Cain complex

Cain com·plex

(kān), a rarely used term for extreme envy or jealousy of a brother, leading to hatred. Synonym(s): brother complex [Cain, biblical personage]
A destructive sibling rivalry, in which one of the siblings resents the other for perceived favouritism from a parental figure

Cain complex

Psychiatry A destructive sibling rivalry, in which one of the sibs resents the other for perceived favoritism from a parental figure

Cain com·plex

(kān kom'pleks) Extreme envy or jealousy of a brother, degenerating into hatred. [Cain, biblical personage]


character in Old Testament of the Bible who killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. Cain complex - hatred of a brother due to envy or jealousy. Synonym(s): brother complex