMAccess Switching Module (ATM)
ASMAdvanced Scavenging Model (air pollution modeling)
ASMAgency Spread Matrix
ASMArmy Security Monitor
ASMAircraft State Message
ASM(USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician (Mechanical)
ASMAuxiliary Storage Module
ASMAdaptive Signal Masking
ASMAudio Switching Matrix
ASMAsmara, Eritrea - Asmara International/Yohannes Iv (Airport Code)
ASMAircraft Squadron Manning Document
ASMAirborne Supersonic Missile
ASMAirfield Survivability Measures
ASMAbominable Snow Man
ASMAirsoft-Mende (French Airsoft club)
ASMAdvanced Skills Management System (US Navy)
ASMAircraft Supportability Modifications
ASMAccessibility Similarity Matrix
ASMAdvanced Sea Mine
ASMAnti-Static Material
ASMATM Service Multiplexer (Fujitsu)
ASMApplication Systems Maintenance
ASMAssociation Sportive Mouvalloise (French sports association)
ASMAssembly of Social Mobilization (Sri Lanka)
ASMArmy Synchronization Meeting (US Army)




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