

E0266100 (ĭk-sklo͞od′)tr.v. ex·clud·ed, ex·clud·ing, ex·cludes 1. To prevent from entering; keep out; bar: a jar sealed to exclude outside air; an immigration policy that excludes undesirables.2. To prevent from being included, considered, or accepted; reject: The court excluded the improperly obtained evidence.3. To put out; expel.
[Middle English excluden, from Latin exclūdere : ex-, ex- + claudere, to shut.]
ex·clud′a·bil′i·ty n.ex·clud′a·ble, ex·clud′i·ble adj. & n.ex·clud′er n.


(ɪkˌskluːdəˈbɪlɪtɪ) nthe quality of being able to be excluded