Fourmarier, Paul Frédéric Joseph
Fourmarier, Paul Frédéric Joseph
Born Dec. 25, 1877, in La Hulpe, Brabant; died Jan. 20, 1970, in Liège. Belgian geologist and specialist in tectonics.
Fourmarier graduated from the University of Liège in 1899 and became a professor at the university in 1920. His main works dealt with geology, stratigraphy, tectonics, and hydrogeology, as well as with the geology of Belgium and of the Belgian Congo (now Zaïre) and other regions of Central Africa. He devoted special attention to the study of fold structures and cleavage and described the overthrust nappes in the Ardennes. Fourmarier studied the problem of continental drift.
Principes de géologie, 3rd ed. Paris, 1944.Eléments de géologie, 4th ed. Paris, 1944.
Hydrogéologie. Paris, 1939.
Vue d’ensemble sur la géologie de la Belgique. Paris-Liège, 1934.
In Russian translation:
Problemy dreifa kontinentov. Moscow, 1971.