a town in Osh Oblast, Kirghiz SSR. Situated in the Kugart valley, on the Frunze-Osh highway. Its railroad station is 79 km northeast of Andizhan. Population, 44,000 (1970), compared to 6,000 in 1916 and 15,000 in 1939.
Dzhalal-Abad has light industry (a cotton mill and factories for garments, footwear, and furniture), food processing (a fruit and vegetable complex, a meat-packing plant, a dairy products plant, a brewery, and a confectionery factory), a building materials and components complex, an asphalt-bitumen plant, and metalworking facilities. It is the home of a veterinary and zootechnical technicum, a cooperative technicum, a medical school, and a teacher-training school.
The Dzhalal-Abad balneological health resort is located 5 km out of town at an altitude of about 980 m. Summers are hot (with a mean July temperature of 27°C) and dry, and winters are mild (mean January temperature, -2°C). Precipitation is around 460 mm a year. Therapy includes peat mud and mineral water, which (Well No. 1) is of the following composition:
The water is used for bathing in the pools, for baths, and for drinking. Treatment is provided for patients with ailments of the organs of locomotion and support, the peripheral nervous system, and the organs of digestion, as well as for gynecological disorders and those of the kidneys and skin. Facilities include a sanatorium, a bathhouse with pools, therapeutic mud baths, and pumprooms where water is dispensed for drinking.