Charles-Philippe-Henri Ronsin

Ronsin, Charles-Philippe-Henri


Born 1752, in Sois-sons; died Mar. 24, 1794, in Paris. Prominent figure in the French Revolution; playwright.

Ronsin joined the National Guards at the beginning of the revolution and became a member of the club of Cordeliers. He became known through the tragedies he wrote on revolutionary and patriotic themes. In 1792 he was a representative with the army of C. F. Dumouriez. In 1793 he participated in the suppression of the counterrevolutionary insurrection in the Vendée. During the Jacobin dictatorship he joined the Hébertists and became one of their leaders, calling for the revolution to be carried further. He was guillotined along with other Hébertist leaders.


Oblomievskii, D. D. Literatura frantsuzskoi revoliutsii 1789–1794 gg. Moscow, 1964.
Herlaut, A. Le Général rouge Ronsin. Paris [1956].