Dzhalol Ikrami
Ikrami, Dzhalol
Born Sept. 7 (20), 1909, in Bukhara. Soviet Tadzhik writer; member of the CPSU since 1945. Son of a kadi (judge). First published in 1927 (the short story “Night in Registan”).
The themes of Ikrami’s early short stories were the emancipation of women in the Orient, the Civil War, and the exposure of the hypocrisy of the clergy. He is the author of the novella The Serpent (1934); the drama The Enemy (1933); the comedy Seeds of Love (1937); and the novels Shodi (parts 1–2, 1949; Russian translation, 1950), in which the formation of the kolkhoz system in postwar Tadzhikistan is depicted, and Daughter of Fire (1962; Russian translation, 1964), about the fate of a Tadzhik woman before the revolution. He dramatized the short story “The Unfortunate Girl” (1950) and the novel Dokhunda (1954) by S. Aini. Ikrami has been awarded three orders, as well as several medals.
[Ikromi, Jalol.] Asarhoi 1–3—. Dushanbe, 196871—.Ustodi man, maktabi man, khudi man.Dushanbe, 1970.
In Russian translation:
Prikliucheniia v doroge.Moscow, 1966.
Dvenadtsal’vorot Bukhary.Moscow, 1970.
Ocherk istorii tadzhikskoi sovetskoi literalury. Moscow, 1964.Huseynzoda, Sh. Jalol Ikromi.[Dushanbe] 1959.